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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I use it instead of a calendar 23 14.1%   
Yes, but only to keep a "To-Do" list (such as homework) 17 10.4%   
Yes, but only as a last resort 8 4.9%   
No, I have a PDA 24 14.7%   
No, I have a paper calendar 23 14.1%   
No, but I don't keep a planner 65 39.9%   
Other? 3 1.8%   

Survey posted 2006-02-23 21:51 by Jon.

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Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
madmattd Account Info

My new Palm T|X is the greatest thing, that is the thing I use for homework, calander, etc...The TI apps are way too much of a pain to use to be very useful. Entering something that is non-numeric takes forever!
On a semi-side note, I dont even use my 84+SE anymore, what a shame...Gave my old 83+ to my dad for use at work, as he is a research scientist...My 89T is only used in classes for math work (gasp, what a concept! ;) ) and the occaisonal game during class.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 01:35 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
farengoth  Account Info

you gave away 1 calc, dont use another, and use the last only for math?! ...and yet you still visit ticalc.org

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 17:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
madmattd Account Info

I guess I was misunderstood there. I absolutely still use my 89T, jsut about every day in fact. It is very necessary in Physics and Calculus, it makes life quite easy. I actually hadnt used that 83+ in over a year anyway because of getting the 84+SE, which blows the 83+ out of the water. But the 89 kicks all of them, and I do use it frequently. And to say that I don't play many games merely means that I only play a few games a day, but I certainly play some of the great 89 games. Plus, I am writing a program for the 89, if it ever gets finished...

TICalc is the only place to get all the great games when they come out, so of course I still visit here...It's my homepage currently anyway!

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 17:48 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
thechessmaster88 Account Info

I use a TI89 Titanium everyday, so naturally I experimented with the Calendar/Planner/Tasks/Contacts applications and found them to my liking.

The Calendar is great in that it reminds me of upcoming birthdays and will continue to do so year after year.
When I need to jot down a quick note, I don't always have a planner but I always have a calculator.
And wow! contacts. I lose my cell phone all the time, so when I want to call someone (or call my cell phone) or find the address to someone's house...

why pay for a PDA when a TI89 is so much more useful?

I just wish that someone could make an alarm-type program that makes use of the Planner app and time.
Just imagine:
thechessmaster88 is doing his calculus homework. He is about to call it quits and play Gunbound instead, but at 7:58pm his calculator notifies him that Smallville will start soon. Shocked that he almost missed an episode of Smallville, thechessmaster88 thanks his trusty calculator and runs to the pantry to find some popcorn.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 03:27 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
jesse frey  Account Info

problem is if you arn't looking at your calc you miss the alarm. I guess if you pluged it into speakers but unpluging it would make you miss your alarms.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 04:39 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Rug  Account Info

<why pay for a PDA when a TI89 is so much more useful?>

I got mine 4 free ;)

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 16:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Scooblescott  Account Info

might I ask how...

tell me

Reply to this comment    26 February 2006, 17:15 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
farengoth  Account Info

some1 gave me a pda for my birthday. i used it for a while, got my first ti calculator, and decided that anyone whe has a calculator but uses a pda is a heretic

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 17:22 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
MX TBOL3  Account Info


Now if only I had a TI Keyboard...

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 20:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

I'd get a keyboard, except for that they're large and expensive...

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 21:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
EnigmaticFractal  Account Info

On the keyboard...I've always seen in pictures the keyboards with this gigantic link cable attached. Anybody have a clue as to where to get this cable? I bought one off of eBay for cheap, and I'm just waiting to get it because when my hand starts on the 5th page of notes, it starts cramping up...so I thought, why not?

And why does the box say, "Cable not included?", "Link cable required"? Seems somewhat annoying to include this very short cable...

Reply to this comment    28 February 2006, 04:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Chris Hendry  Account Info

i would get a ti-keyboard, except that the only place i know where to buy them is online, and my parents won't let me buy online merchandice.

Reply to this comment    1 March 2006, 15:52 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Jeremiah Walgren  Account Info
(Web Page)

My brain is the best, umm, organizer around. Yeah, that's it...

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 05:02 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Snave2000  Account Info

I find that the calculator that came standard with me (i.e. my brain) functions exceptionally as a planner; all I have to do is write down the assignment or what have you somewhere and then I remember it. Now, if only I could find a way to play Phoenix on my brain...

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 16:05 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, in theory, if you played Pheonix all the time, eventually all the enemies, weapons, costs, effects, and possibly the frames would get melded into your brain. An,d if you really have too much time, you could memorize different difficulty settings. Then you could play Pheonix from memory.

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 02:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Derrick F.  Account Info

I'd be tempted to cheat.

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 14:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
farengoth  Account Info

i actualy once played a vidoe game so much, that whenever i picked up a controller, i would start playing the game in my mind.
i got the !@#$% beat out of me by the ai.

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 17:24 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Peter Fernandes  Account Info
(Web Page)

My HP iPAQ is useful for this sort of thing. The only drawback is that I have to soft reset every time Windows CE feels like crashing, which is too often.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 16:38 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Tyler C  Account Info
(Web Page)

Whats Organization?

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 18:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Ryan Nazaretian  Account Info

Organization is the little brown monkey that hangs upside down in everybodies head that throws feces at the back of your eyes. In some people it is the pink elephant that rides the unicycle. In me, however, it is the TI-89 Titanium spinning around and knocking out all the hard math problems. :D

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 03:39 GMT

Benjamin Moody  Account Info

Emacs -- the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display operating system. The Emacs calendar and diary are the only reason I'm able to keep track of anything at all...

I take notes on my calculator. Sometimes. Maybe. Yeah. If it's too far to walk for paper and pen.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2006, 19:43 GMT

Re: Other
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

Emac or Eniac? :D

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 02:22 GMT

Re: Other
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

Eh, I've tried emacs, and it's too hard to use. I stick with pico when I'm editing important system files in OS X.

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 18:03 GMT

Re: Re: Other
Chaomerl Account Info

But you have to admit, it's fun to take everything out on the "psychologist". I kept trying to tell it that it was a computer program, and it kept saying stuff like "You seem to be obsessed with computers" and "But it can only be assumed that I am a program" and one completely ridiculous question that made me quit immediately.

Unfortunately, the machine I run Linux on isn't working due to
1) Me forgetting Red Hat's boot password
2) Attempting to install Debian on it
3) Messing up the computer because Debian halfway formatted the hard disk before everything broke, and now it can't find the boot file thingies

Reply to this comment    22 June 2006, 23:34 GMT

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