The State of the TI Community
Posted on 14 April 1999
The following text was written by Justin
Karneges: Please excuse any bad writing and/or excessive commas. I'm a
programmer, not an English major. =) Ahh, the TI community. Just as everything gets
corrupted given enough time, now it's the TI community's turn. I remember back in the days
of the regular NES. I got it in 1988 and back then games were good. There were only a
handful out there and they were well-crafted. The emphasis was gameplay and design. The
NES set the stage for just about every type of genre out there. Then we reach the Super NES
which was half-full of innovative games and then many clones. By the time we reach the days
of the N64, Playstation, and high-end PC's, we don't have a whole lot. It's kind of sad
really, that with all off the new technology, most of the new games suck bad. Doom comes
out and then 30 Doom clones are released in the following month. Give me a break! What
happened to the creativity? It's turned into money-madness, clones, and who can push the
most polygons. Funny I play my SNES more than my N64 and Playstation. Now don't get me
wrong, not every game is crap that comes out. It's just that only a few are truly good and
show the inspiration of 1988. Metal Gear Solid (the third installment in the Metal Gear
series) is about the only original and truly well-done game in the last year that I can
think of. I guess you could call me a video game purist. I'm harsher than Roger Ebert
panning movies when it comes to me rating video games. It used to be that just about every
video game in a game magazine looked good. Now you pick up a GamePro and it's full of
look-alike games. Every other month you *might* see a cool game. What ever happened to the
good old days? You're probably wondering how I'm going to compare this to the TI
community. Well, I can tell you right now that I'm absolutely not going to bash the games.
The games and programs from the TI community are its best part! What I am going to say
though, is that just like the video game industry, the TI community is suffering.
When I wrote Joltima back in 1997 (released in '98), I was told that it was one of the
better games in a long time. I didn't really get ANY negativity since it was one of the few
RPG's even out there. Back when I worked on that, the TI community was a very positive
place. Sure there were probably site wars and such, but the community was very tame and
open to any contribution a programmer would make. But these days it's no longer like that.
When Don Barnes released Super Mario Quest for the TI-89, I scratched my head when I saw
that only a couple of the comments (thanks to's comment system) were praises
about the game. The rest of the comments were negatives, port requests, or other game
requests! Whatever happened to just being happy that you even have a game to play? Super
Mario Quest is a programmer's work of art. It took skills to make that and I wouldn't have
asked for anything beyond his first release. To the non-programmers out there: Assembly
programming takes work. Days, weeks, months.. That's right, months! What were you doing
while Bill Nagel was writing Penguins? Probably out having fun while Bill slaved away. Be
thankful when these games come out! No offense to Dimension TI, but the description of
Penguins should really be changed. It says something like "unfortunately you can't kill the
enemies." Huh? When *could* we kill the enemies? When Nagel followed up with Super Mario
86 then we could, but not beforehand. So not only do many users completely
unappreciate what these programmers are doing, but there's also been some other problems
with the community. If you look through the comment sections for the news posts
(the comment system is just about the only place in the TI community where how
all of us think and feel is seen), you'll see that most of them are completely off-topic.
Others are hostile. Then there's advertising. And flames. Where did all of this come
from? Everything is shown to get corrupted over time (as the books Brave New World, Lord of
the Flies, and even Revelation tell us), but I didn't think this could be true for the TI
community! I mean.. there's not that many of us. And come on people, these are graphing
calculators! I can see that the TI community is taking a toll for the worst, and I don't
know how/if it will turn around. I'm not knocking everybody of course. Thank
for giving me a place to put this. Thank Dimension TI for an innovative archive index.
Thank the TI-Files' friendly environment. Thank all the numerous programmers out there from
before and now that have contributed. I don't know if I really want comments to this
article. The TI community doesn't need another 100k+ comment page to sift through. All I
ask is that we clean up our act. I'd like to clean up the video game industry if I could,
but I think I'd have more of a chance with this one. -Justin Karneges [Infiniti]
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Re: Article: The State of the TI Community
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
I, too, remember when games were fun... and not just because of good graphics or otherwise! They used to be fun because they had some special feature that no one had thought of before.
