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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 159 32.1%   
No 337 67.9%   

Survey posted 2000-08-12 18:23 by Nick Disabato.

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Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
talq  Account Info

nope! already got an 89... but if it's a HW1 89, i'll buy! (hw2 SUCKS, sma isnt as fun under VTI)

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 04:56 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Matthew McLean  Account Info

Yup, I've had my 89 since summer of last year, so I guess I won't be needing a new one ;)

Hey, does anyone know the equation for the 3d graph shown on the box and at the top of ticalc.org? It has driven me nuts that I couldn't figure it out!!!

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 05:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Matthew McLean  Account Info

Not that it matters, but I just like to say that I have a HW 1. HW 2 's only advantage is full access to all archive memory, which is made available with maxmem anyway.

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 22:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Fil  Account Info
(Web Page)

Email TI about it. I did that once and actually got a real response from them! Can you believe that? An actual HUMAN BEING sat down and typed something to me! Anyway, try that.

-Fil and his char-broiled $0.02

Reply to this comment    21 August 2000, 02:35 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
David Browne  Account Info
(Web Page)

since the discussion seem to be how many calc people have and what classes you should be in to get them: i got my 1st, a ti82, in freshman year of high school, in advanced geometry, because it was required. i kept it in algebra 2 and precal, although it broke sometime during the year, and i was without one except for when i borrowed my friends 83 for tests. for calculus & statistics, i got an 83+, because my teacher used an 83 and i figured it would be dumb to get an 83 when i could get an 83+. now, im going into my freshman year of college, and going into calc 2 because i placed out of calc 1. the minimum requirement is and 85 or 86 (again, why would i get an 85 when i could get an 86) but i may get an 89, if the teacher recommends it.

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 07:01 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Seiya .

Oh man, do I feel like the old geezer here.
I did not even OWN a graphing calc of ANY flavor until freshman year of college.
Unfortunately, the ENTIRE college math dept was sold out to the TI-86. Some of you guys think its bad when you're cruched on them, you should see what happens when the teachers are cruched on them..

Calculators are tools, not toys. Oi. heh.
Personally, I think a graphing calc of any flavor is good for algebra, when you're just first trying to do that lame little y=mx+b formula. I remember some students crunching away with the P&P style and getting errors in their product, and then there were the lazy ones who'd punch the equasion out, and be all giddy.

Enter point: Calcs are good, but a prereq should be Self Dicipline :)

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 09:07 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
calcfreak901  Account Info
(Web Page)

Not only should self-discipline be a prereq to owning a calc, it should be forcibly maintained periodically. I have an 83, 85, 86, and 89. I had little trouble in this respect until I got my 89 in the middle of Algebra II (algebra is split by geometry in this screwy school system). I got it mainly for the SAT but soon found my other 3 calcs gathering dust (literally!) in my cargo pockets. I have since become somewhat calculator-dependent, although I'm working off of it. At least we don't have an equation solver that lists all the steps. Not only would that be a !@#$% to code, it would irreparably damage the math skills of anyone who used it more than thrice.

e of pi and the unimatrix's 45.59985035114 cents

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 22:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Matthew McLean  Account Info

Solve with RPN and you have to see all of the steps.

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 23:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
calcfreak901  Account Info
(Web Page)

RPN is not available for the 89.

Reply to this comment    17 August 2000, 04:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Matthew McLean  Account Info
(Web Page)

Except that it is. Try the link. It should be pointing to the math section of the assembly progs for ti 89. Or you could go there manually.

Reply to this comment    17 August 2000, 21:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Matthew McLean  Account Info

OOPS! Now I remember. There was that big shpeil involving the maker of RPN for the TI89 and ticalc. Now you can only get it off his site (which I forget) or from someone else who has it (ilke me). If you want it, I'll mail you the zip.

Reply to this comment    17 August 2000, 22:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
David Phillips  Account Info
(Web Page)

If your calculators gathered dust in your cargo pockets (I am assuming you mean pants/shorts), doesn't that say something about how often you wash them? :)

Reply to this comment    15 August 2000, 04:39 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Probyte Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes I of course I am! I got my calc 2 grades early in grade 8! Next year we're supposed to have one and I'm already a genius on my old 83. Since I got mine so early though it's out of date. I wan't an 89.
P.S. Check out my amazing TI site! :-)

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 22:07 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
startx  Account Info
(Web Page)

I said no, becuase here at the University of Missouri-Rolla, they forced me to buy a HP 89G, and at $179, that hurts a lot. I don't know what kinds of games are availible (if any), or even how to use it. I've still got my trusty TI-83 for games though, and if Bill Nagel would just open up the source to penguins so I (or anyone else) could port it to ION, that would be great.

Reply to this comment    15 August 2000, 05:39 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
phoenix3200  Account Info

UMR requires a HP! Please email me with more info, because I'll probably end up going there

Reply to this comment    23 August 2000, 22:34 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
U_Industries Account Info
(Web Page)

The 89 is the top of the stack, but what did anybody think about the HP Xpander? I thought it sounded more like a PDA than a Graphing Calc.

Reply to this comment    15 August 2000, 08:45 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Cavan Carroll  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've had 3 calcs stolen from me!!!
I need to buy a new one sometime soon...


Reply to this comment    17 August 2000, 05:28 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
exec666 Account Info
(Web Page)

Im not cuz i got a palm pilot and their games are so much better(but not free :( ) now if i could just find a good graphing calculator program for the palm pilot so i could totaly get rid of the calculators. Maybe someone should make a emulator for the palm pilot.

Reply to this comment    17 August 2000, 22:38 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Michael Vincent  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm certainly not going to buy another calculator. I own the 81, 82, 83, 83+ and 89. I'll never need to buy another calculator again!

Reply to this comment    18 August 2000, 00:57 GMT

Never bought a calculator in my life
Kevin Ha  Account Info
(Web Page)

I never bought my calculator but my mom did all the buying. Later during my senior year taking Calculus, my big bro got a new 89 somehow and didn't need it so he threw it away to me. (yeah yeah, hand-me-downs are sucky).

With my 89 charged up and ready to go, I won't be needing any other calculator because hey, this sucker is one of the best (if not the best) calcs around in the market. Too bad that my next school year will be at the university where calculators are banned for all exams. Dang, what a waste of my 89. Maybe I'll give it to my little sister in 5th grade. Geez, that'll make that new 89 a third-hand item.

Reply to this comment    18 August 2000, 09:12 GMT

Re: Never bought a calculator in my life
Kerey Roper  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't think your sister is ready for your 89, you'd better let me take care of it.

By the way, I wield the mighty 83 as my only graphing calculator.

Reply to this comment    19 August 2000, 07:11 GMT

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