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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
Choice Votes   Percent
All. 224 47.7%   
More than half. 206 43.8%   
Less than half. 19 4.0%   
Nearly zero. 11 2.3%   
None. 2 0.4%   
I don't go to school. 5 1.1%   
My school has no calculators. 3 0.6%   

Survey posted 2000-11-01 22:59 by Andy Selle.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

I'm in a canadian high school, and we have all ti calcs

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:06 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Brian Overman  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think the amount of TI calcs is directly proportional to the level of income in an area. I live in the 2nd wealthiest county in the nation, Morris County, New Jersey. Where I live isn't wealthy, but it isn't poor either. Well more than half of my school uses TI calcs. In fact, the teachers give out TI-89 calculators to the higher math students to use for the year! I spoke once to a girl in a poorer area in another county who had never seen one of these calculators in her life. They sure are expensive but well worth it if you have the money.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 15:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Probyte Account Info
(Web Page)

I am in a Canadian High School too. I think Canadians tend to put more emphasis on Math than language, because there are so many bilingual people. It is required to have a TI-83 in Math and Science. I live near St-Lazare, one of the fastest growing areas in Quebec, and a very wealthy area too. Almost everyone can afford a TI calculator easily.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 16:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Yves-Emmanuel Jutard

Salut les gars ! Comme vous êtes canadiens, je suis sur que vous parlez français, alors bonjour de France !

Pour que tout le monde puisse lire, je passe à l'#"$américain :

Hem, in my school, teachers think that math power of ti-89,92 or 92+ is great to do Maths without huge work of calculation. But the calc is sometime forbidden for exams.

So, we have to buy a TI, but my school (E.S.E.O. = Ecole supérieure d'éléctronique de l'Ouest = West high school of electronic) organize a group command (how can I explain ?) We all bought our TI at the same time, so the price is lower.
But if a guy really can't buy it, he can buy it to someone else in third year where TI is no more needed.
TI are also provided in exams if a guy has no TI (or has forgotten his TI)

As we have all TI, good games spread quicly in classrooms, and the profs worried.

I remember street fighter : we could hear keys being pressed repetedly in all the classroom.

Near half my class failed their final exam...
(Sad end...)

Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 12:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
masterlink  Account Info

Almost evrybody at my school has a TI-83+ if they have a calculator at all. I only know a few people who have a better calculator.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 22:46 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
Ben Ilegbodu Account Info
(Web Page)

At my school pretty much everybody has TI calculators whether it be the graphing ones or just the regular ones like the TI-30Xa. All of the math classes (well I know for a fact the IB math classes) have a class set of TI-83s that we can use if we don't own one. Once in a while some loser might have a Casio or something, but TI calculators make up 99%.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 06:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?

You just described my school.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 00:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
Kai  Account Info
(Web Page)

mine as well

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 16:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
aoejedi  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 18:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
Ben Ilegbodu Account Info
(Web Page)

You know what I was thinking? How could anybody choose "None" when they go to a school? Obviously, if they've signed of for an account here at ticalc.org they have a calculator. And if they even bothered to vote that means they go to school. So, at least one person (even if it's them) has a TI calculator. I don't understand how someone could pick "None". I just doesn't make any sense.

Reply to this comment    7 November 2000, 05:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
frodaddy  Account Info
(Web Page)

People can visit the site without having a calc(but why would they?) to download an emulator or whatever or if their calc got broken and etc...................
Also my skoo est exactly like that only a few loosers have casio's shit

Reply to this comment    27 December 2000, 15:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI's represent?
ur_help_n_support Account Info

Me Too!

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 15:57 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

My school has 99% ti calcs. They are required in highschool. One or two kids have HP's

Reply to this comment    7 November 2000, 17:42 GMT

Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
alex cooke  Account Info

i'm the only one in my school with any other calculators, mine are TI-81, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Casio FX 7400 G Plus, Casio FX 9850G, Casio FX 7000G, Casio fx-9800G, HP 49G and a Algebra FX 2.0

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:09 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

you have all those calculators?...why?

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
EV9D93  Account Info
(Web Page)

Why would you waste SO MUCH MONEY?!?!?!?
Your sick.
Or a liar.

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
alex cooke  Account Info

guess i'm sick, because i swear on the holy bible i have al of these

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
SpadeIndustries  Account Info

This still doesn't convince me. Swear on something like the air in your lungs. I and a lot of other people don't believe in a religion, and side with Darwin or nothing at all.

