Put the Calculator Away!
Posted on 19 November 1998
The following text was written by Jimi: Consider the following example:
YouÂ’re sitting in the back of your English class. ItÂ’s boring and seems like itÂ’s never
going to end. You look at the clock. ThereÂ’s still 15 minutes left to the class, so you
decide to pull out your TI85 and play a game of Galaxian or two, and so you quietly do so,
hiding the calculator behind your book bag. You get so into the game that you fail to
notice the teacher is walking down the aisle toward you, wondering why youÂ’re not watching
the board at all. You finally notice when the teacher calls on you to answer a question.
In panic you stuff the TI-85 under your book bag to cover it, but your teacher takes note of
your actions and realizes what youÂ’re doing. "Put the calculator away," youÂ’re caught. The
batteries are pulled from the calculator and you may have to wait a day to get it back.
This is a common scene at many high schools around the nation, and for this reason, many
teachers look down upon the Texas Instruments graphing calculators, seeing them as frequent
toys and seldom academic tools. Teachers in all education departments are aware of the
gaming capabilities. Texas Instruments has remained far from openly advocating
implementation. They have, although, put built-in assembly language support in several of
their more recent calculators, but do most Calculator Based Laboratories need assembly
support? Do you need 98 kilobytes of RAM to solve linear equations? Probably not. Texas
Instruments is only aiding the gamer by adding these features. There is no real need other
than better graphics, faster ray-casting, faster RPG, more levels, more games, and room
still to have all your Calculator Based Laboratories and data. There are many
students who get perfectly decent grades and deserve to goof off in class a little. But
there are many students who are struggling and games only serve as an added distraction.
If calculator gaming is continued at this scale, teachers will take away calculator
privileges and gear their class labs, assignments, and studies toward calculators without
the gaming functionality. Students need to realize that there is a time to play and a time
not to play. If games on calculators lose their usability they will die off. There will be
no programmers popping up with the aspiration to become great if there is no need for
calculator based games. We will see new generations of calculators designed with
the sole purpose of math and science applications only. Texas Instruments calculator games
will be novelties and antiques if the current situation continues. Something must be done!
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Re: Article: "Put the Calculator Away!"
I have first of all learne a lot from using my calculator with games. It is what inspired me to learn to program in basic assembly. I am also experimenting with hardware and am teaching myself electronic couses sience there are few at my high school.
And my grades have improved sience I started using it. I have written my own math programs to use at school for quizzes and stuff. I also distribute them freely so I can help many other students.
Garrett Kaste.
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9 April 1999, 18:08 GMT
Personally, I Don''t Give A Damn
You know, things being what they are, and people not able to change other people's minds, let it be. You can not, even through all this discussion, change what other people are going to do, so go your own way, and do what you will, but do we have to get mad at other people for their different opinions? <rhetorical question>
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25 April 1999, 05:33 GMT
Re: Put the Calculator Away!
I have a TI 84+SE and one day I was walking through the hallway while playing Pong (That takes SKILL!) and someone said "Heh heh he playin' hi' Ne'ti'do!" and I was kinda... umm... well... I live near Detroit and the intelligence level there is about none. Oh well. Anyway, the only smart people there are those who watch anime. I have no idea how that association works, but it does.
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17 September 2004, 00:48 GMT
Re: Put the Calculator Away!
Although I understand your frustration I have to disagree thoroughly with your accusations that Texas Instruments is encouraging game playing during school. Let me introduce myself, I'm a high school student and I use my TI-83+ for math and science, along with game programming. However, I only program my games and play them during study hall(after finishing all my homework) and during breaks. The RAM of the 83 is tiny by modern standards but its far from overkill for any advanced math class. As for assembly programming, TI is providing a means for people to create applications for their calculators. These can obviously be used for good or evil. Like many of my peers, I am constantly using the Periodic Table application, along with others that are extremely useful in doing my schoolwork. If I were to propose that all schools put holes half of an inch in diameter all over each piece of paper in a school to prevent people from making paper airplanes or paper footballs I doubt you would agree with me. Of course, I'm wondering how you propose to weaken the TI but somehow make it more powerful. You say you want a calculator that's designed for math only, but you want it to have horrible graphics. Obviously, this is hypocritical because the reason why its called a graphing calculator is because it graphs equations. If TI wanted to sell a pathetic product, they would've been replaced by their competitors years ago, instead they were sucessful so learn to discipline your students or get a new job.
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18 September 2004, 02:04 GMT
Re: Put the Calculator Away!
:-) Maybe this is off topic, but this topic did catch my eye, and I would like to add my comment to it. If it weren't for a graphing calculator (that only had 32 kb of memory on it), I would not be a Computer Science Major. In my senior year of high school during the first few weeks, I saw a problem in my Advanced Math book and decided to solve it. The problem was never even brought up or mentioned by my teacher. There was nothing it in for me if I solved the problem. For some reason, I just took interest in it. The problem wanted me to write a program that could solve an equation. I wrote the program and was introduced into the world of programming by having to read on how to program my calculator and by creating the program. I wrote dozens of programs after that just for fun. Some of them had study related purposes; but some of them included screen savers, puzzles, games, and even special utilities for special purposes not related to school. I do dislike people's wasting their time playing games in class as that is not right. However, these powerful calculators have their purposes. Please do not look down upon that power. It is not a calculator's fault that it is being used in the wrong way at the wrong time. It is the fault of those people who are using their calculators in this situation. This party is the only party that is responsible for this, and this party must accept the full responsibility of its actions. It is not the parents' fault. It is not TI's fault. It is not the schools' fault. However, the three parties just mentioned may take actions that correct the problem. In closing, people who do wrong are the people who are wrong and should be held accountable for their actions.
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28 September 2004, 00:20 GMT
Re: Article: "Put the Calculator Away!"
P DooM
(Web Page)
check this out if you're looking for a REAL
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27 May 1999, 18:23 GMT
Re: Put the Calculator Away!
Michael Marley
I think that teachers should erase the RAM of anyone's calculator that they are gaming on. But hey, put your games in the archive!
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14 January 2005, 22:31 GMT
Re: Put the Calculator Away!
Nathan Thomas
(Web Page)
I dont know i played wolf83 and prroggramed stick figure porn (dont ask i was bored) on my calc all of 1st semester and made b's and c's in algebra because i didnt pay attettion to my teacher and really regret it now that my semester grade is a c at the least. I wish i would have payed attettion to my teacher.
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15 December 2005, 16:36 GMT
Re: Put the Calculator Away!
(Web Page)
This entire school year ALL that I have done in Algebra is play calc games!
And I have a 99.7% in that class...(I missed two stupid questions on one test...ugh...)
When I'm not playing games I'm doing Su Doku puzzles...my teacher (she's awesome) doesn't care what i do as long as I do well...
I wish all teachers were like that...
Calc games are no worse, or better, than reading, making origami, just outright not listening, etc...in class...
I mean at least we're not TALKING!
Adios mis amigos!
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23 January 2006, 03:10 GMT
The last laugh.....
it seems people are making a very big deal about this subject. I just want to say one thing, that i think, sums up everything said here....
You go to school to learn. If you don't want to learn, it's your choice, just don't get in the way of people who actually want to learn.
You won't realise how important knowledge is until you really need it, believe me.
Hahaha. (that's the laugh)
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29 July 1999, 16:58 GMT
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