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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Choice Votes   Percent
No, it would be redundant 81 33.1%   
No, people will abuse it 13 5.3%   
Yes, new members will need it 17 6.9%   
Yes, why shouldn't there be one 56 22.9%   
Undecided, I'm fine either way 14 5.7%   
68K Rocks! 64 26.1%   

Survey posted 2004-04-26 06:25 by Morgan.

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Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Morgan Davies  Account Info
(Web Page)

A quotation from four seperate Texas Instruments pages:

"The TI-84 Plus family is 100% keystroke-for-keystroke compatible with the TI-83 Plus and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition."

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 06:47 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
The Muffin Man Account Info
(Web Page)

#1Vote + #2Post:
"83+" "83+" "84+" "84+SE" Directories should all be added to ticalc.org's system because alot of programs can cause frustration when it *actually* requires more memory to run as does an 83+ running 83+SE programs. If 83+ and 84+ are backward compatible that wouldn'e prevent a memory requirement for the "lower class" calculators mixed into one single directory.

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 08:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

*idea* just change the "83+" directory to "83+/84+" and have a subdirectory for programs that will NOT run on the 83+ because of memory limitations (although I don't think very many would fit under this category)

Reply to this comment    29 April 2004, 15:53 GMT

Ya'll are all stupid...
calkfreak83  Account Info

Why don't ticalc.org just put a subdirectory for TI-84+/SE programs in the TI-83+ directory. Only put files that would take advantage of the TI-83+/SE's clock function or take up more memory allowed on the TI-83+/SE. Then, the archives for the TI-83+ and the TI-84+ wouldn't be so complicated. Also put the programs that use the TI-84's modified basic functions in the folder for TI-84+/SE. All assembly programs should be compatible with both calculators.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2004, 16:40 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
KermMartian Account Info
(Web Page)

Definitely should keep current directories - don't make new ones.
1. Would be redundant
2. Would be confusing
3. Would probably be misused for stats

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 16:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

You would know about that third one, wouldn't you?

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 20:29 GMT

KermMartian Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmm, how did I know that some smart aleck was going to say that...

Reply to this comment    27 April 2004, 14:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
parker bush Account Info

But they already have a directory for the 83+ SE and it is more similar to the 83+ than the 84+ is. Are you suggesting they remove all similar z80 folders that are compatible?

Personally I think they should discontinue z80 all together and only make 68k calculators.

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 14:46 GMT

Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Satin Account Info

I'm so sorry you feel this way, z80 has plenty of potential, too.

Reply to this comment    7 November 2005, 06:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Clock functions

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 16:09 GMT

Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Ross Levine  Account Info

you mean clack functions.

Reply to this comment    1 May 2004, 01:02 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
angelboy Account Info
(Web Page)

What about programs that take advantage of the 84 clock? The 83 is then incompatiable

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 20:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

That would only apply to programs that won't run (or crash) on an 83+. It's far more likely that programs will run on both the 83+(SE) and 84+(SE), but enable an extra or improved feature when they detect they're running on an 84+.
Look at Omnicalc; Virtual Calc and Memory Restore are not available on the 83+, but the program does run. It provides a lot of useful features for the 83+, even if there are more goodies for 83+SE users.
I think the 83+, 83+SE, 84+ and 84+SE can share a single directory. Maybe it would help novice users to put up 4 different links, that all point to the same page. Alternatively, you could have 3 links point to a page explaining why they should download programs that aren't for their calc. As a last option, you could put that explaination between the 83+ and the 85 link (the place where the 84+ links would normally be).

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 22:41 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

But would you really want to clutter up the TI-83+ directories any more than they already are?

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 22:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
daniel macallister Account Info

hes' right you know. but i still see your point

Reply to this comment    26 April 2004, 23:13 GMT

Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
tal_oz  Account Info

This only reason that an 84+ directory would be great because it gives more room for the new programs. The 83+ directory is FULL. It takes forever to browse (unless you use find) and it also takes forever to upload. Whats the big deal on making a new directory. The only downside is that people can re-upload their 83+ files and just change a few things around and get new file ratings and more downloads.

Reply to this comment    27 April 2004, 03:42 GMT

Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
The Muffin Man Account Info
(Web Page)

Stats and excess memory are petty arguements, what else would a server be for???
Not creating an 84+ & 84+SE directory could prove to be a downfall in ticalc.org's management. Their is a great difference between the 83+s and the 84+s (hardware-wise). Now then, if the hardware is different then wouldn't it be possible for the software to be made specifically for each model to get the most out of the product?
But no, some people would rather see an archive full of incompatible programs under a name of "83+" which strongly suggests that the programs in the directory would be compatible for it. Does it not? =P
***RE: I think the 83+ and 84+ are fully compatible in ASM and Basic, although the 84+ may feature more Basic commands and obviously have more memory for an ASM to use.

