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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How often do you visit us?
Choice Votes   Percent
More than once per day 104 28.5%   
Once per day 85 23.3%   
4-6 times per week 67 18.4%   
2-3 times per week 48 13.2%   
Once per week 23 6.3%   
3 times per month 8 2.2%   
2 times per month 10 2.7%   
Once per month 10 2.7%   
Less than once per month 10 2.7%   

Survey posted 2003-10-12 03:10 by Henrik.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

  Reply to this item

Re: How often do you visit us?
Travis Evans Account Info

Looks like the poll should have had options for "Twice a day," "Three times a day," "Four times a day," etc., to separate out all that majority who chose "More than once per day." :-)

     13 October 2003, 15:27 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
q x  Account Info

MORE... than once per day?!! <* a suggestion in the form of a question *> ["More than once per day"].

     13 October 2003, 15:34 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
LuiShadoW  Account Info
(Web Page)

It should have options like one per hour, or every 2, 3 or 4 hours...

     13 October 2003, 22:20 GMT

Re: How often do you visit us?
q x  Account Info

Really........, at least once per day-if not more(2 to 3 times/day).

I voted 'more than once a day', but the above is more accurate.

     13 October 2003, 15:28 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Travis Evans Account Info

I chose "once per day" but it would have been more accurate to choose "once every 1.1666... days."

     14 October 2003, 15:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Michael McElroy Account Info
(Web Page)

Ye gods. They aren't looking for that kind of accuracy. Neither should you be.

     17 October 2003, 14:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Travis Evans Account Info

Actually, it would be even *more* accurate to say I visit ticalc.org about six times a week.

[Sorry, I just couldn't shut up. :-) ]

     24 October 2003, 01:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
killerB  Account Info
(Web Page)

what about leap weeks?
(sry, it's the only stupid joke i could think of making)


     24 October 2003, 23:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
killerB  Account Info
(Web Page)

(not that this is a joke ;-)

     25 October 2003, 19:01 GMT

Re: How often do you visit us?
Chivo  Account Info

Hmmm... It looks like I can now post comments on this site from the Galeon Internet browser. Before the server change I couldn't. I thought it was just a bug in Galeon (it might be, though) with the way it posts forms or something.

BTW, 2-3 times per week, more or less.

     13 October 2003, 21:08 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
henrik Account Info
(Web Page)

Sounds like a bug in Galeon as nothing has changed on the HTML front.

     14 October 2003, 07:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Chivo  Account Info

I don't know... could it be something in the CGI scripts that process the forms?

     25 October 2003, 18:39 GMT

Re: How often do you visit us?
burntfuse  Account Info

I mostly visit once a day, sometimes more than once a day, sometimes less, but it averages out to once a day. Shows how little of a life I have, sitting in front of the computer in 80% of my free time listening to hard rock....

I thought I had posted this before, but I can't find it now....either something weird happened, or a news editor is on my case for those disappearing subject bars ;).

     13 October 2003, 21:59 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

I can't remember what I voted. It has been too long, but I think it was roughly 4-6 times a week.

And, incidently, WRT deleting everything off topic, I think someone is taking it just a little too seriously.

But still I am visiting often enough now that I get to read a few of the things before they go.

     19 October 2003, 01:43 GMT

Re: How often do you visit us?
Julian Delpheki  Account Info

I come here every day, but this is the first time that I have posted. Finally wanted to say something.

     18 October 2003, 19:06 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
burntfuse  Account Info

Welcome to the message boards.

     19 October 2003, 14:37 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

Umm, welcome to a new social life. Visiting more often than me, yet posting less. Man you must have a wierd life.
Anywho. Welcome to a group of wierdos that spend too much time on a calc forum - strange though that the conversation doesn't move to calcs without an argument in tow. Ever. (forgive the bad English)

     19 October 2003, 15:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Julian Delpheki  Account Info

Thanks for then warm welcome. I am looking to becoming a valued member in the ti community.

     19 October 2003, 18:06 GMT

Re: How often do you visit us?
RCTParRoThEaD_ Account Info
(Web Page)

Where's the never option?

     19 October 2003, 16:55 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Julian Delpheki  Account Info

If you did not come here, how could you vote?

     19 October 2003, 19:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
molybdenum  Account Info

well, you could take someone else's copy of the site, and hack...

     19 October 2003, 20:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Uh...... *thinks*

Oh wait, I see how you could do that... sorta.

     21 October 2003, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
CajunLuke Account Info
(Web Page)

If you voted "never", you would be lying.

     19 October 2003, 19:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Julian Delpheki  Account Info

Well, there are those pools that say, "What is a calc?" and people vote that.

     19 October 2003, 21:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Julian Delpheki  Account Info

While I enjoy swimming, that should read: there are those _polls_ that say...

     20 October 2003, 22:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

"What is a calc?"

LOL... they should ask that question ;-)

     21 October 2003, 23:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
RCTParRoThEaD_ Account Info
(Web Page)

That's the point ;-)

     21 October 2003, 00:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hahaha... ;-)

Next poll: "Do you have a connection to the internet?"

What is the internet?
I invented the internet

     21 October 2003, 23:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL, I was thinking the same thing. If you never come to this site... well, you just did to vote...

Unless you mailed in your vote, and heard about the poll from a friend LOL

     21 October 2003, 23:50 GMT

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