No, I can hardly get out of bed for school.
Sometimes, er, in gym class.
Jawohl! Ich bin stark. (Yes)
Of course, I lift my calculator twice a day.
Re: Do you work out?
Sebastian Reichelt
(Web Page)
What the heck?! Did get hacked? Is it April 1 again? Or maybe is it just the most senseless survey I've ever seen? The survey section is going down! Bigtime! (Note the random collection of phrases I picked up during my stay in the US. ;-) )
Seriously now, PLEASE find a better topic next time. And make it all in English, please. BTW: In correct grammar, it would be: "Jawohl! Ich bin stark." 'Stark' is an adjective and therefore is to be written in lowercase, unless it's a name. 'Jawohl' is a single word used in colloqial language. But I suppose you knew that. :-( To all of you who don't speak German: This is the "yes" answer you were looking for.
One more thing: Following the recent trend to ranting on comment posts, I realize that saying this is pretty dangerous. Everybody please do not get too upset about it. Of course, you may flame me, but people, please don't post the same comment to this three times in different forms, like some did on comments in the news section (especially recently).
Reply to this comment
11 June 2000, 01:56 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
I lift whatever heavy stuff I can, other than that, I'm solely into pumping TI.
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11 June 2000, 03:10 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
I just wrote a message about lifting, and I just
realized, no one ever replies to any of the things
I write. I mean that's okay and all, but it doesn't
hurt to criticize someone every now and then. Also,
most of the things I write leave an awkward feeling
in TI programmers, the kind of feeling that makes some
think that maybe there is a limit to how far one can
delve into the world of programming. I don't know,
this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but
oh well...
Reply to this comment
11 June 2000, 03:22 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
What the heck does this have to do with calculators, other than the "Lifts calculator twice a day" choice?
There isn't any category for things that are physical activity but not "working out", like biking 15 miles or swimming for an hour once a week, and there should be.
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11 June 2000, 03:42 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
I'm calculator lifter no.83. Of course I lift more than twice a day. I also crunch numbers.
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11 June 2000, 04:38 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
Josh Storz
surely having that calculator in your pocket all day improves your thigh muscles or something :)
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11 June 2000, 08:00 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
Of course I work out, I'm in the weight room every day for weights/running. I play football(american), hockey, and rugby. The three greatest sports in the world
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11 June 2000, 08:20 GMT
I have to work out!
Most questions asked in the exams (boring stuff) expects you to show your working out. If you just write down the answer from the TI-86 you are very likely to score zero marks!!!
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11 June 2000, 14:06 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
(Web Page)
Ja, ich bin Stark! Brich feige mein Genick, bitte. Du kannst es nicht tun! Du bist kein stark Meister! Aber, ubung macht den Meister. Wirklich!
Reply to this comment
11 June 2000, 16:32 GMT
Re: Do you work out?
When I was in school I carried my 89 and 92plus with me to every class along with all the junk I needed for that class, so I did get a bit of workout, but now I have summer vacation and don't need to carry my calcs everywhere.
Calc Lifter #113
Reply to this comment
12 June 2000, 02:06 GMT
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