Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw


Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw

Remember, 7 and 7.1 were arround with win3.1 was out.  You have to admit
that it was a little more complete out of the box...

>Oh please. That's why System 7, early versions like 7 and 7.1 were
>crappy, because of lack of stability. But "crashes when you copy a file"
>is BS, and an isolated incident, Im sure. I worked with various sytem
>7's for many years, it wasn't awful, it just crashed to much. It still
>looked(and was) a hell of a lot nicer than Windows. But I'm not even
>going to bother arguing about outdated OSes.
>>>An OS that locks up your entire system when you copy a file, or
>everything when one app goes down sucks, no matter who made it.