Well, I have the first comment, and I'd like to say that I agree with you completely, Justin, and I too have faith that the TI community will pull out of its slump. I wouldn't work here at if I thought otherwise.
Reply to this comment
14 April 1999, 06:29 GMT

Re: The TI Community
Definately. Now in 2005, all the new PC games focus on graphics, not gameplay. Since technology has advanced far enough, such as 1 gb flash drives 2 cm long, (people from 2005+ don't laugh, because this was really cool!), programmers focus of graphics. I recall really great games from the past, such as Megaman, Deus Ex, that had bad graphics. But they were fun and memorable; I don't remember most of the recent PC games I've played. Pessimistic I am, but I think the TI community is on it's deathbed.
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26 November 2005, 20:16 GMT
Re: Article: The State of the TI Community
All I have to say is that I totally agree!
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14 April 1999, 06:32 GMT
Re: The State of the TI Community
Justin, many of the assertions you have made are correct. I think all of us tend to overreact to situations. If one person is having a bad day, and they post a negative comment, then a chain reaction is formed. Many of the visitors to the website probably have good intentions -- but they have strong opinions.
I would agree with you that most of us are after games and that it's _just_a_calculator_. I'm sure that most people are appreciative of the efforts of programmers but become too concerned with other problems and see past the good.
You say "everything gets corrupted" over time - and that may be true - but in this case I feel that if everyone made a positive effort towards the community, we wouldn't even be concerned with this "nit-picking." Others have suggested an open message board or a Java chatroom, and I think services such as these would benefit everyone.
I respect for their allowance of such open discussion and would request to all who want to express their opinions to do so in a relevant and orderly manner!
Thank you and best regards,
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14 April 1999, 06:50 GMT
Re: Article: The State of the TI Community
I have to agree too, and I don't think it could have been put into better words than you put it.
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14 April 1999, 06:58 GMT
Re: Article: The State of the TI Community
You are very right about both the video game and Ti community! I for one like to praise and help programers with my e-mails and my comments. I think if people get back to the roots, in terms of being happy that there is programs and stick to makeing and helping people make great programs instead of complaining about what we have then things can change for the better. :-)
Thanks for the great letter
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14 April 1999, 06:58 GMT

Re: Re: Article: The State of the TI Community
if there is a program i like, i will mail the maker of it. and they usually really appreciate it. only exception i found was the street fighter people who bitched basically. but i have mailed the maker of slippy, and megacar, i can't think of his name right now, and he liked the input and i helped him with a few ideas. also i mailed stf (maker of nibelz) and he and i started to talk back and forth, and i have given him many good ideas to better his game. out of it, i get lots of programming help, the game that i liked became even better, and hell, im now one of his beta testers. and he really appreciated getting the mail from me telling him i liked the game. just as i know once i finish a program i would. im thinking it would be depressing to put a program out, and if your game is special enough, get a news item. and once you read the comments about the news item all you hear is crap about "i don't like it", or off subject crap. and never get email responces. for the most part, if i like a program ill mail them back. sure many people are too busy to read all your mail, but eventually you get a reply. hell, who knows, maybe youll give them ideas that could make the game you like even better. or send bad ideas to make a game you hate, a game you would like. and don't just flame them.
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15 April 1999, 12:31 GMT
By God, He''s got it!
Steve Koenig
(Web Page)
Wow, hopefully we can all think about what Justin said and draw our own opinions *about this article*. I feel this article is the one that'll help us all see the point of calculators and the calculator gaming scene....
Although the "TI Community" (I put it in quotes because many see the community as only the three major web sites, while it is much more than that) has been in a state of limbo for the past few months, it will stay strong and continue to grow.
