Yes, if it was of high quality
Yes, if it was inexpensive
Are you serious!?
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
As I read all of your comments, I am filled with mixed reactions. Sticking to Freeware has its advantages, but programs that are Shareware/Retail will progress the complexity of the programs being used. If you look at it, for every Retail/Shareware, there are about 2-Freewares.
The Shareware side, in my belief, should only apply to programs that could revolutionize the Programming world, or if, somehow, the programmer invested money into the project. If the program does not meet these expectations, the TI-Calc Community should rise up and kick that guys ass.
Freeware, however, is probably the direction I most strongly believe in. Whether you think of it or not, we are a "community", a group of people w/Calcs. Without free contributions, we'd all be stupid. Has someone, anywhere, taught you something, in return, have you helped someone?
As a Quick Plug: I am looking for people to help me program a Windows-based prog called VASM (Virtual Assembler), a program, I hope, to be similar to VBasic for Win. to create programs for all of the different versions of calculators. (P.S. Irony: It'll probably be shareware at the range of $20-30)
For Interests: Email
22 September 1999, 21:07 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
Scott Uhl
(Web Page)
The only type on program I would pay for on a TI is a BASIC to ASM converter. So I could make my 1080 Snowboarding game into assembly, then I would definitely buy that. But I probably wouldn't buy anything else. That would be cool if someone make something like that. Oh, I would probably pay for a computer picture to TI picture program. The one I have doesn't work all the time, but it does for some pics.
22 September 1999, 23:25 GMT
calculator software? absurd!
(Web Page)
The very idea behind calculator software is ridiculous. I personally would NEVER pay for calculator software, no matter how good the quality. And in addition, I myself would never charge for a calculator program I've made. Yes, programmers often work extremely hard to create their programs, but they do it because they enjoy programming both for the recreation and the recognition, not to mention helping out some other people who don't make programs themselves.
There's also the problem of restricting things such as "ti warez" - as ridiculous as the idea seems - it doesn't seem as though it would be too difficult to bootleg a ti-calc program to a friend if you wanted to. Also, how would payments be made? How would the programmers go about registering their software? The complications are overwhelming.
I don't think that developing software for profit is good for the ti-community as a whole. It would certainly put a different atmosphere on us, as well as create even more competition, more code stealing, and more complaints.
Also, there'd be the actual decision of what to call yourself. (Esp. if you work in a group.) Are you a non-profit organization? Obviously not, if you're selling something for profit, not need.
How much would a programmer expect to make from selling calculator programs anyways? How much would be charged? How many people would actually PAY? I can't imagine many, but maybe I'm wrong...
Well, I personally despise this idea and would never support it. If people want to spend their money on a calculator program, then I suppose that this is their choice, though a rather odd one.
23 September 1999, 23:13 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
Chris Fazio
yeah, sure, we don't have to pay for calculator software, but i think in the future, programmers will be making more high quality programs (look at the the progress since the first TI-81 guessing games) and they will be damanding money. maybe something like $15. We will protest by not buying calulator games, and the programmers will go out of business. Then eventually calulators will gradually die out. They will become old. All the calc sites will shut down, and everyone will forget about them. In other words, DON'T CHARGE FOR CALC SOFTWARE! If you want to charge money, you should have done so when calc games first came out. But everyone's so used to getting them free. There would be a great outrage!
24 September 1999, 02:02 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
Are you people serious!!!
It would be FUN!!!!!!!
1) TI would probably create somthing like an exclusive menus for their own progs, and probably with advanced menus and crap.
a) with this, there is no "secure" way to x-mit from the internet DIRECTLY to your calc!
b) since the TI-Community is SO large. TI would not be able to control it! we have grown from a small group of people trying to figure how to run assembly on a ti85... virtually IMPOSSIBLE, until ZShell. A revolutionary prog, from there, TI has been pressured to put asm support on ALL of their new calcs(83+,86,89,92,etc)
c) point being. WE ARE HUGE!!! 1 million nerds should be able to "chip" at the "proprietary" software format.
2) I could HACK my calc!!! =D and probably use the other quarter of my brain! (j/k)
3) Programs would be better. because only more advanced programmers could efficiently use the "new technique"
Since we know it may take a VERY long time to decode the encryption and sorts with the TIOS Rom flashing. we will have some work to do!
DeeKay (yes... i hate people to type forever too, but i think this is important)
Yeah DoOrZ RuLeZ, PrOsIt RuLeZ, LiNuX RuLeZ, M$ SUCKS
Need I say more???
24 September 1999, 03:30 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
(Web Page)
I will never pay for TI calculator software. The more people there are willing to pay for it, the more people will try to sell it.
28 September 1999, 05:25 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
After reading all of the comments about the idea of paying for TI software I've come to a few conclusions. First, several people were comparing the games on the TI to the Gameboy games and I'm sad to say but the CURRENT TI's will probably never reach the level of gameboy games from one reason: memory. Another thing to consider is the fact the TI programmers don't usually program in large groups like 200 people like Gameboy game companies do so it takes much long for 1 person to make a game on the TI. Also, I've thought of a good idea... Instead of charging for games programmers should ask the gamers to send them something like $5 if they like the game and want you (the programmer) to continue making games like it. THEY SHOULD STOP MAKING EXCUSES! If a person has enough money to get a calculator they COULD send $5 for an extremely good game. This would get the programmer money they need or want, make games or programs much "better", and would give the user of the game the option to give money for the game. Thats just what I think, I'm probably wrong though. Tell me what you think.
17 October 1999, 01:03 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
Daniel Bishop
Why would I need to pay for it when I can always find a free program that does the same thing?
19 April 2000, 23:22 GMT
Re: Would you pay for TI Software?
Wouter v.d. Put
(Web Page)
Yes, if it was good quality and low price.
Things like Cabri for TI-92+
12 February 2001, 11:48 GMT
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