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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes. 205 51.8%   
No. 191 48.2%   

Survey posted 2001-05-24 00:23 by Andy Selle.

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Only on Windows 98
bdesham  Account Info
(Web Page)

*no VTI for macs! arrgh!*

bdesham's -2(e^(i*pi)) cents

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 03:56 GMT

Re: Only on Windows 98
GavinO  Account Info
(Web Page)

That would be because a Mac can't handle it :) J/K

Reply to this comment    28 May 2001, 18:48 GMT

Re: Re: Only on Windows 98
Yottabyte  Account Info
(Web Page)

or LinuxPPC and WINE (or will that work? I haven't tried it.)
there's also bochs, but you have to compile it yourself :(

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 07:23 GMT

Knight/Rocket Account Info

No, I never have. I have always been one to favor physical presence over electronic, at least when I have an option.

Since I only program in BASIC, the Graph-Link is pretty much all I need to program efficiently.

While I see how these emulators can help those who program extensively, I am not one of those and thus have no use for the emulator.

Knight/Rocket's 2c.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 04:08 GMT

Re: Nope.
Yottabyte  Account Info
(Web Page)

I find VTI usful for cheating on tests. (when notes aren't allowed but calcs are, and you have a fake mem cear prog, or the teacher doenn't make you reset.)

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 07:25 GMT

Copy, Paste, Send to Calc.
Knight/Rocket Account Info

Why is VTI needed to add notes to your calculator? A student in my AP Chem class last year programmed 21 chapters of his Chem book into his 86 using only Cut-Paste and a Graph-Link.

Knight/Rocket's 4c.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2001, 01:36 GMT

Thank God
Ben Ilegbodu  Account Info
(Web Page)

I really don't have anything to say about the topic because I don't use VTI because it didn't work, but I am just glad that there is a new survey. The previous survey worn out its welcome.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 05:22 GMT

Re: Thank God
762mm  Account Info

hell yes

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 00:54 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Chuck Slezak  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, I use VTI, but the only problem is that I can't get it to reconize the TI-86. I have all the requirements for it, but it just won't do it. So all I have on it is the 85...oh well.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 05:42 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Christopher Sturtz  Account Info

Yow, its split exactly 50-50 right at the moment.

Anyway, I WANT to be able to use an emulator, but unfortunately I lack a computer capable of running such a thing. I own a Compaq, so thats why I can't run any emulators.

-Cristopher Sturtz
(Note the lack of "h". That's the way I like it)

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 06:17 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
kaizer_911  Account Info

What does your computer being a Compaq have to do with not being able to run an emulator? I have Compaq Presario 5150 and I can run VTI and the new GTK Emulator for the 89 just fine. BTW my compaq is as follows: 350 Mhz AMD K6-2, 256 MB SDRAM PC100, 8.1 gig HD, 32x CD, 10x4x32 CDRW w/4MB Buffer, ATI Rage Pro 4 MB, and USB, sound, modem, the norm, Win98 first edtion, and I have no problems whatsoever running an emulator on my Compaq, sounds like you have one of the OLDER ones like a Compaq CDS 660 (486).


Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 06:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Christopher Sturtz  Account Info

Well, its not quite that old. Its a MediaGX 180MHz processor which Windows recognized as only a 486, it doesn't even have MMX support (One of the reasons I think emulators won't run on here), and it is quite unstable.

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 04:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Andreas Finne  Account Info
(Web Page)

I use VTI a lot and it works, a bit slow but it works, on my Compaq ProLinea 4/33. That's a 486 33MHz with 16MB RAM....

Reply to this comment    27 May 2001, 15:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Yottabyte  Account Info
(Web Page)

Somtimes compinays like compaq sell stuff that only has usb ports.

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 07:27 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
XprO  Account Info
(Web Page)

I use VTI a lot. I don't know what I would do without it, because I program in ASM, and my beta versions crash all the time. And even if they didn't crash, I still don't have the link cable. Thanks to Rusty Wagner for his awesome emulator.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 07:53 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

All I use Virtual TI is for restoring all programs to my hardware TI-86 once I reset it. Also I use it for testing assembly programs that I create because if it crashes I simply revert to the saved state.

