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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you know what ZShell is?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 517 82.1%   
No 113 17.9%   

Survey posted 2000-05-15 23:58 by Andy.

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Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Frederic Merizen  Account Info

Btw, there was on-calc assembly before Zshell, yess sir ! On the HP-48 SX ! Incidentally, Zshell is also the programme that made me switch from HP to TI...

Reply to this comment    22 May 2000, 10:24 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Free_Bird Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, there was on-calc asm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before that. Remeber those seventies programmble calcs? I thought so.

Reply to this comment    22 May 2000, 21:04 GMT

Do you know what FARGO is?
DeeKay Account Info

That is great that the majority knows what ZShell is, but few people know the advent of Fargo, the _actual_ coming of the 85, and the 92. I remembered i had my ti85 reserved at 'Staples' (i think) and i was only 8! lol. NEC-basic was my first lang, then english! j/k

but seriously, it is important and WONDERFUL that we have newbies who can look and see what we have uncovered and tripped over. Yet, in the computer world, who knows about CP/M? Vax? or even the _Amiga_???? well, the fact that we do not always look back is not neccessarily a atrocity, but more of a fact, that is essentially inevitable.

David Koenig,
Email : d_koenig@hotmail.com
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Reply to this comment    23 May 2000, 22:30 GMT

Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Wind_Shear  Account Info

That's pretty sad that over 100 people don't know what ZShell is. ZShell was what got me started on TI gaming. Many other people as well. Of course, I eventually updated to Usgard and then I bought a TI-86, so now Z-Shell is just a fond memory.

Reply to this comment    24 May 2000, 01:22 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
n1zdy  Account Info

Well not all of us started with an 85. I started w/ an 82. Went up to an 83. Then I got my 86. No 85 in between. I'll be getting an 89 this summer.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2000, 02:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
rocky12  Account Info

I didnt start with an 85 either i started with an 82 then 83 then 86 and now i have an 89.

Reply to this comment    25 May 2000, 22:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
DeeKay Account Info

I started out w/ a ti85, the I series, in other, crappy. The next one was a ti85 CBL version! stupid!

Reply to this comment    26 May 2000, 22:44 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
meekzer0  Account Info

I didn't start on an 85 either. When I got my first calc, the 82, CrASH was already out. Then I jumped straight to the 89 (mostly for the mem, but now i find the algebraic manipulation extremely useful) and got Doors os II. I know my friend started on an 83 with SOS and jumped to the 89 when he saw how cool mine was (he sold his 83 and a tazer to his brother to get it).. so not all that many people know about the 85.. but i think a lot of people still know what it is, if they read some of the literature out there (like i have). It certainly is venerable, however.. if it was not invented, i'd be running BASIC progs on this 89... Ugh. can't even think about that. :P

Reply to this comment    26 May 2000, 03:38 GMT
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