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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you ever accepted money for putting programs on someone else's calculator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I charge a standard fee. 15 7.9%   
Yes, I see how much I can milk poor noob's. 28 14.7%   
Yes, it's been forced upon me, even though I tried to decline. 6 3.1%   
No, people have offered, but I was able to decline. 26 13.6%   
No, nobody's ever offered. 102 53.4%   
No, I don't help other people play games or cheat in math. 10 5.2%   
I've had to pay for it! 4 2.1%   

Survey posted 2004-09-18 21:29 by Morgan.

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  Reply to this item

Re: Have you ever accepted money for putting programs on someone else's calculator?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

I charge people to take their calculator home and fix it, which usually involves reinstalling a corrupted operating system, on just resetting it using the "CLEAR-ON" method. Ironically, the OS is usually corrupted by programs that I circulated throughout the school. <offtopic>No one else had a graph-link, so I used to take care of getting fresh games circulated. I even had some GROUPs made up on my own calculator so I could quickly give a person ION and the most popular game (ztetris). I don't have an 83+ anymore, the calculator everybody else has (although I have spotted one or two 84s!).</offtopic> I make anything between $1 and $5 a calculator, depending on the amount of time it takes to fix it...$1 if it just requires the CLEAR-ON method, $5 if it takes a call to TI-CARES, and somewhere in between (depending on my mood) if it only requires reinstalling the operating system.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 12:42 GMT

Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

Do you charge for the use of your calculator and/or calculator services?

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 14:20 GMT

Re: Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)


I don't let ANYBODY touch my calculator unless I can keep a close eye on them the whole time that they're using it. I've lost a TI-89 from lending calculators to careless people. Be careful, guys.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 15:34 GMT

Re: Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Probably somebody has charged for a VTI CD and a ROM.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 15:46 GMT

Re: Re: Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

Distributing ROMS is most definetely ILLEGAL.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 20:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Yes. However, some idiots either don't know, don't care or do it anyway.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 21:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

Borrowing someones new jazzy calc (not so new these days) to put some games on it and accidently dumping the ROM is fun.

Reply to this comment    20 September 2004, 03:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
anykey  Account Info

Oops...Oh well... :^)

Reply to this comment    21 September 2004, 01:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
CajunLuke  Account Info

A friend of mine bought an 86, I dumped the ROM, then he returned it.

Reply to this comment    23 September 2004, 20:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

That made no sense to me whatsoever...

:( ):

Reply to this comment    23 September 2004, 22:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
anykey  Account Info

(:He's obviously skitzo (sp?):)

Reply to this comment    23 September 2004, 23:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
CajunLuke  Account Info

Schizo, from schizophrenia.

Reply to this comment    24 September 2004, 17:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator #### - Is your calc a victim?
CajunLuke  Account Info

Person A (friend) buys 86.
Person B (me) sees, borrows, and dumps ROM.
Person B returns calc to person A.
Person A decides that he doesn't like 86.
Person A returns 86 for refund and buys 83+.

This was after the 83+se came out, so why he didn't get one of those, I don't know.

I am most certainly NOT schizo.

Reply to this comment    24 September 2004, 17:33 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I assume that you mean unless it's a calc they have already...

Reply to this comment    20 September 2004, 22:25 GMT

Re: ¤
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

still illegal...ROM's can only be distributed by TI, unless it's a calc-to-calc transfer...email, websites, etc. cannot legally provide a ROM for anyone...

Reply to this comment    23 September 2004, 05:04 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

LEND MY CALCULATOR???? Ha, no! *hugs calc* I would never let anyone use my preciousssss...except maybe if some attractive girl asked, and even then, I would watch it closely the whole time.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 21:12 GMT

Re: Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?
Lewk Of Serthic  Account Info
(Web Page)

>>Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?

You disturb me.

Reply to this comment    20 September 2004, 05:01 GMT

Re: Re: Calculator Prostitution - Is your calc a victim?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

"Calculator Prostitution" - 120d!!!!

Reply to this comment    21 September 2004, 17:46 GMT

Re: Have you ever accepted money for putting programs on someone else's calculator?
tal_oz  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have a question for all of you. If I am the only good programmer in my school, and people always ask me for my programs/games. I have never asked for money to finance my programming (although I spend absoloutly nothing on programming) But people have given me money for my programs, and my friend wants me to sell my upcoming game in assembly (look out for it) its another swordmaster with much faster graphics. and for all you guys who loved AOE2 the sieries continues with "age of mythology" for the calc. YAY! anyway back to my question, what should i choose if people have offered to buy my program but I never asked?

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 15:53 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever accepted money for putting programs on someone else's calculator?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Charge for it. Use the money to save for college, pay rent, help the family income, or buy books to learn a new language.

Reply to this comment    19 September 2004, 16:22 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever accepted money for putting programs on someone else's calculator?
Chivo  Account Info

Take the money. It's good for you. You don't want to create any consumer surplus, do you? (that's the difference between what consumers are willing to pay and what is actually charged) :P

Reply to this comment    20 September 2004, 16:48 GMT

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