The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware
Posted on 31 December 1999
The following text was written by Benjamin
Kong: The TI-8x/9x calculators have vast capabilities as have been
demonstrated these past few years. One issue that I have been thinking about is calculator
shareware. The concept of calc shareware, in theory could be programmed via assembly. One
would have to use a lock out method with an encryption program (within the program) that,
when the user enters his name and address, would run those strings through the encryption
sub program and using the strings would generate a serial, which would be entered by the
user to unlock the full version of the software. With any calc below the TI-86, shareware
would be a waste of time, due to the power, and more important, memory capacity of the
calcs. The TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus would definitely contain enough memory to be used
for shareware purposes. The question still remains, however; if the shareware idea is acted
upon, will it succeed financially? In my opinion, probably not. Though possible on the
TI-8x/9x series, the shareware program would have to be extremely revolutionary to be
successful (say for example, the first shell that made possible assembly for the TI-8x
calcs). Maybe with the TI-89 and TI-92 Plus some worth paying for programs will be created
though. There is always the possibility shareware being decompiled, the source code looked
at and hacked; as well as numerous sites with pirated serials. Yes, calculator
games/programs are at this present level, probably not worth paying for, but in the future,
who knows... the whole concept of calc shareware is possible though. Obviously there are
many programming problems to overcome, but the skill and effort demonstrated by the TI
community is, in my opinion more then able to accomplish this feat. I hope in the future,
that someone will create at least one shareware program just to demonstrate TI-8x/9x is
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Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
Jason Brisch
(Web Page)
I suppose if someone really wanted to ruin the whole basis for the TI community, they could by selling their programs. I seriously doubt that more than a few people would actually PAY for calculator games because they spread so rapidly. I have a friend who made a fool out of himself because he tried to sell calculator games at my school soon after I got my graph-link. I distributed them for free and the freeware won. (I think he found one sucker to sell games to before his enterprise was prematurely forced out of business)
Personally I prefer the freeware concept that the TI community has been using for the past several years. If programmers start to sell their programs, I think I will be adding a CaLc WaReZ section on my page.
As a final note, I prefer my Bills being Nagels, not Gate$.
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23 April 1999, 04:19 GMT

Demented perspective?
Arthur O'Dwyer
(Web Page)
As an advanced TIB programmer and gamer in general, I think I'm qualified to comment on
TI programming. It may be hard work for some people to program worthwhile games, but
most programmers program for the fun of it, or because they're bored, or maybe to impress
other programmers, NOT to make money. If I wanted to make money off of TI calcs, I'd
be a shoplifter. (joke)
And as for the true extent of the "TI community": you can't really believe that programmers
are all there is? The audience is at least as important as the programmer; otherwise, distribution
sites like wouldn't exist!
Finally, I'd like to express my extreme dislike for the entire shareware concept, especially in
relation to TI calculators. The idea of paying the programmer is great - I'd like more money,
too - but there's a fine line between giving away a great program and giving away a piece of
"cripple-ware". Most shareware authors (IMHO) tend to err on the side of cripple-ware, thus
giving the gamer one more reason to hate programmers and love pirated software. Bad for
everyone. If a programmer wants to be paid for his work, he needs to get lots of experience
and go to work for a PC or Nintendo-type game company.
Keep the TI community free!
(P.S.: English papers take me a lot longer than writing a decent Duck Hunt.)
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22 August 2000, 22:02 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
hanzillika and phil muckrakin
You know what,!!! I saw one of those calculator things at Costco for 20 $!!! You people are funny##=solution: riverview Sanitarium. ;}
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9 July 1999, 05:37 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
I, for one, would not pay a cent for any program on my calculator. I have yet to see a program so revolutionary that I must have it, no matter what the cost. Keep it free for everyone.
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31 December 1998, 23:35 GMT
Re: Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
I agree. No matter what the quality of the program, it will still be confined to the limitations of the calculator which are, needless to say, very large. To pay anything for a program that is less than 1 tenth of a megabyte is ludicrous in itself. Andreas Ess asked for a measly one dollar contribution for the full version of MC Mik, which was a fantastic, full assembly, greyscale TI-85 mario clone. And from what I hear, he didn't get many takers. If programmers start to charge money for their programs, people simply won't pay. I would hate to see the calculator program community turn into the computer software industry.
