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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you know what ZShell is?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 517 82.1%   
No 113 17.9%   

Survey posted 2000-05-15 23:58 by Andy.

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Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
luke195rs  Account Info

Some people don't know what ZShell is because they only program in BASIC. I didn't learn what this was until I got interested in assembly, a whole 5 months after I was able to write a simple BASIC program. I think that, unless a person starts to learn asm because a friend also does it, it's a pretty safe assumption that people learn a few lines of BASIC, find ticalc.org, and call themselves programmers BEFORE they ever get interested in asm. If this is way off, please let me know.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2000, 23:11 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Jason Ho  Account Info
(Web Page)

So what are you trying to say, that people that only program in BASIC shouldnt consider themselves programmers? C++, Java, VB is all basic..

Reply to this comment    18 May 2000, 04:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Jeff Barrett  Account Info
(Web Page)

Can you not type? or do you not understand what you are saying?
C++ is NOT basic. Neither is Java. (ok, VB IS, but thats only 1/3) Just look at some C code, or Java code. That aint no baisc, sorry. Basic is one class of language (VB, Qb, TIB, etc are all forms) C is another (C, C++, etc are forms of this one) Java is a C++-like language, but really belongs in a class by itself if you ask me.

Reply to this comment    18 May 2000, 16:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?

I know this is way off topic, but I am beginning to program in C for the TI-89 and I have one question:

Is there a C equivalent for the TI-BASIC command "Input"? If so, what is it?


Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 02:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

If that C for the 89 is like other C compilers, the input function is called scanf.

Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 03:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?

I tried it, and I don't know the exact syntax for entering it, but to the extent of my knowledge, it doesn't work.

*Thanx anyway*

Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 06:50 GMT

James!  Account Info

scanf() is a function included in the standard library included with most C compilers. Unfortunately, TI-GCC doesn't come with a standard library, but Zeljco Juric (sorry if I mispelled that!) is hard at work programming one, and it should be done before the end of the month. While you wait, use ngetchx(), which is sort of like getkey() for BASIC. It waits for a keypress and returns the number of the key pressed, but it doesn't draw the letter associated with that key, so you have to do that manually in your program.

Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 00:45 GMT

Re: scanf()

OK, now I know.


Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 01:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?

Does anyone else have any ideas???

Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 06:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Shalupy  Account Info

BASIC is a step up from ASM. BASIC code is translated into ASM as it runs. If you have ever written in C++ and compiled a program it takes the C++ source and translates it into ASM, then runs it from there. VB is a BASIC type language, but when compiled also turns into ASM. Oh yeah, and when ASM is compiled it turns into Machine code like Binary (0's and 1's) and runs that way.


Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 03:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

NO! On calculators, BASIC is either interpreted or converted into tokenized code. Also, the commands provided are generally a lot slower because of dimension checks and such. On CAS systems, it's even worse, because the CAS makes it even slower.

What's more: On certain calculators, BASIC programs can't access the whole screen.

Reply to this comment    22 May 2000, 04:18 GMT

Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Gwen Account Info

Simply not.
I don't know.
In fact, I didn't know what ZShell was.
Thanks to Ticalc.org, I do know what it is.
I've got no TI86, but a TI89 instead
I hope for my brother it will still be allowed for the french "baccalauréat"
Please don't care about my awful english. I'm french.

Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 17:36 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?

Don't worry, your english is a lot better than some people who come here who learned English first! :)
Inclunding mine!
But seriously, folks, I only got my first TI (an 83+, TI's bargain model) last October, and if it weren't for TICALC.ORG, I wouldn't even know what Ion is, much less ZShell. But now, I've researched the history of TIs, and can recite the evolutions and devolutions of the 85 by heart!



Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 05:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Robert Mohr  Account Info
(Web Page)

Wow, I could never remember that, I'll have to write it down:



Reply to this comment    21 May 2000, 22:33 GMT

Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
David  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think that it is a little amusing how the most downloaded file on this TI-calculator [related] website isn’t even a calculator program, but a Windows application. (Okay, at the moment the logs say that Zshell is still ahead of VTI, but I’m guessing that by the time most of you read this, that won’t be the case.)

Reply to this comment    19 May 2000, 23:42 GMT

Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
FireElemental  Account Info

Who doesn't know what Z-Shell is?
i mean its the first decent gaming shell for the ti calculators

Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 04:19 GMT

What the ......?!
Laura Thompson  Account Info

What the .........!? Out of all the meaningless surveys I've seen this takes the rag off the bush! Everybody knows what ZSHELL is! Come on DON'T BE STUPID!


Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 05:12 GMT

Re: What the ......?!
Chris Moultrie  Account Info
(Web Page)

funny how a bunch of people don't...

Reply to this comment    21 May 2000, 03:53 GMT

Re: What the ......?!
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

<snip> Everybody knows what ZSHELL is! </snip>
This is even more true now that the main page says what ZSHELL is.

These surveys keep getting more and more meaningless. Expect to see questions like these in the future:
1. Do you know who Nick D. is?
2. Do you know what TI stands for?
3. Can you find the ON button on your calculator?

Reply to this comment    21 May 2000, 22:07 GMT

Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Henk Poley  Account Info

I think this question is kinda stupid at the moment... Because the main-page of this site has an artikel obout it that is bigger than my screen. It says that ZShell is an ASM-shell for the TI-85, and that it is the first one, without it we should be "nowhere"...

When you know that, don't you know what ZShell is, than???

Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 19:39 GMT

I agree
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

This survey should have been closed before Nick posted that article.

Reply to this comment    20 May 2000, 22:19 GMT

Re: I agree
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

It's even funnier that the percentage of people who don't know what ZShell is has gone *UP*.


Reply to this comment    23 May 2000, 01:58 GMT

Re: Re: I agree
Daniel Bishop  Account Info


Reply to this comment    23 May 2000, 18:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: I agree
luke195rs  Account Info

what's LOL?

Reply to this comment    23 May 2000, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

LOL=laughing out loud
ROTFL=rolling on the floor laughing
LMAO=laughing my a-- off
LSLMRICACATN=laughing so loudly my relatives in Chicago are complaining about the noise

Reply to this comment    25 May 2000, 20:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I agree
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

I live in Chicago.
Stop it! :)


Reply to this comment    25 May 2000, 23:59 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Arya Shafie  Account Info

Yah but what does it do store games?

Reply to this comment    21 May 2000, 16:23 GMT

Re: Re: Do you know what ZShell is?
Alan Rudolph  Account Info
(Web Page)

Funny how everyone is so concerned about the legitimacy of this question- is anyone here actually planning on using this information in scientific research? I didn't think so. These surveys are meant to be entertainment- either that, or some sort of strange inanity of the members of ticalc.org.

Reply to this comment    23 May 2000, 02:56 GMT

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