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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Choice Votes   Percent
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 5 2.7%   
KerNO 5 2.7%   
Command Post 6 3.3%   
Edit3D 3 1.6%   
Gran Tourismo 27 14.8%   
Integrated Desktop 14 7.7%   
Prince of Persia 6 3.3%   
Calcwars 9 4.9%   
Super Start 4 2.2%   
TI Pinball 3 1.6%   
Spazian 2 1.1%   
PreOS 12 6.6%   
Space Dementia II: Mod Arena 11 6.0%   
Xpand 5 2.7%   
Aerial Assault 3 1.6%   
PolySnd 6 3.3%   
Ice Hockey 68k 24 13.2%   
I have no opinion 37 20.3%   

Survey posted 2003-12-08 19:35 by Joey.

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Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
W Hibdon  Account Info

For me there were only two choices, kerno, and ID. However, I connot use kerno with preos, so I don't use it any more. that leaves ID. This program could be so much more than it already is, and I have no clue why it is not. I voted for it not only because it is a great program, and my calc would not be the same without it, but because of what it could be. Oliver really needs to work on it some more.


     9 December 2003, 03:25 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Lionel Debroux Account Info
(Web Page)

> This program could be so much more than it already is, and I have no clue why it is not.
Because ExtendeD doesn't have so much time, and hacking into the Apps Desktop is *very* hard. He couldn't hack everything anyway: for example, he planned on replacing the slow bubble sort used by TI by a faster sort, but found no way.

ExtendeD has other useful projects (let's mention XPand which is a must for V200 owners).

     9 December 2003, 17:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
W Hibdon  Account Info

I am talking about the one think that would make it the best. The ability to put icons directly in the asm program. It would not be that hard. you make the first part of the program have a couple of commands that do nothing, but would be unique, and then have ID look for the address at the begining and display the icon. That would make it so much more useful than it already is.


     9 December 2003, 17:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Chivo  Account Info

A few TI-86 (and I think 83(+)) ASM programs have icons in them that get displayed in various shells. The same techniques could be used, I guess.

It could probably also be an extension to TIGCC -- to give C programs icons easily.

     9 December 2003, 19:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Kevin Kofler Account Info
(Web Page)

It is already supported in the TIGCC 0.95 betas. But ID doesn't support icons built into programs yet.

     9 December 2003, 23:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
W Hibdon  Account Info

WHAT!?!?!?!?!? It is there and it is not used????? how hard is it to do? This is an outrage!


     9 December 2003, 23:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
ExtendeD  Account Info

I had planned to suppport the nostub comments (and icons) format, but it would require more time than I have.
I would prefer to try to finish and distribute 3 other hacks for TI68k calcs I have started to write (to install Flash Apps, to flash a V200 and to run PedroM from AMS).

- Olivier

     9 December 2003, 23:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
W Hibdon  Account Info

Okay, it is your baby. If I had the skill, I would ask to take it over. But, alas, i have not. I will ponder that for a while now.


     10 December 2003, 17:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
BlackThunder  Account Info
(Web Page)

"to install Flash Apps, to flash a V200"

I have no idea what that means.

     14 December 2003, 00:21 GMT

Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh jeez. So many good programs to choose from ( where's Radial Pong? :D ). I had to pick Space Dementia, but I really think Ice Hockey is at an equal level.

     9 December 2003, 20:17 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOLOLOLOL! Yeah, you vote for Radial Pong, I'll vote for Kill Bin Laden. ;-)

     9 December 2003, 21:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

You made it. Why wouldn't you? Are you ever going to make it better?

     10 December 2003, 02:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes!!! If you saw an earlier thread, you might have know I lost all of the source code. But I'm currently developing Radial Poing 2, and it's really awesome. I'm already completely finished with practice mode, and AI and link mode will not be hard to finish (the program is allready setup to recieve secondhand input, either from an AI function or the link port). I expect a release after christmas break.

A few new features for the Radial Pong 2 release include:
- items that can be used for a variety of things, like paddle resizing and shooting lightning bolts at your opponent
- highscores for most volleys in practice mode
- and more...!

There's nothing on my website currently about it, but I probably should post my latest demo. Of course, I'm also in the middle of redesigning my site, so any posts might be late.

     10 December 2003, 13:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, post the demo, I'm a bit interested in how this will turn out. Does this version run faster than the last? Is it smoother?

     10 December 2003, 21:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, it runs faster and smoother. I've learned a lot about trigonometry in TIGCC since my first verison and so it's much better.

     11 December 2003, 18:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I learned a lot about trig by programming, too. Programming is great.

     12 December 2003, 21:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

When I lose my laziness. I had a lot of things planned right before the time when someone stole my calculator- that's kinda when I lost interest. First thing on my list was making the cannons parabolic. ;-) Also, the program's size is very bulky. I bet if I improvised the code a little, it could get smaller... there were a lot of things. Yeah... after my calc was stolen, I realized that I didn't program nearly as much as I used to. I should get back into the habit of doing it daily, again. I had a lot of projects going.

     10 December 2003, 21:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

I think he was talking to me :)

     11 December 2003, 18:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

Sorry to burst your bubble but grmatically and in reality, I was talking to no_one. I mentioned his game last, and then proceeded with a question relating to it.

     11 December 2003, 20:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)


     14 December 2003, 01:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

Revision: I replied to him, not you sorry.

     11 December 2003, 20:32 GMT

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