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 02:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Ron!  Account Info
(Web Page)

Off Topic: Now, which is more important here? The air in his lungs, which will be expelled in less than a second, and replaced with new air. Or a Book that's been around for 2000+ or so years in it's current form? Methinks the Bible is as good a thing to prove your good faith as anything, of course, if you like, you can swear on Origin of Species or something, but the Bible makes a more profound statement.
heh, just my 2 cents worth.

On Topic: Everyone has a TI, and only a TI in my school, of course, I'm homeschooled, so that limits the class size to one...

"Linux -is- user friendly, its just more particular on who its friends are."

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 04:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Nivek  Account Info
(Web Page)

Wow another homeschooler!!! I thought this was not so. Cool, i've got to meet you. :)

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 03:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Pandrogas  Account Info
(Web Page)

How are you so sure that book has been around for 2000 years? Revisions keep changing and the Church heads it up. The original bible is probably dust by now.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 14:13 GMT

To many RE's
Noah Medling  Account Info

The original bible is NOT dust-it's sitting in some museum

Reply to this comment    10 November 2000, 00:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Cuco Account Info

The Bible has NOT been around for 2000+ years since the New Testament wasn't written 2000 years ago. You may say the Old Testament is more than 2000 years old, but not the Bible. The Bible has laso been revised several times, taking away several scriptures which can be found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 18:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
frodaddy  Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually the bible is'nt one book that was passed around like it seems you think, but its just a compiled version of lots of books written by people like the apostles and moses and crap.(i'm morman(on sunday-hehe) justa throw out there)I do know for fact that the apostles wrote the parts of the bible 30 years later than the death of christ(around 30 ad) but why are we commenting on the bible and evolution at a Calculator site!! Also if that guy has all those calculators, he has to have an a$$load of cash.

Reply to this comment    27 December 2000, 16:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
1/3  Account Info

I believe Darwin was a Christian who at some time belived in evolution after creation.

The 1/3...will not go in-depth into the topic here.

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 05:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Nathan Walters  Account Info

dude. darwin was trained for being a priest/pastor/minister (whatever) and actually the full title of his origin of spiecies is really racist. i forget what it is.. oh well. i don't know about calcs because my school has 20000 people in it. it's called college

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 04:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Probyte Account Info
(Web Page)

Dawrins main intent of evolution was rasism! I you wan't to know more about how impossible evolution is, checkout:


It's an amazing essay I found! Now lets get back on topic :-)

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 16:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Recneps Account Info

lol and it is so possible for everything to have just appeared?

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 15:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Recneps Account Info

oh and this guy doesn't know much about randomes and chance they are very ordered not disordered.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 15:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
SonGokuX9  Account Info

yes, randoms are very ordered....in computers they are because they either deal with the previous random number or they deal with the time. in the real world they are ordered too. now, why would they be ordered? and how? lets see...there must be something controlling that orderedness. if something is truly random then there is no order. but since you say there is order...and since its true...there must be something controlling it thus random is not random. so if you understand that the good. well i'm done rambling now.

Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 18:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Platypii  Account Info

after reading the essay pointed to in the link, i feel compelled to kick the ass of both him and you for that contradictory, mindless, rambling piece. You are both morons.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 23:09 GMT

Genetics proves evolutionary theory.
Knight/Rocket  Account Info

>Genetics disproves evolution.>
Huh? Take a look at the genetic code of any two similar organisms, i.e. chimpanzee and gorilla, and you will see clear evidence that the chimpanzee evolved after the gorilla due to differences in the genetic code. This is clearly proven by fossil strata.
Seems that genetics proves evolution rather than disproves iit.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 03:23 GMT

Re: Genetics proves evolutionary theory.
Ron!  Account Info
(Web Page)

