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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What language do you mostly program in?
Choice Votes   Percent
TI-BASIC 119 34.4%   
z80 Assembly 34 9.8%   
68k Assembly 3 0.9%   
C 38 11.0%   
C++ 33 9.5%   
Objective-C 5 1.4%   
Perl 5 1.4%   
Java 27 7.8%   
JavaScript 3 0.9%   
PHP 18 5.2%   
Python 4 1.2%   
Delphi 4 1.2%   
COBOL 0 0.0%   
FORTRAN 2 0.6%   
AppleScript 1 0.3%   
Windows Batch 0 0.0%   
VBScript 4 1.2%   
UNIX shell script 1 0.3%   
Other Assembly 0 0.0%   
Other C-derived language 3 0.9%   
Other Web language 5 1.4%   
Other BASIC 20 5.8%   
Other scripting language 4 1.2%   
I do not program 13 3.8%   

Survey posted 2004-10-02 21:33 by Morgan.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

  Reply to this item

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jason Malinowski  Account Info

Too bad we can't select multiple options...I'm sure quite a few people here could easily select three or four.

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 21:44 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

It wouldn't be THAT easy, judging by the fact that the poll asks which language you *mostly* program in.

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 21:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

you mean that hard? ;)
for me it's a toss up between PHP and C++.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 07:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

no i did in fact mean easy.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 09:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

the poll asks for the one you *mostly* program in, so you can't have more than one unless you are exactly tied....

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 16:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

You should have replied to one of the posts by someone who doesn't understand that.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 20:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

Sorry I'm in a grumpy mood... don't take offense to anything I say... I've just been really tired lately...

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 20:33 GMT

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
David Account Info
(Web Page)

Ah tiredness..

Four of my five classes have me doing some kind of programming. I need to use Java with Oracle for an applied database course, Java with MySQL for an operating systems course, and assembly for systems architecture (thankfully nothing difficult, though I lack experience). I'm also building a PHP powered flat file database through my technical writing course's service project.. of all things.. since I'd much rather be writing /code/ for the website ;-).

I haven't done much TI programming since high school. I'd still like to do work on some programs but a major obstacle is getting TiLP to connect or finding time to work on it (I don't know what /dev entries represent usb, serial, etc). Again, I need all the practice I can get. Perhaps the current release will work better. Problems tend to go away if they're ignored long enough. Well some problems anyway. :)

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 06:21 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Cuddles  Account Info

My highschool teachers all get really mad when they find out I'm programming in their class on my 89. In chem I wrote a floodfill algorithm to pass the time during lecture, and when at the end of the hour all I had to show was a filled-in black circle, she told me she'd be able to "give me more work if [I'm] not being challenged."

Reply to this comment    8 October 2004, 17:38 GMT

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
David Account Info
(Web Page)

lol, a filled in black circle. That's hilarious.

I actually got away with using my TI-89 to take notes in my high school humanities course. I later sent them as text to several class members. The teacher made everyone else put their 83's away because they only knew how to play games.

I had some good times in my math classes. Every time I didn't show enough work the teacher would "yell" at me to not use my calculator. He knew I programmed everything that got annoying (anyone familiar with Saxon's curriculum will understand the need for programmed procedures), so my solution often involved making the programs show additional work. For example, I could simply copy accurate reference triangles when doing unit conversions. Programming that was fun.

A major difference in college is the use of class time, which is mainly used for lectures. Homework is often optional and is nearly always done outside of class. Understanding homework is critical to doing well on tests, so there is less pointless "busy work". This means I don't spend nearly as much time programming calculators as I used to.

Reply to this comment    13 October 2004, 12:53 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
AttilaThePun  Account Info

I would have a toss up between QBasic, VisualBasic, AppleSoft Basic, TI Basic, Z80 asm, html, and java. I use all of them on a regular basis, and which one just depends on the type of project I'm working on.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 16:38 GMT

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

I had to say mostly perl, because that's what I was coding right before I voted. I also do...
Java Script
and I've touched a few of the other ones... although that doesn't mean much.

