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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
Choice Votes   Percent
I agree totally with ticalc.org, all programs I had in mind have been featured. 16 9.8%   
Most of them. 109 66.9%   
Almost never. 21 12.9%   
ticalc.org's opinion is invalid. 17 10.4%   

Survey posted 2001-01-18 17:54 by Andy Selle.

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  Reply to this item

Knight/Rocket Account Info

I agree with most of the programs featured. However, the featured programs seem to lean heavily towards 89 and 92/92+ platforms.

I beleve that there are some very good programs for earlier calculators that definitely bear a look and a spot in the sunlight.

Knight/Rocket's 2c.

Reply to this comment    18 January 2001, 21:23 GMT

Re: Mostly
stewman  Account Info

Most people on this site have TI89s or better and those calculators can support better programs and apps. This is especially possible thanks to the TI-GCC suite which is immensly appreciated.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 08:40 GMT

Refer back to an above post I made.
Knight/Rocket Account Info

Refer to an above post I made for the rebuttal to the "most people have 89s or better" hypothesis.

Knight/Rocket's 6c.

Reply to this comment    21 January 2001, 02:55 GMT


You seem to be over particular about defending sub-TI-89 calcs!
TI-89 is sacred! It would be a calc-utopia if everyone had an 89 (and would be competent enough to handle it).

Reply to this comment    21 January 2001, 04:06 GMT

Re: ?
Knight/Rocket Account Info

I own an 89 and consider it the best calculator I own. However I get irritated when someone says that nothing but 89 or 92/+ programs should be featured, because I am also an 83/83+ programmer.

I sincerely hope this clears everything up.

Knight/Rocket's 8c.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 02:42 GMT

Re: Re: ?
stewman  Account Info

Not denying that there are good z80 programs out there (I have seen many on my TI83+), but if a TI89 is the best calculator you own, wouldn't it thus have the best files?

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 07:16 GMT

Re: Refer back to an above post I made.
stewman  Account Info

Please look to the rebuttal to your rebuttal above.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 06:53 GMT

Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
nyall  Account Info
(Web Page)

I know that I work hard on the programs I write (above url is my author page) and so I believe that other people work hard on thier programs and I see the excellence in other people's works.

So I think the "featured" program thing is meaningless.

-Samuel Stearley

Reply to this comment    18 January 2001, 21:27 GMT

Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
Jason Ho  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think that all the programs that are featured by ticalc.org are good, but they miss a lot of them. There are many good basic games and other games that SHOULD be featured, but they arent.
Thanks/Hello Will

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 00:26 GMT

How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
DJJMan  Account Info

Look, the opinions of everyone are different. You try to please one person and you make another upset. It is impossible fo everyone to agree with the staff so we should just respect what they say.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 00:57 GMT

Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
Jason Ho  Account Info
(Web Page)

Im just wondering if they actually test all of the programs to see how good they are. I think we should be able to vote if it should be featured or not, or at least give the program a rating or something like at dimmention ti.

Btw, wormwar should be featured. Its a good game but it never did get screenshots or become featured.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 05:33 GMT

Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?

It may take indefinitely long for changes to come.
Just look at the survey stats!

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 00:21 GMT

Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
stewman  Account Info

despite the differences of opinion, a vote can determine a general idea of the majority of opinions

despite diff. of opinion, TI89 and better calculators are the majority and the best calculators

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 08:46 GMT

Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
rgdtad  Account Info

I agree with most of them, but I would like to see more useful progs. featured and fewer games. It also seems that the majority of featured progs. I see are _games_ for the 89.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 01:21 GMT

Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
stewman  Account Info

because the majority of calc users and good progammers are TI89,92(+) users

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 08:49 GMT


How true!
For some reason everyone thinks that the 89 92 calcs are too complex and difficult to operate and what not. Our calculus teacher even discourages people from buying an 89.
So, only those who are sufficiently competent have the audacity to get an 89/92.
(at least generally)

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 23:49 GMT

Re: TI-89/92/92+ users w/ better competency
stewman  Account Info

because of this, tigcc was developed for ti89/92/+, and there aren't as many trashy progs, and, hence, more featured programs.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 07:23 GMT

Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
MathJMendl  Account Info
(Web Page)

They are usually good...

But sometimes programs will be featured without playing the program for long, and I've seen multiple buggy featured programs in the archives. I think that stability should be a requirement, as it is one of the most aspects of good programs.

What are nice graphics and good gameplay if you lose your memory after two games of it?

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 06:38 GMT

Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
BLAlien  Account Info

Yeah, I downloaded the Incredible Adventure, and ten seconds later my calc crashed. They should've said something about hardware compatibility...
BTW, is anyone gonna release a patch for HW2 AMS2.05 anytime soon? I'm dyin' out here!

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 00:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
stewman  Account Info

incredible adventure almost fried one of my calcs, as well. ticalc should have more people who aren't necessarily staff, but rate games or vote on them.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 08:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
BLAlien  Account Info

Yeah, they should let anybody submit a review, like on RPGamer. That way, the people will get an opinion from the group that matters - the people.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 21:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
MathJMendl  Account Info
(Web Page)

If you mean a written review, I don't know if this would be a solution for buggy games. People are more likely to write reviews for programs they like, not ones they don't. If you mean rating it on a scale of 1 to 10 or something of the such, though, I agree with you.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 23:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
stewman  Account Info

a number , vote or even a plus-minus would be sufficient to weed out the buggy and awful programs.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 07:31 GMT

What a pain

I can say that about 80% of the programs I download and I could have confidently said the same thing about the Adventure without downloading it.

Reply to this comment    21 January 2001, 00:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How do you feel about the programs featured by ticalc.org?
Bill Johnson  Account Info

Thank you for telling me this, I was going to try the Incredible adventure, but now I probably won't, if its that buggy...

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 23:16 GMT


There are so many buggy programs in the archives I am getting paranoid!
I NEVER download math/science programs because of that (I program them myself) and I know many people who share my opinion.
You have to agree with me that posting so much junk among the few good programs, defeats its own purpose, since it makes us afraid of downloading programs.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2001, 23:57 GMT

Re: bugs
stewman  Account Info

why does ticalc post so many buggy programs?

is it some kind of plot. i mean, quite a few featured programs w/ news articles are frying calcs. can't we form some kind of thing that announces programs to beware of?

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 07:39 GMT

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