Heh, okay. First of all, this thread has gotten -way- off topic. Secondly, to the all wise posters above me, "Did you actually read the essay before blasting it as false?"
I read it. I thought it to be quite interesting, especially in the part, where if you look up section 16 in it, and compare that with a regular US H/S biology textbook (I used my brother's, he's a Sophomre, I don't have bio this year) and compare the section it has on the origin of "Homo Sapiens" you'll notice that the textbook contradicts most anthropologists. And, regarding the DNA part, I study DNA, a lot. And, I believe that if anything, DNA -does- in fact disprove evolution, if you take a program, such as ZTetris, convert it into a binary text file, and randomly stick a handful of 1's or 0's into it, recompile it back into hex, do you honestly think it will offer an improvement? And, if it were to improve part of the already uber leet program, it definently would mess with some other part of it. Come on guys, it's just a paper defending a view that goes regularly undefended. Heh, if you guys are so bent on "tolerance" maybe you should put your money where your mouth is, and actually read the thing, and compare it with your bio books...
Just a thought.
Just my .2 cents worth, again.
I just can't stand to see you guys picking on this theory, when you fail to realize the fallability of your own.


Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 01:40 GMT

Re: Re: Genetics proves evolutionary theory.
Chris Osborn  Account Info
(Web Page)

True, if you were to randomly stick ones and zeros into the hex code for ZTetris, the result would not be an improvement. I know plenty of games, however, that would be very much improved by such a process, most of them written by some guy I know who doesn't resemble me in any way.

Remember, ZTetris was written to perform a specific function--to play Tetris. What is Tetris? It's a complex game thought up by some seventeen year-old genius in Russia. The fact that its code cannot be randomly changed and produce improvement does not disprove evolution. Organisms, unlike calculator games, have a much simpler goal to accomplish than playing Tetris--that goal is to keep itself alive. For microscopic organims, staying alive may be as simple as absorbing nutrients through the process of osmosis and splitting into two at death. Over time, these organisms evolve into more complex animals, such as anteaters or Steve.

Take this example: If you were to have a crappy program such as Guess the Number, and were to copy it several hundred times, inserting a few random mutations into the code of each program, you would end up with ninety-five programs that wouldn't run, four programs that ran but not any better than before, and one program that actually ran better than the original. After repeating this process over the course of several million years, the program would evolve into something cool like ZTetris. This assumes, of course, that some human intercepts and destroys all copies of the program that are not evolving into ZTetris. Remember, this process would take millions of years...

By the way, my school has all TI's except for this one guy I know, who has a Casio. The Casio is in color, but can't do symbol manipulation.

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 02:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Genetics proves evolutionary theory.
Chris Osborn  Account Info

You're a moron, Chris. You put "I don't have a URL" in the URL field. You don't really have a web page, do you? You are really stupid.

By the way, evolution is bunk. You know that inserting random mutations will never work, no matter HOW many million years you keep doing it. Doing a sucky thing like messing up code doesn't stop sucking after millions of years of doing it, does it? Of course not! You end up with really, REALLY crappy code!

Creationism is the only way to go. God created the universe in seven days, and saw that it was good. Then He created dolphins, and saw that they were good. Then He created men, and saw that they were good. Then He created elephants, and saw that they were good. Then he created Dave...

Oh, by the way, my school doesn't have calculators. We run on the abacus system--I have a TI-4, the coolest abacus TI has to offer. It does addition, subtraction, multiplication and implicit differentiation. It even does division if you smash it against the wall hard enough.

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 03:01 GMT

How is the title racist?
Knight/Rocket  Account Info

How is "On the Origin of Species and Natural Selection" racist?

Reply to this comment    7 November 2000, 22:53 GMT

Re: How is the title racist?
Skawalker  Account Info

"On the Origin of Species and Natural Selection" isn't racist. But it's not the actual title of Darwin's book, either. It's the shortened, politically correct version that they print in the history textbooks. The full title was something along the lines of "On the Origin of Species and Natural Selection of FAVORED RACES Through Time" or something like that. I don't remember exactly what the full title was, but I am 100% sure it had the phrase "favored races" in it in a context that suggested that races of animals that are "favored" (superior) are those which are naturally selected by nature to survive and succeed. It is simply one of the many inaccuracies in our history textbooks.

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 04:25 GMT

Knight/Rocket  Account Info

I own and have read a reprint of the orginal 1859 printing of Charles Darwin's "On the Origin Of Species and Natural Selection", and that is the full title.
Also, in reference to Darwin talking about "favored races" you must take the term as Darwin used it- as the favoring of the HUMAN race or the DOG race over, say, the APE race or the CAT race.
His intent, if you actually read and study his writings, is to prove that certain species (yes white, black, oriental, etc. are all the same species, since they can interbreed and bear fertile offspring) are favored to survive, not that one human ancestry or color is superior.

