I don't own a TI calculator.
Less than 1 month
1-2 months
3-6 months
7-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
4+ years
Re: How long have you owned a TI Graphics Calculator?
I have had my TI-89 since August '98 (when it first came out). Go 1-2 years! Go TI-89! Go High School Seniors! Don't you just love it when your calculator is smarter than your Calculus teacher? hehe.
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23 October 1999, 06:40 GMT
Re: How long have you owned a TI Graphics Calculator?
Justin Karneges
(Web Page)
Did anyone else notice it says "TI Graphics calculator" ? Was that a typo, or was it supposed to say that?
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23 October 1999, 12:44 GMT
Re: How long have you owned a TI Graphics Calculator?
Alan Kwan
(Web Page)
I've had my TI-86 since Freshman year in Highschool, taking Algebra 2. Only then did we ever need them.. In middle school, there were 85's and 82's, and they looked nice... but, I couldn't immediately notice the differences between the two, considering the reasonable price difference. Also, $95 for a TI-85 (at the time) wasn't cheap. :)
Well, eventually the time came, and the teacher said "Get an 83 if you don't plan to go far [far meaning like stats] in math. Get an 86 if you're looking into Calculus, Engineering and beyond..." thus, freshman in highschool taking on Algebra2, I decided for the 86... (I'm a junior now in calculus, like everyone else on here probably, hehe).
So, a bit more than 2 years later, here I am. :) I've only got 4 games on my calc, 1 of which I play- the new Nemesis game, that reminds me of my old nintendo game Gradius. Then there's Tetris & BomberBloke for ppl who borrow my calc to play. And TechWarez (85ASM) is awesome... It's like Worms! Well, watching the CPU vs CPU demo is pretty neat itself... (screensaver?) :) I've played almost every game 85/86 game that's been released (on my 86 w/ ASE/Rascall/YAS, the basis of my website), beaten some cool RPG's, messed around with programs that never went public *g*, and then some. Eventually, those programs just sit on your calc, and you realize that you haven't touched that program in a month. So poof it goes.
All the other space is used for TextView (my fav app, Clem rocks :)), cspread, and some other nifty apps. coupled with tons of text files for textview. Heh, I haven't crashed my calc in months. :)
I got my TI-82 from my cousin going to college about a year ago, and TI-85 from friend earlier this year. The TI-85 is turbo'd and sooooo cool. :) Daedalus v0.4 at full res w/ at least 20 fps ROCKS! Well, for a little while. *g*
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25 October 1999, 10:27 GMT
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