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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Choice Votes   Percent
No, that's dangerous. 162 41.6%   
No, I haven't had time. 132 33.9%   
No, You can do that? 58 14.9%   
Yes, my calculator is fast now. 24 6.2%   
Yes, but my calculator is broken now. 12 3.1%   
I don't own a graphing calculator. 1 0.3%   

Survey posted 2000-03-04 16:50 by Andy.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
(Web Page)

They need an option that says:

No, I'm waiting for the warranty to expire.

Reply to this comment    4 March 2000, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
INFRA Account Info

I agree. Oh, and does any one know of a site where you can over-clock 83 Pluses, or are they the same as normal 83s?

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 00:55 GMT

Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
BLAlien  Account Info

Overclocking a calc makes the games harder.

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 00:31 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, it also voids the warrantee..and kills any tech support you might need in the future.


Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 02:00 GMT

Tech Support?
Laura Thompson  Account Info

I can understand the warranty thing, but who needs tech support for a calculator?

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 18:30 GMT

Re: Tech Support?
Cassady Roop  Account Info
(Web Page)

85's have a bad habit of 'losing' lines of the screen, possibly due to a shudder or impact knocking loose one of the LCD ribbon contacts. I'd say probably 99% of tech support calls are people asking why their screen doesn't work. That's why we have tech support for calculators.

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 19:54 GMT

Re: Re: Tech Support?
Laura Thompson  Account Info

Wow, that's news to me. I've had my 85 for three years and I've never had problems with it. I guess other people do. Live and learn. :)

Reply to this comment    6 March 2000, 06:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Tech Support?
TheWog Account Info
(Web Page)

You've probably taken good care of yours. Example:

A friend of mine has had his 82 for a year - about %10 of the lines on his screen don't work, and all the little rubber things are gone.

I've had mine for two years - Still in mint condition, less the rubber thingies on the slide-on cover.

What's the difference? He jams his into the bottom of his backpack(which he swings at people routinely), and I carry mine in a jacket pocket. Be good to your calc, and it'll be good to you!

Reply to this comment    7 March 2000, 05:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Tech Support?

Oh yea, well, i had my 83 for 5 years and 3 of those 5, my siter owned it. My sister has a habit of being lazy and not caring about things. And i bet that my old 83 can still beat the hell out of all of yours.............:)

Reply to this comment    7 March 2000, 23:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Lars E.  Account Info

If you call for tech support, how are they gonna know you took your calc apart?

Reply to this comment    6 March 2000, 23:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
BLAlien  Account Info

They have Flash Technology on their side. And everyone knows that Flash Technology can do anything...

Reply to this comment    7 March 2000, 01:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Jeff Meister  Account Info

Including play mp3! I saw an mp3 player that used Flash...

Hmm... the next TI-Generation step: an overclocked calc that plays mp3! Let's make Juvenile sound like a little mousey! Hehe

- Jeff

Reply to this comment    7 March 2000, 02:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Alex Smirnovm  Account Info

You go boy

Reply to this comment    7 March 2000, 03:19 GMT

Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
1/3  Account Info

Maybe TI should just produce and distribute overclocked versions of their calculators

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 03:05 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
(Web Page)

Maybe they should include a switch to switch between "Battery Efficient Mode" of "Fast Mode".

Reply to this comment    6 March 2000, 07:12 GMT

Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
taliessin penfound  Account Info

I am planning to try and overclock my hw2 ti89, however, i want to backlight it at the same time. Anyone know of a good backlight for the hw2-89?
Please mail answers to the email listed above.

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 06:01 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Cassady Roop  Account Info
(Web Page)

You might not want to do that. I haven't opened one up, but I assume that the LCD is backed with a reflective foil. To backlight it you'd have to peel that away, and it doesn't always want to come off. I've scratched a lot of LCDs doing that.

A good backlight, if you can get the foil off (if there is a foil), would be a square piece of electroluminescent film. It is the stuff used in backlights for digital watches, and puts out a green, blue, or yellow glow. Unfortunately it requires a driver circuit to bring the 6 volt supply voltage up to about 60 volts, and it might be hard to fit a homemade one in the calc.

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 19:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Cassady Roop  Account Info
(Web Page)

And NOW i see the 'mail answers to address above'...

oh well.

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 20:04 GMT

Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
meingts Account Info

Why would anyone overclock a CALCULATOR?!?!?!?



Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 07:05 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
MasterVegand  Account Info
(Web Page)

exactly what i'm thinking...

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 17:01 GMT

Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Laura Thompson  Account Info

Call me a chicken, but I've never had the guts to open up my calculator. Besides me with a soldering iron looks like a parkinsons patient with a pen, if you know what I mean.

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 18:32 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Cassady Roop  Account Info
(Web Page)

Same here, but it's never stopped me from making stuff.

Of course, it HAS stopped me from making anything that works...
I don't think I'll be operating on my own calculator...

Reply to this comment    5 March 2000, 20:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Skavoovie  Account Info

I haven't taken the old soldering iron to my calc, but I have had to re-solder my grey graph link nearly a dozen times. That thing's fragile.

Reply to this comment    6 March 2000, 03:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
Laura Thompson  Account Info

The last time I worked with a soldering Iron I managed to melt the electrical wire of the iron and melt the two leads (if that's what you call them) on the power cord together. :)

Reply to this comment    6 March 2000, 06:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
isotec isotec  Account Info


The last time i used a soddering iron i managed 2 melt down a speaker and burn my self a 3am trying to make a sci. project.

Reply to this comment    6 March 2000, 07:39 GMT

Re: Re: Have you overclocked your TI graphing calculator?
BLAlien  Account Info


Reply to this comment    8 March 2000, 00:59 GMT

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