I don't rely on Virtual TI very often. I voted 'No' to this survey because I believe that anything to do with emulators are illegal, particually the ROMs. 'Backup' and 'Archival' copies may not be authorised. Also it is reverse engineering the chips.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2001, 18:08 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
XprO  Account Info
(Web Page)

Who cares if it is illegal. It really helps people and I bet there are lots of those who are grateful for VTI.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 07:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

I'm sure a lot of people would say that for Napster as well. But that's illegal too, whether we like it or not.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2001, 15:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

Napster has added code into their system so that it blocks copyrighted MP3s. It is done by stopping songs with obvious titles being uploaded. Napster should now be legal but many people would have left by now!!!

Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 09:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
benefreako89 Account Info

"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny..."

Reply to this comment    28 May 2001, 15:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Skiddy Skiddy

Here here

Reply to this comment    31 May 2001, 03:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Shaun  Account Info

From The Top Signs That You Are a Nerd:
#3: Quoting Yoda.

Reply to this comment    31 May 2001, 05:03 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Sean Barnes  Account Info
(Web Page)

>Also it is reverse engineering the chips.

What?! Zilog and Motorola give away all the details needed to make an emulator for free. Have you ever looked at the source code for a Z80 emulator? The central part just decodes the different opcodes and acts like the CPU would. This information is freely available from Zilog and Motorola. The rest of the emulator covers the ports, memory, and screen (I'm just talking about a Z80 emulator here). TI provides the documentation for how the screen acts, how much memory is available (and how it's paged), and what each Z80 io port is supposed to do. The information is free and takes no reverse engineering. And the emulator is not illegal, because you could use it to run your own ROMs quite easily.


Reply to this comment    26 May 2001, 00:02 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
YodaSean Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, the only way their illegal is if you downloaded the ROM from the internet instead of getting it from your calculator

Reply to this comment    28 May 2001, 22:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Christopher Sturtz  Account Info

Agreed. Emulators >ARE NOT ILLEGAL< If one of three conditions exist...

A: You own the item being emulated and obtained any ROM image(s) from said item

B: Permission to emulate said item, even if it is not owned, is given by the original maker (That's why Texas Instruments has a TI-80 emulator free for download, ROM and all, on their webpage. Well, that and because it's so old).

C: You delete ROM images which were obtained from other people or sources after 24 hours.

And before someone says anything, it's not the EMULATORS that are illegal, it's unauthorized ROM images. That's why these conditions for legality exist.

Reply to this comment    1 June 2001, 04:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Yottabyte  Account Info
(Web Page)

Point C is just somthing rom sites say, it's not true. Not like anyone's gonna bust you for illegal use of roms tho.

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 07:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Christopher Sturtz  Account Info

(I mentioned this in another post somewhere above or below this one, forget which one)

Actually, even ROMS downloaded from the internet can be used legally, although they must be deleted after 24 hours. It's sort of like one of those "Just to see what it does" deals

Reply to this comment    1 June 2001, 04:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I agree. However some game cartridges that I own says at the back of their manuals "Back-up copies are not authorized and are not required to protect your software." Therefore any ROMS that you download even if you own the actual game are still illegal!

Reply to this comment    2 June 2001, 15:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Yottabyte  Account Info
(Web Page)

You can still back them up regardless of what the docs say, it falls under fair use laws. You don't need authorization. However this has never been tested in cort, and IANAL.

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 07:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Luke Haywas  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey what I do in MY house with MY stuff for MY self is MY business. Yeah they have the copyright on the code in the game cartridge but I own the plastic and metal and silicon that makes up this particular one, and I can do whatever I want with it. I can axe it in half if I want. They can't stop me from doing whatever the heck I want with MY stuff. I can make 1000 copies of Super Mario Game Boy and keep them on my computer or on a floppy or anything else for MY self and they can't do anything about it. Well let them try, me and my 38 will teach them a nice little lesson about what it means to own something.

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 23:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Ryan of NONYA Inc. Account Info

I totally and completely agree, in every way possible, except one. How about a 50 caliber sniper rifle (see below links) just kidding.

[Remember to merge the lines together.]
A long thing on one:

The specs:

Reply to this comment    8 June 2001, 00:29 GMT

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