Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators
Posted on 6 September 1998
The following text was written by Matthew
Stits: When one looks at the evaluation of the TI series of calculators, one
sees more and more people trying to push the envelope of what one can do with them. At
first, just a few basic games, then assemblers, all the way up to memory expansion kits.
With this in mind, TI did make it a bit harder to make an assembler on the TI series with
the 92. I remember many people discussing the problems (of which I do not recall the exact
reasons) which gave way to making fargo a very stable shell built on an Operating Sytem
never intended for it. With time and the presence of fargo, TI has seen that someone will
always find a way to get around what ever obstacles presented and has now put an assembler
on their TI-89 and TI-92 Plus models. At first this would seem great for the TI's.
In one single step they have erased the need of so many people who enjoyed their work. Now
after explaining some of the history to this saga, I feel TI has given themselves a bit of
an Achilles heel. With the ever growing cost of the college student's calculator, TI said,
"Hey! Let's put Flash ROM in so they will only have to buy one calculator for a little
more." With this in mind a hole was opened that none had previously thought about. Why
doesn't someone now make a complete OS for the calculator? It could be anything from a
small unix box, to a full fledged GUI OS. Here I'd like to present some examples of it why
it should be done. All the registers are out and I am sure that a 10 MHz chip is more than
enough for a GUI interface or at least a basic lunix shell to start from. I think
that the biggest problem would be in making a joint inter face for both the TI-89 and TI-92
Plus. It would most likely have to be recompiled for each version with different specs for
the first few builds until a set amount of memory is dedicated to output for the LCD screen.
There are at least 3 OS's made from this chip and its children already! Mac OS, Norton "that
pseudo Palm Pilot" and Sega's very basic ROM reading OS for its genesis and probably a few
more. This is by no means to say the that Fargo has no purpose, but what if they made it
into a full fledged OS and not a shell on top of an OS never intended to work in the back
ground? When looking at this from the a different angle, one sees a few possible
problems. Some (actually most) of us don't have a TI-92 Plus, so Fargo is all that many can
use. Fargo is probably a lot better planned than whatever TI had made. Fargo can use
libraries, make TSR's, and many other things that I for one doubt TI put that much work.
There are already many good programs for Fargo "that could be ported at a later date". As
for making your own OS for the calculator, all you could do is turn it into what most (at
least at first) would consider a novelty or GameBoy, not to be taken seriously. Why
reinvent a calculator that TI paid lots of people to make? I believe a person or small
group of people not getting paid would make anything as good or better.
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Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
I think this is a great idea. Most Ti owners seem to use there calculators to do 1 of 3 things (program, play games, do math and science work). It would be nice to have 3 seperate OS's optimized for each of these applications.
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9 September 1998, 00:53 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
A question for Nathan Cassano
Could you explain what you mean when you say:
" I person dumped their 89 rom mistakenly and it still booted, but with no extra algebra and calculus stuff. "
1. What are you saying in that sencence?
2. Could you explain how the flash rom got erased?
3. What happened to the 89 after the rom was off?
4. What did the screen look like w/o the rom installed?
Could you please post the answers to those questions, I'd be much appreciative.
Thank You
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9 September 1998, 07:11 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
In response to a lot of commits on the FLASH ROM I have decided to try to clear up any misconceptions people might have. The word FLASH stands for Fluxing Lepton Anomaly in a Space-time Hamiltonian. The ROM stands for Right Or Maybe memory, this is very different to the conventional on-off memory.
ROM memory stores data as a Right Or Maybe instead of right or wrong. It does this through a cleaver mechanism known as the Schrodinger’s cat phenomena. Little tiny box’s containing cats are used instead of switches. When data is stored to the little boxes containing these cats a harmful radioactive particle is sent to the box that has a 50% chance of killing the cat. Since the box is closed we don't know if the cat is dead or alive, hence a MAYBE has been stored in the box. To store a RIGHT (also know as ON, or 1) to a box the box is first opened and the radioactive particles are sent until the cat is dead. All the boxes that contained dead cats could only be rest back to when the cat was alive 7 times (because cats only have 7 lives). Since there was a need for a method of resting this type of memory more then 7 times, the FLASH technique was developed.
As all physics students know this FLASH reverse's the arrow of time within the given region of space. Therefore the cats can be brought back to a time when they had more lives. This process can raise the number of lives of a cat by a power of 4.75 ~ 10000 lives. So you can only write to the ROM 10000 times before all the cats are dead. I hope this clears things up a little.
I hope no ones takes this seriously :)
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10 September 1998, 20:04 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
I'll get straight to the point: _Yes_, coding an entirely new OS would probably have no significant impact since a calc is primarily just what it is: a _calculator_. No matter how much this may be true, there is no real argument against any attempt to accomplish such a noble and utterly... _cool_ project. It is very challenging, in my humble opinion, to code from *scratch* a whole entire OS. Although not nearly as important or even demanded as Fargo was, a new OS would be just plain vanilla *whoo-hoo!!* =P; it'll even more so if the project became so popular that new programs can be built upon this brave new platform and whatnot. Hey, if you (the problem-solving, handy-dandy codemeister out there) feels up to the challenge, who are we to stop ya? =)
One major factor though: Why make a "MacOS for calcs"? Heh.. err if there was going to be a new OS for the calc, it should be totally utilitarian... command line okay? IMHO, GUIs suck. But that's another list... hehehe peace out. =)
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11 September 1998, 01:43 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
John David Ratliff
I really don't see why a person would want to build a new OS with FlashROM. It's my understanding that you could simply write an assembly program or a number of them which would accomplish whatever features you're looking for. One could disable the interrupts and switch into supervisor mode, then one would have OS control. And, no degradation of the FlashROM. 10,000 would not be a lot if people were needed for beta testing. How many Linux kernels are there? Subtract 10,000 - the number of linux kernels and you're down a whole lot of FlashROM life.
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25 September 1998, 08:43 GMT
Re: Article: "Building OSs for Flash ROM Calculators"
Well, what about building OS for non-flash ROM calcs?
I am thinking a while about writing completely new ROM content for the TI-82. Why? I looked into 82, 83 and 85. TI-82 seems to have ROM separated so it can be easily de-soldered and replaced by Flash ROM (I can have a couple of really cheap 82's so I can experiment with them).
At the moment, we can write anything to it. It would be really fun to have something more interesting in this ROM. Evergreen games, apps and so.
Does it sound interesting for anybody except me?
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29 September 1998, 14:34 GMT
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