Thats all,
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14 April 1999, 07:16 GMT
Re: Article: The State of the TI Community
Jeffrey Malone
Amen! Think about that, ASM programmers spend weeks just trying to learn the language so they can spend more time working on programs for you. Every to to learn ASM? most of us probabley have, and most of us just look at those tutorials and think wtf? Well these people probably started out the same way until they just stuck to it and finalley understood, well why don't we thank them for it? Thanx to any ASM (or BASIC) programmer out there that spent the time to learn the language and write their program.
also to prevent your "corruption" I would say that there should be no more clones, just updates, and programers, don't try to release your programas soon as can start and quit without crashing, give it to BETA testers to get suggestions and make it a good game rather than a series of close updates and then clones...
one more thing, anyone who is starting ASM, don't have your first program be a game, no sense in making a boring game just because you can, wait a month (at least) of programming before making any games :)
Reply to this comment
14 April 1999, 07:42 GMT

Re: Asm Programming
David Phillips
(Web Page)
I couldn't agree more! Learning asm (or even basic) can take a very long time. If you're not experienced at programming, just the concepts will take you months to grasp. People should be grateful that people are spending many hours a day just so they can have a game to play, rather than insulting it.
About starting out writing a game...I have to disagree. While this is a debatable area, programming is something you have to enjoy to do well at. Not everyone can be a programmer, or at least a good programmer. And if you are lucky to be skilled at programming, you won't spend time writing thousands of lines of code if you don't enjoy it.
If you want to write a game, great! Write a game! My first asm program was Tic Tac Toe for the 86. It took me about a week. Sure, the game sucked, the code sucked and it wasn't worth playing. However, it was simple and fun to do and most importantly, it got me familiar enough with the basics of asm to move on to more difficult programming.
In fact, I didn't even release a compiled version of it when I was done. I uploaded the source to, in the hopes that it might help someone else learn asm. When I started asm, I commented every single line in my programs, mainly because it helped me. But at the same time, this could really help someone else out. Since the game wasn't worth playing, downloading or keeping on the calc, I didn't want to release it as a game. But Bryan bugged me to compile and upload it, so I finally did.
The reason I didn't want to do that was because someone would see it, think it was good, then try it out and get upset because it sucks. I wrote it for me to learn, not for others to play.
The problem with writing games as a first program is that to make a really good game, or even a simple game, takes a lot of knowledge, not just about asm, but about game programming in general. The tendency is to start on something too big, get discouraged and never finish it.
By writing simple programs, rather games or not, you feel like you're accomplishing something and are learning in the process. If it's not good, don't release it! People can't differentiate between these programs that you write to teach yourself something and a great game like Sqrxz or Vertigo.
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14 April 1999, 21:00 GMT
Re: Re: Asm Programming
Adam Brooke
(Web Page)
What you've written should be an article in itself. I totally agree with you - much of the source code I wrote to learn ASM is totally useless to others, but yet I did write a game as my first released ASM program - and not too bad, either. I needed something to encourage me to learn more, and obviously reading tutorials and typing up their 40-line programs isn't much fun. Trying to use the tutorials to teach you what you need to know is.
As for starting on too big a project, I've seen many programmers who've started on some "great game" that sounds awesome but then they give up after about a week and a half.
It takes a lot of experience to write a good ASM game, and non-ASM programmers often don't realize that for a beginning ASM programmer, writing even a semi-good game might take a month or more. (That is, if they finish it.)
What I'm saying is, if you don't program ASM, don't criticize ASM programs.
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15 April 1999, 00:05 GMT
Re: Re: Asm Programming
Jon Clarke
I completely agree with you. Even in BASIC, just knowing what most of the commands do isn't enough, you have to learn yourself or from others the different ways of doing certain things. I have seen countless monlithic pieces of trash spout from my friends calculators written in BASIC that could have been made infinitely smaller and faster if they knew how to do certain things, for instance, use matrices to keep track of lots of stuff at once, instead of having lists pages long for a thousand different variables used in the program.
As for learning from other people's work, that is so true and so useful. I have learned countless things from programs other people have made, not so much in ASM, but even in BASIC do I learn mew things all the time. I used to have an 86, and decided that I would learn to program in ASM for it. I printed out a couple tutorials, but gave up in a week because the tutorial was so crappy.
Anyway, I think the article is very true.
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15 April 1999, 00:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Asm Programming
Absolutely. The same thing's happened to me about four times.
The other brick wall is to start on something, find a bug that you can't freaking fix, and shove it to the back of your mind. Usually, when I have a high-priority project, I keep it grouped right on my calc, so I can work on it anywhere. Transferring it to the computer moves it down on your urgency list, and keeping it in RAM, is, well, too risky.
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11 May 2005, 06:06 GMT
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