"Full versions, get your full versions here! Get 'em before the feds realize we've got'em!" - unlikely scenario, but you get the point.
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1 January 1999, 02:17 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
Ian Lamberson
I think that the whole idea of charging for games, programs, etc is a terrible idea. I find enough enjoyment in programming, and knowing that people are playing my games, that I think that charging for them would be against the point. In the community of TI-users around the world there have been very good programs made purely by people who enjoy programming. I for a fact know that anything I program, I could not rightfully charge for because of the poor quality :-(. Would I pay for a calculator program? probabley not, maybe on how desperate I would get. I admire everyone out there that programs, for there time and the enjoyment they give poor Algebra 2 students. So Shareware let's not?
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31 December 1998, 23:38 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
(Web Page)
Ahem. *gag* This idea is Not Good. Why? Because, once unlocked, a program can be copied as much as possible. There is one way to get around that. To have the program check the serial number of the calculator that it's on. Shareware for calculators is a bad idea. Free is better. Shareware won't make people program better. Or more. I believe in freeware, and I'll only pay for a program when it's made by a company. Even then I find the idea of TI Corp making me pay for some updates to my 92+ ROM terrible. How much money could someone make by doing calculator shareware? Not a hell of a lot. How much annoyance would it create? A hell of a lot. I, myself, and hopefully others, will refuse to acknowledge the existence of any programmer who participates in this "shareware" gibberish, NOR any of their other programs.
Being somewhat of a programmer myself, I can tell you I won't be doing this gibberish to my programs *ever*. Especially PRIME6.
Sorry if this is a rant. Don't bother nitpicking this, or finding flaws in the pseudoargument I've tried to make here. I won't respond.
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31 December 1998, 23:40 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
Shareware on the calculator is a stupid idea since all programmers are students who are doing it for fun.
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31 December 1998, 23:40 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
Ben Fuhrman
I've got just one question about your article... WHY THE HECK DO YOU WANT TO RUIN THE FREEWARE SYSTEM ALREADY IN PLACE??? I've been involved with the ti-calc comunity for 3 years and have never paid for a program. This is because the system in question is a calculator. Shareware only is applicable if the software is developped by independent companies for the purpose og generating profit. But now thanks to the internet, we can just pirate the full version. But in the event that someone does produce shareware calc programs in the manner you suggested, piracy will not be needed because all you have to do is edit the source code with one of the free program development kits. In conclusion, STOP RUINING EVERYONE ELSE'S FUN BY POSTING THE IDEA THAT WE NEED TO PAY. And, while I respect the programmer, if this idea takes hold, I will personally show people how to hack the source code thus defeating your sophmoric ideal of shareware calc programs.
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31 December 1998, 23:50 GMT
Re: Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
Kent Horvath
Woah there tough guy! Slow it down a bit... First of all, not all programs are made in BASIC, and the best programs generally are not. In fact, the better programs are made in assembly language which is "compiled" and then placed on the calculator. Granted, it is possible to download the ROM from your calculator, dissassemble it, and then examine and change the coding, but I doubt that you are that skilled of a coder to be able to do something of that nature. And even if you were, I doubt that you could "personally teach" every one of us to code assembly language, and I doubt that you'd be willing to provide every one of us with a link and software to do it with. Anything else I am forgetting? Please feel free to respond. I am not being sarcastic or flaming, please forgive me if I rub off this way, I merely want to illustrate that the problem reaches far beyond the BASICs...
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4 January 1999, 05:00 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
DaRk SToRaGe
(Web Page)
WHAT?????? ARE YOU NUTS????? The entire purpose of providing programs for calculators is for fun, not profit. What sort of idiot would get a 'shareware' program. No moron in their right mind would use it. At any rate, at least each school or group of people who own a calculator have some ASM genius who would willingly crack the program so that you won't have to pay for it (who would? I'd like to see someone, other than you say they would like to BUY a calculator program). I question your logic behind such a proposal, it is obvious you have no idea how dumb your idea sounds (and how improbable)
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1 January 1999, 00:30 GMT
Re: Article: "The Possibilities of Calculator Shareware"
CALCULATOR WAREZ!!! get your ti warez, crackz, appz, serialz and mp3z at the Ti50 top 50 ti warez site. ... also visit www.tiwarez!
click the porn banners!
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1 January 1999, 00:43 GMT
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