Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators
Posted on 6 September 1998
The following text was written by Matthew
Stits: When one looks at the evaluation of the TI series of calculators, one
sees more and more people trying to push the envelope of what one can do with them. At
first, just a few basic games, then assemblers, all the way up to memory expansion kits.
With this in mind, TI did make it a bit harder to make an assembler on the TI series with
the 92. I remember many people discussing the problems (of which I do not recall the exact
reasons) which gave way to making fargo a very stable shell built on an Operating Sytem
never intended for it. With time and the presence of fargo, TI has seen that someone will
always find a way to get around what ever obstacles presented and has now put an assembler
on their TI-89 and TI-92 Plus models. At first this would seem great for the TI's.
In one single step they have erased the need of so many people who enjoyed their work. Now
after explaining some of the history to this saga, I feel TI has given themselves a bit of
an Achilles heel. With the ever growing cost of the college student's calculator, TI said,
"Hey! Let's put Flash ROM in so they will only have to buy one calculator for a little
more." With this in mind a hole was opened that none had previously thought about. Why
doesn't someone now make a complete OS for the calculator? It could be anything from a
small unix box, to a full fledged GUI OS. Here I'd like to present some examples of it why
it should be done. All the registers are out and I am sure that a 10 MHz chip is more than
enough for a GUI interface or at least a basic lunix shell to start from. I think
that the biggest problem would be in making a joint inter face for both the TI-89 and TI-92
Plus. It would most likely have to be recompiled for each version with different specs for
the first few builds until a set amount of memory is dedicated to output for the LCD screen.
There are at least 3 OS's made from this chip and its children already! Mac OS, Norton "that
pseudo Palm Pilot" and Sega's very basic ROM reading OS for its genesis and probably a few
more. This is by no means to say the that Fargo has no purpose, but what if they made it
into a full fledged OS and not a shell on top of an OS never intended to work in the back
ground? When looking at this from the a different angle, one sees a few possible
problems. Some (actually most) of us don't have a TI-92 Plus, so Fargo is all that many can
use. Fargo is probably a lot better planned than whatever TI had made. Fargo can use
libraries, make TSR's, and many other things that I for one doubt TI put that much work.
There are already many good programs for Fargo "that could be ported at a later date". As
for making your own OS for the calculator, all you could do is turn it into what most (at
least at first) would consider a novelty or GameBoy, not to be taken seriously. Why
reinvent a calculator that TI paid lots of people to make? I believe a person or small
group of people not getting paid would make anything as good or better.
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Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
(Web Page)
David Boozer, the guy who started the TI-85 programming frenzy in 1994 with his paper "Hacking the TI-85" has had his own multitasking OS along with several other goodies for his calculator for years now, and has not released it because other technical documents and people who used the data he discovered disclosed in the paper failed to cite him.
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30 September 1998, 00:58 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
bob sackamano
I've been hearing alot about putting the Mac OS or a Unix onto a 68k TI calculator. There is a project to get linux ported to 68k processors without a MMU. The link is somewhere on They have gotten it to boot on a palmpilot with some kind or memory expansion card or something, but I don't belive it's useable.
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10 October 1998, 22:19 GMT
MacOS on TI-89
Robert Thompson
(Web Page)
Well... personally, I think this would be really, really cool due to the "Mt. Everest Factor." BUT: There's a major problem (well, maybe not so major if you know more about hardware than me... I'm a CS guy, that's software ya know) with it: It won't work without the actual Apple ROMs. Most of the important bits of the MacOS are actually stored in ROM, not on disk. Well, not anymore, but that was certainly true of System 1.1, which is probably all you could run on the calc, anyway. What kind of solutions to this problem can anyone come up with?
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27 October 1998, 19:17 GMT
Sam Joyce
I think there would be a major problem with putting dos or linux on the 89: it doesn't have a keyboard. Sure it's got the alpha key, but who do you know that can actually type with any amount of respectable speed on their calculator? It might work on a 92, but even the qwerty kb on that is a little small.
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2 November 1998, 06:44 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
MogKupo0 / ZeromusMog
It seems that we have here, on two opposite sides, a proposal for two equally ludicrous OSes. On one hand, you have an incredibly slow, impossible to navigate GUI that is modeled after (Heaven Forbid!) the MacOS, an on the other hand you have the quick, speedy, but incredibly hard to figure out Linux "Box". From my experience with Linux, it is a great operating system (the best, actually), however the amount of typing needed to operate a BASH prompt is almost unthinkable using only the ALPHA key. A new OS should be made to take advantage of the portable, many-keyed, small-storaged device that the 89/92 is. I could see something like OS-85 on steroids.
There's also the issue of buying a $200 calclator with symbolic manipulation only to replace that with a buggy mega-zshell. I would be willing to play with some experimental OSes, but I would see it as more feasable if TI's OS was hacked to death to allow better game support. Which is what this all boils down to: we want our calcs to become more like Game Boys. Which is all fine and dandy if you want to take Mr. TI on a road trip and need something to do (perhaps include zTetris and other favorites IN the OS so it doesn't take user memory?!), but I don't see anyone making something that I would be comfortable using during a math test.
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29 November 1998, 09:32 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
Dave Kuder
Using Linux on a TI calc would only be useful on a TI92 because of the fact that the amount of typing involved in using a CLI is unreasonable without a QWERTY keyboard, The only way that one could use a CLI based OS on one of the traditional form calculators would be very much like the "DOS" available for the PalmPilot hand helds, through the usage of an _external_ keyboard (cheap 16" AT keyboards could even be used,) the external keyboard could be attached with little special circutry to the link port and a simple driver written (there are several programs to directly interface with a AT keyboards, some of which can be found at Tomi Endigal's website.) This may seem ludicrus to some, but a CLI would be possible on the traditional form graphing calculators with an external keyboard.
Footnote: there is a Linux port for the 92 in progress, if the guy ever figures out how to use Tiger (the TI92/89 emulator for linux and MacOS) and downloads the M68k w/o MMU project's existing patches to the linux kernel, right now he is just taunting all us calc users with his ideas.
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6 February 1999, 02:37 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
Chris Osborn
I think that it is high time someone created a TI-89 emulator. Does anyone know of one that exists? Also, if anyone knows of a list of Motorola 68000 opcodes; I would like to know. The opcodes would prove useful in creating an emulator. It is much easier and quicker to write ASM code when it can be tested without sending it to the calc via the Graph Link first.
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6 February 1999, 17:54 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
(Web Page)
anyone ever think of making some hardware for the ti's a little motha' board looking thing that can have ports (one connecting to the calc of course) for a keyboard/mouse, speakers, ram extensions or the like... with the extra hardware and software to use it. this would of course be practically useless but hey, if mt. everest is there why not clime it twice?
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2 March 1999, 23:51 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
i want a flash rom for the ti89
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20 March 1999, 14:09 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
Where can I find flashable functions for my TI 89 and for my TI 92+ ?
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31 March 1999, 15:51 GMT
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