Yes, they're often the determining factor
Yes, though only to see what the program looks like
No, the file description is enough for me
No, I prefer to actually see the program on my calculator than as a screenshot
No, I don't download programs for my calculator
Re: Does looking at screenshots help you decide whether or not to download a program?
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
well, I almost never even look at a game if it doesnt have a red, blue, or green icon. That being said, my most recent program did pretty well on downloads even though the screenshot wasnt there, so im not sure if that matters to other users...
And im curious, is it possible to track the hits each day from members and from non-members? I wonder how many visitors and downloaders have accounts, and how many do not.
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10 June 2004, 01:15 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Does looking at screenshots help you decide whether or not to download a program?
Brian Gordon
(Web Page)
i'd say the thing that helps the most is to have a utility that's the /only/ program of it's kind. For example, although completely unoptomized and off the front page for months, my AASTAT continues to get 80 downloads a week. tir reports that it's my most downloaded file (second to Kill Harry Potter, a game i despise and cant figure out why anyone's downloading it) but it's leaving Kill behind fast. I'm guessing it's because it's the only program, BASIC or ASM, in the archives that can calculate mean, median, AND mode. It's also got to have one of the most comprehensive screenshots in the archives: a home screen shot of the prompting ?, the list entry, and the three return entry. it's linked above. btw, it would be great if someone could make an animated screenshot for my Wind Waker simulator.
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18 June 2004, 02:00 GMT
Re: Does looking at screenshots help you decide whether or not to download a program?
i like to see screenshots because they show me what the program looks like and if i want to download it right away or not but i also like to read the documentation that comes with the program. i usually don't send the program to my calc, unless it's something i think might be cool, if it doesn't have a documentation with it.
anyways super mario v2.0 for the ti-83+ is available at for anybody still looking. this is the last time that i'm going to write this so don't freak out if you think it's annoying.
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10 June 2004, 02:13 GMT
Re: Does looking at screenshots help you decide whether or not to download a program?
For me it needs a screenshot for it to recieve a download from me. Most good games have one. So I voted yes, its often the determining factor
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10 June 2004, 02:15 GMT
Re: Does looking at screenshots help you decide whether or not to download a program?
(Web Page)
I look at the screen shots to see how good of a job someone did with an RPG. I don't even look at other types of games. Maybe if someone out there were to finish a Zelda game for the 89...
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10 June 2004, 13:16 GMT
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