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 21:56 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
angelboy Account Info
(Web Page)

Shoot, I could have checked 12 of the options.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 01:10 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Dr_Enigma Account Info

I do mostly C++, but also a lot of HTML/JavaScpipt.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 06:40 GMT

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Andy Janata  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmm, 9 votes and 1 of every 3 of them are for TI-BASIC... Why am I not surprised? *sigh*

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 22:01 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

It looks like Z80 assembly is leading now. Go Z80!

I picked Unix shell script, but I probably should've picked C or Z80 assembly. Oh well. At least I wouldn't have picked TI-BASIC, although I recently wrote "Rock Paper Scissors" (pointless) and "Towers of Hanoi" in TI-86 BASIC.

Anyway, try this bash script:

for ((r=0;r<16;++r)); do for ((c=0;c<16;++c)); do
if ((r&c)); then echo -n ' '; else echo -n '#'; fi
done; echo; done

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 22:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

>>Anyway, try this bash script:<<

I like it. Almost made me jump out of my seat. I don't know what I was expecting it to do, but I wasn't expecting it to do that. (Perhaps I should have looked at the code a little closer before executing it.)


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 00:09 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

What does it do?

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 01:50 GMT

Re: ¤
Benjamin Moody  Account Info
(Web Page)

Get yourself a real shell and find out :) See useful link above.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 02:38 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Chivo  Account Info

That sounds like a Dilbert cartoon...

Wally: "You're one of those condescending UNIX users!"

Condescending UNIX user: "Here's a nickel, kid. Get yourself a real computer"

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 06:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Lewk Of Serthic  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've seen that one.

Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 05:50 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

so i downloaded cygwin and detarred bash and the core files... how do i feed the code into bash?

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 04:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Chivo  Account Info

There are two easy ways:

1) Paste the lines directly at the prompt. (Bash will ask for more lines with a ">" prompt or something similar until after the last line)
2) Save it to a file and run it at the prompt (kind of like a batch file). You could call it something "sierp.sh"; the extension doesn't matter.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 05:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

ok i did it and it came out all clumped in like 5 columns, so i just compiled it in C and it worked like a dream. That'll be a keeper :)

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 23:41 GMT

Re: ¤
Chivo  Account Info

You're not blessed with Bash, are you? I'm sorry. :)

It just draws a Sierpinski triangle. It's not very exciting, except possibly for the first time you see it (I'm still fascinated by it, though).

Here's the C version:

int main() {
int r, c;
for (r=0;r<16;++r) {
for (c=0;c<16;++c) putchar(r&c ? ' ' : '#');
return 0;

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 02:58 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

i get an error on the 2nd for loop:
implicit declaration of int putchar(...)
help! I'm using dev_c++ 4.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 07:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

by that i mean "what should i have included that i didn't".
where did putchar come from? it wasn't defined at all, and isn't in iostream and stdlib.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 07:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

I believe putchar is in stdio.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 16:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Chivo  Account Info

Oh... I should've put in the following line at the beginning:
#include <stdio.h>

It appears that 'putchar' is defined as a macro in your C compiler. I left out that include just to save space. Sorry about that. :)

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 22:10 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Teoryn  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't know C so I'm trying to write this in java, but I need to know what does r&c do?


Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 04:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Teoryn  Account Info
(Web Page)

Nevermind. I looked it up online and then changed r & c to (r&c)!=0 and it worked fine. Looks cool.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 04:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Travis Evans Account Info

Cool! You can change the numbers in the For loops to change the size of the triangle.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 03:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

This is only one of about five different ways I know how to draw a Sierpinski triangle on a computer.

