Re: A82: 6x6 sprite routine (error fix)
Re: A82: 6x6 sprite routine (error fix)
At 11:00 PM 11/30/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Sorry, but had to fix something:
>So, for instance say I have this 6x6 sprite:
> .db %11111100
> .db %11111100
> .db %11111100
> .db %11111100
> .db %11111100
> .db %11111100
> .db %00000000
> .db %00000000
>And using a common 8x8 sprite routine I could display this at
>coordinates: (10,91) Y=10 (little ways down) x=91 (far right)
>And this would not be a problem and would display fine and the calc
>wouldn't crash? Hmm.. I always thought it would? Can anybody confirm
That type of displaying the sprite would work, but the sprite's right edge
would show at the beginning of the next line (shifted down one pixel).
This can look real ugly. This occurs if you are using the GRAPH_MEM (it is
one long string of bytes). However, I don't know what would happen if you
attempted the same thing with using the display controller. However, if
you move the sprite to the bottom of the screen (which is probably what you
meant to do), then you will be writing outside the GRAPH_MEM and possibly
crash the calc. What you need then is a routine that will clip sprites.
Only one routine currently does that and that would be SpriteDraw.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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