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 16:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?


Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 18:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
alex cooke  Account Info

it's just my hobby, but hey if it's what makes you happy, go for it

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

i have a ti-83 and a ti-92

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:25 GMT

Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
David  Account Info
(Web Page)

Me too. Kind of. I have a TI-83 (in very poor condition), a TI-83 plus (to replace the TI-83), and a TI-89 (wonderful calculator. Go buy one. NOW :) ). Anyway, most of the people at my school either have a TI-83 or a TI-83 plus. Of course, they wonder why they can't send the games back and fourth...

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 00:18 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?


Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 00:36 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Matt Hockenheimer  Account Info

Ditto on the 89. I have an 86 and an 89, and since I got the 89 the 86 has only seen the light of day for a couple hours during the ACT.

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 02:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
jrschiller Account Info

When I took the ACT a couple of years ago, the only banned calculator was the 92 because of the qwerty keyboard.

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 04:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
EV9D93  Account Info
(Web Page)

Wait, isnt the only banned one the 92(+)?
Thats what it SAID ON THE BOX OF MY 89 when i bought it 3 months ago.
If thats a lie im sueing TI.

I got an 86, then an 89 kuz my bros 86 got stolen and he got an 89, and so did i. I also got a 82 for free.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 00:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Michael Hill  Account Info

Don't worry, the 89 is still as safe as any, I bought mine before the start of school, about one week, it was allowed, from what I remember. Only the 92(+) is banned, for reasons already stated. Damn I love the power of my calc.

Orig. Topic (somewhat) My school happens to have a crapload of TI calcs, but there are people in my school who use others, such as a Casio or something. I'm the only one in the school with BOTH a TI-85 and a TI-89....hehehe.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 00:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

i like my ti-92... anyone know where i can get help with the graphlink software?

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 03:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

The TI-89 is allowed on the (P)SAT, SAT II Math Ic/IIc, and AP Calc (AB+BC) tests but NOT allowed on the ACT. =( So I had to use my trusty scientific. I prefer Casio's 2-line calculator over TI's 2-line calc...

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 11:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

The only reason the TI-92 & 92PLUS can't be used on standardized tests is it's QWERTY ketboard. That classifies it as a computer, not a calculator.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 05:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Kai  Account Info
(Web Page)

You are right, but I believe that policy is so full of crap. I mean, what, on an 89 you can store text files to cheat off just as well as on a 92/92+. You just need a graphlink. What do they think, that no one has graphlink?

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 16:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

you can save text with any graphing calculator

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 23:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
BillG Account Info
(Web Page)

Neither the 89 nor the 92(+) can be used on the ACT because they can do symbolic manipulation.

Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 05:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Noah Medling  Account Info

That really sucks.... It's not fair that the 92 (and +) are not allowed on the SAT (the 89 has been recently banned from the ACT, so I can't complain) because of the keyboard (and it specifically says "any calculator with a QWERTY keyboard", meaning that a Gvorak (i probably misspelled that) layout would be accepted), and it's for the MATH section only -who needs a keyboard for math -it doesn't offer any improvement over the 89 just by having a keyboard, in fact, the 89 is actually better than the original 92

Reply to this comment    10 November 2000, 00:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

would you suggest a casio , TI , or a HP?

ps. does the casio or HP come with a kind of pc link?

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
alex cooke  Account Info

it all depends, but i would suggest 1. TI, 2. HP, 3. Casio and they both can have pc links although they both are very hard to use

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?


Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 00:36 GMT

Which calc is best?
wildfire  Account Info

Casio has no link at all, but if you want one i'll give you my old one. Just e-mail me. But Casio calcs do SUCK.

HPs use infared link so if only linking capabilities are what you are looking for get an HP.

If you want performance get a ti-89 or a ti92+.

Sorry about using your ****** just to piss off dumbass.


Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 07:04 GMT

Re: Which calc is best?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

disagree. The Casio algebra FX2 is very cheap(100U$S) and it's almost a TI89 clon. Except to the fact it can't do 3D graphs, and some other stuff.
disagree again. actually is very easy to make a link cable for Casio(it will work on any model), and the Casio Link software is avaible somewhere(casio web site, or any casio related). Anyway, the only thing you can download is the CAS or statistics package (both)for the Algebra FX2. Gaming is not a very strong part in Casio...since all programs are writen in Basic. The only calc supporting assembly programs is the FX2, however, who knows how to program that very well know *ghost* processor...

