Yes, regularly
Yes, tried it, don't use it
What's Virtual TI?
Re: Have you ever used Virtual TI?
Morgan Davies
(Web Page)
Don't you find it odd that the first program to break 250,000 is not considered a featured program. I e-mailed about making it a featured program. They have yet to reply.
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15 September 2002, 22:16 GMT
Re: Have you ever used Virtual TI?
I tried using VirualTI, but first it was compicated to get a 83+ ROM, i had to download TLIP to download the ROM using the USB Silverlink. Silverlink sucks, no programs use it sides ti connect's device explorer and TLIP!!! Grrrrrrrr....... And once i got the ROM image, which took little time going at like 5 kb/s on my XP Box. Then when i loaded the ROM in VirtualTI, the (virual) calc wouldn't do anything!!!! just sat there, and i know its not just slow cause i got 1.6ghz p4 w/ 512 RAMBUS 800 ram! Grrrr............
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16 September 2002, 04:13 GMT
Re: Have you ever used Virtual TI?
Stephen Sanders
(Web Page)
Virtual TI is awesome! It has saved me numerous times from installing programs that would otherwise have screwed up my calc.
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16 September 2002, 05:01 GMT
Re: Have you ever used Virtual TI?
I just use it for simulating calcs I don't have, to try programs. I stick with Flash Debugger for 83+.
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16 September 2002, 21:41 GMT
Re: Have you ever used Virtual TI?
I use VTI regularly. In fact, I use the debugger very frequently to debug my assembly programs. I've found some problems with the emulator though, like with the way it handles mode 2 interrupts (TI-86).
Another problem I found is when I tried to use its ROM dump program on my TI-92+. The calc sent most of its ROM to VTI, then my calc mysteriously crashed. I later downloaded the ROM from TI's web site, as well as the TI-89 ROM (hee hee :). They work perfectly in VTI.
Other than a few small bugs like that, it's pretty good.
By the way, this is the same version I've been using since November last year. I'm just wondering if Rusty will update it sometime, such as un-beta it or improve the emulation a little? I think he should release it under the GNU GPL (no, this has nothing to do with Linux and the like) so that everyone is and will forever be free to modify it and distribute it (as in free speech, not free beer).
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18 September 2002, 04:22 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used Virtual TI?
(Web Page)
I'm thinkin that's a bit of a stretch, because he most likely just got bored, trust me, EVERYone gets bored eventually of what their doing (list stupid no_one jokes next), and if he stopped, he probably wouldn't check his email to often, and therefore, i just forgot what i was goning on about, so ahh, thats the end.
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20 September 2002, 21:30 GMT
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