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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 159 32.1%   
No 337 67.9%   

Survey posted 2000-08-12 18:23 by Nick Disabato.

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Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alejandro wagmister  Account Info

Who here bought their calculator off of ebay? I did, and what a deal it was! A normal 86 costs, what, $160? And I got my new, perfect condition, in the package 86 for $81! Now what a deal was that? Although, I have recently discovered odds are that my 86 was stolen, then sold to me. But, like I give a damn! I might try to buy an 89 for $100 soon.


Reply to this comment    12 August 2000, 21:42 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alex cooke  Account Info

ummm, i don't know where you live, but first of all i can get a brand new 86 in a store for $90 and second of all, $81 is a bad deal even NIB, trust me, i've bought 4 of my 9 graphing calculators off ebay.

Reply to this comment    12 August 2000, 22:54 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
David Brubaker  Account Info
(Web Page)

I got my 89 of ebay for around 80 bucks. It wasn't NIB, but I didn't really care as long as it worked.

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 04:42 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alex cooke  Account Info

considering i have 9 different graphing calculators to choose from including a 92-Plus, i think i'm okay as of right now for school. Although I'm working to get a Casio 9970G, Sharp EL-9600, HP 49G, TI-89 and TI-86 because I collect them. This could take a while. :)

Reply to this comment    12 August 2000, 22:56 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Nathan Walters  Account Info

what about the xpander???

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 10:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alex cooke  Account Info

won't be getting it because it's not really a graphing calculator

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 17:23 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Smegheadking Account Info
(Web Page)

I commend you on your collection. My school rents TI, HP, and Casio graphing calculators for like $20 a semester. They also sell them for like $20 a month, but they make a killing on tech support. I go to a school with hicks running amuck. Most of them don't know the differece between a TI and a HP - they are just letters to them. So my school has a group of students, I'm in it, that helps students who don't know jack about their calculator, or computer for that matter, learn about the "finer" points of "Electric Things". Your collection could help you start your own Calc Help group, the pay is great too!

Reply to this comment    15 August 2000, 22:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alex cooke  Account Info

you know i'll pass out handouts talking about my help program thanks

Reply to this comment    16 August 2000, 03:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Smegheadking Account Info
(Web Page)

Tell me how it goes. If you can get integrated with your school you'll have a lot more support. Teacher advisor, a fund from the school, stuff like that.

Reply to this comment    16 August 2000, 17:37 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
calcfreak901  Account Info
(Web Page)

My 83, 85, 86, and 89 should be enough for ap calc ab, shouldn't they?

Reply to this comment    12 August 2000, 23:25 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alex cooke  Account Info

i should hope so :)

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 18:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Robert Mohr  Account Info
(Web Page)

But you can never really have enough.

Reply to this comment    17 August 2000, 22:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
phoenix3200  Account Info

Yes you can.

Reply to this comment    23 August 2000, 22:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alex cooke  Account Info

hahaha, good joke (you were joking, right?) :)

Reply to this comment    24 August 2000, 00:34 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
ToddEStan  Account Info

I already have 7 (4 TI, 1 Casio, 2 HP). I don't think I need anymore...

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 00:36 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Jimi Mudgett  Account Info

Is there a website for hp-calc games? If so, then what is it.

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 03:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
JOrGE  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 04:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
XRaveNX  Account Info

why waste your time with hp's or any of their crap websites?

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 06:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?

Because, even though they use smaller screen and a slower (4 Mhz) chip, the software on HPs is superior to that of TI.

*Runs away from impending fire*

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 16:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

Eric Rechlin, the head of hpcalc.org, gets invited to conferences and seminars on calculators and mathematics because of all the work he does. He gets free hardware and is given much support from the company.

<sarcasm> On the other hand, WE GET A SECONDARY DNS SERVER!! OH WOW!!!@#!@(#!(@#*(&#@$* </sarcasm>


Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 19:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
phoenix3200  Account Info

I think TI calculators are the best except for that they don't have color screens. If you disagree, find another quiet corner of the universe. This one is already too crowded

Reply to this comment    23 August 2000, 22:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Chris Fazio  Account Info

Actually, hp is NOT crap (despite popular belief in the TI world). They are harder to use, but they're good solid calculators. Even by looking at the screenshots for games on hpcalc.org, the overall quality of the games is BETTER than here on ticalc.org (that's an opinion, no flames please). well that's all I had to say. g-ya

Reply to this comment    14 August 2000, 17:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
phoenix3200  Account Info

It's not the calculator itself that defines the graphics, but the pictures the people use in their games. Unless hp calculators enhance the images automatically, I seriously doubt you can get higher quality games.

Reply to this comment    23 August 2000, 22:29 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
alejandro wagmister  Account Info

Hey hey, wait a min... In your calc info, it says you own three calculators... Somethings fishy, and it's either you or my underwear, and it's probably you. It says you own a Ti-80, a Ti-85, and a Ti-86! Why would you lie about something like that?

(Suspicious) Alf

Reply to this comment    13 August 2000, 08:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Kenneth Johnson  Account Info

it says that because this is a TI graphic calculator website, and the info page only allows for TI graphic calcs. there's not an option to say that you own an HP or a Casio.


Reply to this comment    25 August 2000, 03:31 GMT

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