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 06:25 GMT

Re: Which calc is best?
pendragon Account Info

For a while I thought it was hard to tell which of TI or HP was better (Casio just sucks), because HP had the Reverse Polish Notation advantage. But now that they have come out with an RPN interface for the 89 (my primary calc now), TIs are better.

I have an 83, which I bought for Algebra 1! and an 89 which I got for free (for making it to the national MATHCOUNTS finals) which I use now.

All of the teachers at my school have Graph-Links and TI-Presenters. For Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2/Trig you use an 83, and then you use an 89 for Precalc and Calculus.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 15:10 GMT

Re: Re: Which calc is best?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

and linear algebra, and physics, and calculus 2(differential equations, functions of n variables, etc), and circuit theory and gaming class and...

I just use it for everything at my university...!

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 16:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

I own a TI89 and a HP49G, the HP has no infrared port, and it's very very slow compared to the TI89 ams2.05(that's what I have). Integration, differentiation, and all kind of calculations. You can see a good speed comparison at ti-cas.org. I actually hate the HP49G, I have it on sale. Why? there are a lot of things you cannot do with the HP49G and I use very often with my TI89: 1)Exact mode, if you put 0.8 in your TI89, you will get 4/5. this can be helpful when solving systems with numbers like 0.8...surprinsinlgy you can get an exact result of that system(15/35 instead of 0.4285714, for example)
2)3D graphing. The TI89 is may be slow computing 3D graph... But you can shadow it, contour, zoom(press the multiply key when graph is ready)etc. With the HP49G you will see the 3D graph and that's all you can do.
3)the HP49G cannot give exact result in many complicated trig functions. for example, cos(PI/12) (TI89 answer is ((sqrt(3)+1)*sqrt(2))/4 ... the HP49G answer is 0.96592 etc.). cos(PI/4) both calcs will answer sqrt(2)/2.
4)When you browse the TI89 homescreen, this is pretty printed. When you do that in the HP49G everything becomes classic algebraic, loosing the pretty print. moreover, the scroll is very slow.

Well, I can now say many things I REALLY like about the HP49G:, the Equation writer is incredible.You can't say nothing 'til you learn to use it. Step by Step is really useful, EVERYTHING you solve can do it step by step. I was really impresed with this feature when solving a linear equation using rref. The hP49G told you step by step what equation is multiplying by what and added to what equation, etc etc.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 06:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
NickV.  Account Info

On my HP 49G there is a flag in the MODE (press MODE then F1 and scroll down) butten (number ?105) which sets the calc in exact mode. It some times gets fliped off if you are doing a lot of symbolic manipulation. There is also a flag for "pritty print" (can't remember the number).

Other cool 49' fetures:
-An internal clock
-RPN mode
-system RPL and user RPL as well as asm and basic
-An expandable catalog

for more go to www.hp.com/calculators

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 20:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

MY HP49G is in exact mode!!! but you can't do cos(pi/12)!!!. And I'm sorry, but the pretty print is not present when browsing the history. For more information test it on your HP49G.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 15:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
NickV.  Account Info

Woops! My previous post was too hasty. You are correct about the trig and pritty print function. I am I a moron or what? But I still think the HP has some things over the 89' , so I am keeping mine.

my -.02¢

Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 00:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

actually it depends of what kind of calc you want, I prefer the Ti89 because of it's speed, and the price (139U$S at amazon). The HP49G is more powerful in some algebraic areas like trigonometry, and many of it's features are cool. But the TI89 is just a powerful fast, simple and cheap calc. It doesn't have a lot of memory or an internal clock, but that's why it's one of the best selling calc in amazon. During the "return to school" period it stayed at number 3 of the top selling electronics. while the Ti83 stayed at number 1!! In that case I would prefer a HP48G which has the same price. I recomend you to change your HP49G for a TI89 :-). The HP49 seems to be a very commercial calc, it's looks is very attractive, the features too, but if you want performance(speed principally) you won't find it there. I'm a guru of the HP49G and the TI89 and I can tell you the TI is quite better. However, the HP49 has a lot of functions you won't see in the Ti89, like polynomial divisions and some other stuff, but all I need it's in my Ti.

Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 22:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
NickV.  Account Info

HP could have done better making the 49. All of the above are good, vaild reasons why most people like the TI. the 49 has some outstanding flaws (speed being the major one ) . The (major) reason I got it rather than the TI-89 is its RPN interface. The thing (I think) it boils down to is more what you need it for, what other calcs you have and wether you can put up with it being slower.

yet more of my .01 ENTER .01 + cents

Reply to this comment    7 November 2000, 21:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
grinik  Account Info

If you really love RPN, you can download a program for the TI-89 to do that. I haven't used it much, but it seems very nice. Have you used it?

Reply to this comment    7 November 2000, 22:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think the same. The new RPN program for the TI89 transform your homescreen into a RPN one. A friend of mine didn't notice that it was a program running, he though the TI89 was an RPN calc. That's because the only thing the program does is transform the homescreen, because you can still acces to all your Ti89 areas without quiting the program. COOL! If you want this program email me, because I don't remember the website I downloaded it,it's not at ticalc because the author don't want to be published here, the new version is very recent, don't think it's the old one because it's not...the author has been working on it then

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 05:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
masterlink  Account Info

No. You can by one for the casio but it is $99.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2001, 22:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
theduck53  Account Info
(Web Page)

Math and Calcs are my life. i own a CFX 7400G (note there is NO plus! this is probably older than the TI-80) a CFX 9970G, and a TI-92 Plus (my baby). I buy pants with giant cargos so that i can carry my TI-92p where ever i go, and i do.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 06:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Kai  Account Info
(Web Page)

Me too, people used to call me square pocket man! At a time I was so afraid someone would steal it.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 16:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?

same here

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
D. Tong  Account Info

Same here, before i got a grapher, i had a TI-36 and some people smashed it while it was in my backback. Then I got a TI-86, i keep with me at all times!

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 08:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
frodaddy  Account Info
(Web Page)

i agree 100% i've got an 86 and it was stolen by a kid in P.E. and some cool mexican told me where his backpack was and got it back for me. I was soo lucky. now its in my pocket all the time and i dont let people borrow it(you should feel sorry for my friends)


Reply to this comment    27 December 2000, 17:01 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Prashant  Account Info

I own a TI-80, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+, TI-86, and TI-89.

Reply to this comment    1 November 2000, 23:50 GMT

wildfire  Account Info

What a dumbass. Also if you look closely, the next comment has it's poster's name blocked out. The response comes before the message would have even been posted, according to ticalc.org. Three minutes after the origional post, you wouldn't even have been able to see it. I think he posted it himself just to support his lie.

If he really does have all those calcs, he is a moron. Casio calcs REALLY suck. they have a 2.5 Mhz processer, and no assembly or other alternate language (they only have basic). Casios suck (trust me i know from expierience).


Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 06:50 GMT

alex cooke  Account Info

i'm not rich kid, it took me 2 years to amaas that collection working myself you jerk

Reply to this comment    2 November 2000, 22:35 GMT


i posted it...

and i am not that other guy

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 03:08 GMT

(Web Page)

I second that! Casios suck so hard its not even funny. My school is about 99% Casio FX2's or other versions. They're all passing around the latest version of basic PONG or some other crappy BASIC game; meanwhile I'm busting out Pheonix on my 83+... heh heh. People come up to me while I'm playing Lotus TC and ask, "Whoooah, duuude. Send that to me!" I just smile and say, "How about... NO!" and quietly laugh as they continue playing wormFX. Look at that Casio fly... 1fps!

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 06:47 GMT

CASIO sucks
Knight/Rocket  Account Info

Amen to that! I remember earlier this year, a friend and I were playing SMQ to see who could beat the first level fastest. Some guy in my math class came up with his FX4800 or something and said, " I want that! I presume my 24K of RAM will be enough?". To which I started laughing.

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 16:06 GMT

Re: CASIO sucks

lol, casios sound like they suck, i'm glad my school dosent have any

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 21:36 GMT

CASIO sucks
Knight/Rocket  Account Info

Evidently Casio just figured out that people like to program their calculators for various uses and applications.
I just checked their website and they have a billboard on their home page that says something like "Now you can use your computer and your calculator to create "user-defined" programs and applications!"
Apparently they realized that TI is popular largely for their programmability and the availability of games, and they are trying to get on the gaming bandwagon. They evidently do not realize that programmers already have been programming TIs with various degrees of success for 5 years.