Reply to this comment    27 April 2004, 10:06 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Matt M Account Info

Just Re-name the "83+/83+SE" to "83+/83+SE/84+/84+SE" and then create one if needed for programs that use the clock or somthing on the 84+ called "84+/84+SE ONLY - not backward compatable"

Reply to this comment    27 April 2004, 17:55 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
archnaid Account Info

How can they be fully compatible if the 84 has different BASIC commands? As Morgan said,

A quotation from four seperate Texas Instruments pages:

"The TI-84 Plus family is 100% keystroke-for-keystroke compatible with the TI-83 Plus and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition."

As far as possibley programming to fit each calc seperartly, I'm not sure, but I believe they are both z80 processors, and as long as programs don't rely on a relative measure such as processor speed in favor of a more universal method, the speed difference shouldn't be a big deal. I don't know much about the 83/84, I'm an 89 user, but i don't think most ASM programs are writeen in the processor specific language; for 89's, at least, the language of choice is C, especially with TIGCC. And, to hopefully solve everyone's problems, how about we just all go out and buy a 68K calc? Faster (I believe with the exception of the 84?), more memory (don't know about mem on a 84, however), more functions, and better-suited for higher level math...

Reply to this comment    27 April 2004, 23:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Chivo  Account Info

Faster processor clock speed than the 89, the 84 has. But more powerful instruction set and larger word size, the 89 has.

Conclusion: still faster than the 84, the 89 is.

Enough Yoda-speak. I need sleep. :-)

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 07:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

The 84+ / 84+SE has a 15 MHz processor (just like the 83+SE btw). While the 89 (and 92 / V200 or that matter) has a 12 MHz processor, it's still faster. Even though it performs less cycles per seconds, it gets more work done per cycle. The net effect is that more work is done per second, which means that it works faster.
Not everyone can buy an 68K. They are not allowed on most tests (the ones "8x-people" have to make at least). More functions and better suited for higher level math is exactly why they aren't allowed on those test.

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 22:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
The Muffin Man Account Info
(Web Page)

"***RE: I think the 83+ and 84+ are fully compatible in ASM and Basic, although the 84+ may feature more Basic commands and obviously have more memory for an ASM to use."
In that statement I was implying that the 84+ may have features that aren't compatible with the older 83+. Hense the "although" and the "RE:" replying to a comment posted regarding me stating:
"If 83+ and 84+ are backward compatible..."
READ CAREFULLYL: (www[dot]dictionary[dot]com)
"backward compatibility
<jargon> Able to share data or commands with older versions of
itself, or sometimes other older systems, particularly systems
it intends to supplant. Sometimes backward compatibility is
limited to being able to read old data but does not extend to
being able to write data in a format that can be read by old

Reply to this comment    29 April 2004, 06:34 GMT

Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, that is true, but if somebody did upload a program to the same TI-83+ directory, nobody would be able to find it. LOL (this is assuming it's BASIC... ASM still has plenty of room)

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 23:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
parker bush Account Info

The answer is simple. One 83+/Se/84/se directory with more sub-directories

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 14:48 GMT

Re: Re: Should a TI-84 Plus directory tree be created for uploading when it's completely compatible with the TI-83 Plus?
Chivo  Account Info

That means nothing for assembly programming, though. It just means the TI-OS is the same, more or less.

Reply to this comment    28 April 2004, 07:33 GMT

John Gilbert  Account Info

Hey i am back to tell you stop playing games i hate games and they are very stupid i just hate them plase stop trying to get me to play games i want to prey to jeb bush insted is that ok if not came talk yo osomsa for going to rape your gaping ass and your daday o is will be an nassty diddy o and your mom has a pussy the size of grandpas wart on your grandpas pussy and som one should tell me to get a life and prey to jeb bush for uin that what lies will be forever at state or prying and my dick will tank you i9 f you stop playtin g games and my gapibng is the old king kong and my btut is the world over so stop playing games geeks and jocks and that is my slfd and theta due goe se my ass inb the world of ordor all is well when you stop playtin g games the world comes at youy like my gaping ass and never again will evcer be a party of os9osm big ditty plan for the world and my ditty will b at the end of myt rope i am just typing what types in to my ming and youm alll. need to stop playin g gams and work at the whol poictrure as a whol and not as tghe world is needed to be in the picture of my playing is veryt samml and ypur moms pussy is very large and preying to jeb bush is a fart in the snow orf my very littel life and what i say goies inb the worlsd of my life anmd yopu alllwill eneter it stop playin g games onb you calcs and star preying to jeb bush and all, weiull b good and i willl avle to gaping ass sex again

PREY TO JEB BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    1 May 2004, 00:54 GMT

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