Yes, I used to enjoy reading them a lot!
Yes, I would like to see what people have to say
Yes, it'd be a nice feature to continue here
Yes, though I have never read any of them
Yes, but they should solely be in the newsletter
No, I have no interest in reading them
| has articles other than the news on the front page?
Re: Would you like to see more full length articles posted?
Jonathan Katz
(Web Page)
Please see the URL I have posted if you don't know what I'm talking about, also found at
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31 January 2005, 22:41 GMT
[ ! ]
(Web Page)
The articles are a great idea, but people have just started forgetting about them. I the articles were easily found (a link on the homepage would do the trick), there would be WAY more contributions.
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31 January 2005, 22:54 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more full length articles posted?
Hi I'm a basic programmer with little knowledge in assembly I have done some sophisticated games for the computer in basic but am looking to learn assembly for the 84+. I have a hearts game planned out with AI but it runs way to slow in basic and also have the entire planning for and RPG based off Runescape. I am looking for a person to teach me assembly so I can create these awesome games. Note: I have a Mac OS 9.7 which has kept me from using TASM so I need someone who can provide me with Mac based software also.
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1 February 2005, 02:51 GMT
Re: [ ! ]
(Web Page)
Anykey's right, it is literally just one step above binary. It's just slightly easier to read and understand. Learning ASM is rough, but I think anybody can do it, given enough effort and persistence. If you do take the time to learn it, I think it will be worth it. Even though I never really did anything with it, the logic behind ASM helped me in other areas (especially planning routines in other languages) and it even subtly taught me a lot about how the functions of the calculator work "behind the scenes."
You just have to remember that it is a hard language. I guarantee you won't be able to learn it in just a week (like I did with QB :-P). I actually started attempting to learn z80 when I was 12. I got the basic concepts, but it didn't quite click. Like, I was able to make a few basic programs like TRON with a high score table and some other stuff that I didn't upload (thank God), but there were pieces missing from my understanding of how it all worked together. I eventually forgot about it, and a year later, I was bored... looking through the source code to some ASM games when it finally clicked. Now, I know I could make something worthwhile in ASM if I was motivated to do so, but I'm not. It's just that languages like these take a long time to learn and if you were younger and less experienced with programming (like I was, at the time), it's even harder. I recommend knowing a few other languages before going into ASM. C is nice (if you have a 68k).
So... yeah. I think it's great that you want to learn ASM, and I encourage you to do so, but I'm just warning you, it's not easy at all.
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1 February 2005, 22:05 GMT
Re: Would you like to see more full length articles posted?
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Yeah, that is right, I voted the last choice, because I forgot all about them. Just because this is a reminder, does not mean that I should vote another choice.
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1 February 2005, 03:50 GMT
Enjoy reading anything new or interesting in the community
Anthony Loven
(Web Page)
I enjoy reading anything new or interesting in the TI community, regardless if it relates to me or not. News articles are great, and I would love to see more of them. This does increase the work on the news editor, but I think it's a good idea in general. However, the news here is pretty good by itself. But more long articles would be awesome. Great poll idea!
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2 February 2005, 00:23 GMT
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