Another example of a major company straying from their highly lucrative trade and trying to at least show some competency by rushing out additional capability.

Knight/Rocket's 2/10ths of a 10-cent refund IBC bottle.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 22:30 GMT

MattBro  Account Info

A foriegn kid in my honors class had a referbished casio somthing or other and he put in three pages of code for pong the ball was 1 pt and could not bee seen and it took 27 secs to cross the screen once (we were bored) and it could only be hit on one part of the i which was used as a padle. they suck

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 00:07 GMT

Amalfi Marini  Account Info
(Web Page)

something like that happened at my school some years ago, someone was playing games in his new HP48 and a new Casio user was really impressed about the HP... 'til I came with my TI89(unknown calc here in Uruguay) and show them SONIC! and smq and bigdyna...! their look wasn't very happy then ! :-)

Reply to this comment    5 November 2000, 16:17 GMT

grinik  Account Info

I have a Casio CFX-9850G and I have found it to be more useful for math than TI's calcs (excluding the obviously better 89 [which I also have] and 92/92+). People complain about Casio's lack of games, but if you remember that calcs are for math, you've got to give them credit. It is much easier for non-calculator nerds to use a graphical menu such as the one on my Casio than to try to fumble around the TI-8x's OS, no?

Reply to this comment    3 November 2000, 23:55 GMT

Brandon Miller  Account Info

I have a ti-86 and only a ti-86, not 36 different calcs that cost me 36000 dollars like someone else i won't mention but...I find it very very easy to do any type of math on my calc. I personally have found nothing that i could not do and I have taken many higher level math classes.

On another point what is the point of having of graphing calculator if you can't take it out and play some games when you get bored. Sure its for math, hense the name calculator, but I'm sure 75%+ of the people who own graphings calcs got them for games and such.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 06:04 GMT

alex cooke  Account Info

Go ahead and mention my name, if yu want to be immature and call me spoiled or something go ahead but i'm not, it took s me 2 years to work for those calculators and I collect them and if that's the thing, excuse for being different

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 15:04 GMT

grinik  Account Info

I agree with you that the TI-86 is very nice, but I am talking about the type of people who can't figure out why their graph won't show up because a plot accidentally got turned on and they didn't know it. I am also sure that most people play games on their calculators, but if they got them solely for that reason, they would have been better off with gameboys. My previous comment was simpley pointing out that the main arguments I have read against Casio calcs bring up their "non-gamingness" and I don't feel that to be a very good judge of how good a calculator is. I'm sure if they wanted to, all the companies could shift their focus and make all calc's equally good for gaming, but that isn't what they are for.
I am not promoting Casios, especially for the high end of calculating, but biased people really irritate me and I felt it was necessary to point out that Casios as a whole DON'T "suck" as was mentioned earlier.

Reply to this comment    4 November 2000, 20:44 GMT

D. Tong  Account Info

I have a TI-86, and I am in PreCalculus. It works great, has great programming capability and serves my every need and more! My teacher recommeds the TI-83+ as more bang for the buck, but got to the texas instruments webs site and check out the 86. It has more bang for the buck babe. But, i still envy 89 and 92 owners. they r far superior to the 86

Reply to this comment    8 November 2000, 08:36 GMT

Ben Ilegbodu Account Info
(Web Page)

Well those no way he would be able to even reply to his own post (to support his lie) even if it did take 5 minutes as ticalc.org says. He wouldn't be able reply to it if it hadn't even been posted yet. Now, I agree that buying all those calculators was a waste of money, but I think he's telling the truth.

Reply to this comment    7 November 2000, 05:14 GMT

Re: Re: At your school, what proportion of total calculators do TI\'s represent?
Adam Jones  Account Info

That's pretty cool. I have a Casio FX 7000G (screen's broken), two TI-82's (one's broken, the other I've got with me right now), and a TI-85 (I killed it when I was trying to fix the overclocking the previous owner did--but I'm still trying to fix it). I go them all secondhand, so I didn't spend a lot of $$$ on them. I guess I don't have a good track record though, huh? Four calcs, and only one works??!?! The dead TI-82 was DOA, so that's not my fault. I guess I'm rambling, so I'l wrap it up there. If you're wanting to sell any of them, though, drop me an email :-)

Reply to this comment    6 November 2000, 20:06 GMT

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