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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Choice Votes   Percent
TI-73 12 7.2%   
TI-80 5 3.0%   
TI-81 3 1.8%   
TI-85 29 17.4%   
TI-92 42 25.1%   
None of these 69 41.3%   
Those are calculators? 7 4.2%   

Survey posted 2005-06-21 04:31 by Jon.

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Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Earl  Account Info

Definetly the ti-85 because I like the games of the ti86 and I bet the 85's are just as good,if not somehow better.

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 12:02 GMT

Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

No, the 86 is infinitely better than the 85, but it still would be nice to see the 85 put back into production.

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 13:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

Can't the 86 play the 85 games with a special shell?

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 18:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, that's true. I think there are multiple shells with decent ZShell and Usgard emulation.

Reply to this comment    22 June 2005, 12:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Chris Williams  Account Info

No, I think the TI-86 is only about 5 times better. It has about 3 or 4 times as much RAM, and it has a few features the TI-85 doesn't. That results in a "goodness" factor of 5 or so compared to a TI-85.

So there.

Reply to this comment    24 June 2005, 19:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

So, just because a calc has twice as much ram, it's twice as good? OK...I'll buy your computer from you, double the RAM in it, then sell it back to you for 1.5 times the price...sound like a deal? I think not...

Reply to this comment    25 June 2005, 02:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, you would also have to double the hard drive space...but yeah, the point is that the 86 also has built-in support for running assembly programs, which really makes things a LOT easier (not that I don't like the 85...).

Reply to this comment    27 June 2005, 20:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

You would have to do more than double ram and hard drive space...you would have to double the mathematical capabilities, double the screen size/resolution, double the portability, double the battery life, etc.

Reply to this comment    28 June 2005, 16:52 GMT

Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Peter Fernandes  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'd have to say the TI-73 because of the recently aquired ability to program in assembly. I'm not too familier with it's features, but having higher-quality asm programs for it would outweigh any other cons.

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 14:20 GMT

Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Snave2000  Account Info

There's no point to recontinuing the TI-73; the TI-83+ is infinitely better in all respects and there are hundreds of high quality ASM games for it as well. It's just better!

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 15:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

All those who want the 73- back, see the 73 Explorer. Garish case, but, hey, it's entry-level.

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 23:04 GMT

Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'd have to say the 92 because it is []D[][]V[][]D.

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 14:43 GMT

Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Sebastian Schmied Account Info


Reply to this comment    23 June 2005, 15:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Chris Williams  Account Info

"PIMP" (not "ODOOVOOD").

Reply to this comment    24 June 2005, 19:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

You people are blind.

Reply to this comment    25 June 2005, 00:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

I knew what it was immediately...

Reply to this comment    25 June 2005, 02:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
LonePhoenix  Account Info
(Web Page)

*cough* hindsight bias *cough*

Reply to this comment    29 June 2005, 17:05 GMT

Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the mo
Jake Griffin  Account Info

No...I really did... ;)

Reply to this comment    29 June 2005, 17:56 GMT

Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the mo
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Googled that though...some interesting articles on hindsight bias

Reply to this comment    29 June 2005, 17:57 GMT

Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Kevin Ouellet  Account Info
(Web Page)

I didnt knew the 73 was discontinued

well the 83, 83+SE, 86 and TI-92+ should be added in this poll as well since they are no longer sold anywhere

*votes 73*

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 15:01 GMT

Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Jordan E  Account Info

I saw those ones at London Drugs the other day.

Reply to this comment    21 June 2005, 23:17 GMT

Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Anidn Ménoscwicz  Account Info
(Web Page)

The TI-83, TI-83+ [SE], and ther 86 are still sold at Wal-Mart.. .

i saw an 85 there a few months back..

Reply to this comment    22 June 2005, 14:51 GMT

Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Ranman  Account Info

I agree. I voted for the TI-92 but I haven't seen a TI-92+ in the stores for years now. Has it been discontinued also?

When you hold a TI-92 calc in your hand... you would think that TI built it with gaming in mind. I love the direction keypad on one side of the screen and the function keys on the other side. I love the large widescreen and horizontal stance of the calc.

Maybe TI will design a similar calc in the future with smaller dimensions and no wierd curves like the V200.

Reply to this comment    22 June 2005, 16:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Kevin Ouellet  Account Info
(Web Page)

maybe.... the VOYAGE 600????

*points at 4-1-2003 news article*

Reply to this comment    22 June 2005, 20:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Ranman  Account Info

How about a TI-92 Titanium! Heh... at least it is consistent.

"Voyage Vxxx" just doesn't fit for a calc name. I never liked the name from the beginning. Maybe that is why they called it a "PLT" instead of a calc.

Reply to this comment    22 June 2005, 21:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Earl  Account Info
(Web Page)

You mean Voyage 400 leaked because I beleve it is a production in calculator that is in the making :) check web page link for more details. (Fake News Although)

Reply to this comment    23 June 2005, 12:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

I bought my TI-92+ from TI's online store before last Christmas. At that time it was in no known stores, but they may still sell them on the Internet, which would count as not discontinued.

Reply to this comment    24 June 2005, 22:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of these discontinued TI graphing calculators would you want to have back in production the most?
Ranman  Account Info

I just checked the TI-Online store. The TI-92+ is no longer available.

It is a sad day.

Reply to this comment    25 June 2005, 06:22 GMT

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