I plan to submit an obfuscated version of a recursive method to the IOCCC this year. ;)

BTW, I made a version of that which saves the fractal to an image file. I've made large images with it... like 8192x8192 pixels. I just had to change the numbers as you found out.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 06:34 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

I program in nine "different" TI-Basics:
82, 83, 83+, 85, 86, 89, 92, 92+, V200.
Perhaps another poll could be: "What calculators do you program in TI-Basic for?"

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 03:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Except that TI-Basic 5U><0|2Z... ;) I can't really say anything though, because I voted TI-Basic...It's not that I LIKE TI-Basic, it's just that I am allowed to use my calc programs on tests in math/science/engineering at school, and BASIC is the most convenient for THOSE purposes...I enjoy programming in ASM a lot more, however to spare people from my n00bish programs (I am sort of still learning ASM) I haven't uploaded any programs yet...It's ok, you don't have to thank me :)

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 06:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Elektron9 Account Info
(Web Page)

I tried learning ASM, but then forgot about it because of school and homework...

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 11:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

My school IS learning ASM. XD I'm taking a Motorola 68000 Assembly language programming class, and about 90% of it has been applicable to programming on the 68k calcs...I just don't know ROM calls and the other 89-specific stuff (which, I believe, are more important)

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 17:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
danbert23  Account Info

Your school teaches ASM? That's not fair!
All my high school does is C++, HTML, and Java.
Of course, there are only 200 students...

Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 00:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chad Spooner  Account Info

TI-BASIC 89,92+,v200,& 89TE are the same thing. I wish I had all of those calculators so that I could learn them as well :)

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 07:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

1337 |>|209|24|V||V|3|2: ... *leaves*

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 17:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmm, screen sizes do make a big difference. It's a little sad to find a 92+ ASM program that was made with 89 resolution.
´¯|¯` ¯|¯ |¯`) /\ (¯ ¯|¯ /¯¯' |¯¯) | | | \¯¯ ¯/ |
| _|_ |__) /---\ ._) _|_ \__, |¯¯\ \._./ |__ /__ /_ .

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 07:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Travis Evans Account Info

I wouldn't say the screen sizes make any differences in the language itself. The syntax of all the instructions is exactly the same. You can even use getConfg() to get the size of the screen and write your code to automatically adjust graphics display accordingly.

This is the same thing that is often done in C programs to make them compatible with both the 89 and 92+. Yet they aren't two different languages; they're both the same--C.

But since your post says you left, I guess you're not reading this. :)

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 22:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

I know that it's still the same language...hence the "n00b: " and "Elite programmer: " things... :)

Reply to this comment    11 October 2004, 20:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Coolv  Account Info

Wow-a lot of variation. Those are almost exactly the same!

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

Not really, there are about four distinct differences:
80,81,82 - Token differences with parenthesis.
83,83+,83+SE,84+,84+SE - Newage TI-z80 Basic standard.
85,86 - Oldschool TI Basic (If A==1 instead of If A=1)
89,89Ti,92,92ii,92+,V200 - Really different as far as lists/matrices/syntax goes. It's probably fair to say that it's well developed.
***Please note that I didn't list the TI-99 or later models. Meh, or 73... I've never really looked into 73 Basic.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 07:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
jessef Account Info

except for link for baasic
is there a TI99 I never heard of it

Reply to this comment    7 October 2004, 01:34 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Travis Evans Account Info

TI-BASIC isn't that bad. TI did a good job of making it quite powerful, especially on the 89/92+.

I like to take the challenge of making a complex project in TI-BASIC just to see if I can overcome the speed and power limitations. I have discovered quite a few clever tricks this way.

I would like to do more development on the 68k calcs with C, but I have a lot of projects so it will take a while. A big problem is that development in C is not easy or safe to do on-calc.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 03:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Coolv  Account Info

Right... Powerful, is it?

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Travis Evans Account Info

I meant that 89/92+ BASIC is more powerful then the BASIC on earlier calcs, but not as powerful as C. I admit that what I wrote probably didn't make much sense.

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 22:27 GMT

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