Re: A82: NASRWARP for Ash3.0
Re: A82: NASRWARP for Ash3.0
At 10:57 PM 11/30/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I have already tried a couple times to fix NASRWARP. The closest I got
>was it would work with the 8x8 sprites but nothing bigger. I will try
>again this week. I think it has something to do with all those ex de,hl
>commands. Since before it is executed the PROGRAM_ADDR is loaded in de.
>Since Ash doesn't use that it screws things up. I am curious to see if
>removing those lines will work or storing something diffrent in de will
>work. Otherwise I haven't a clue why it doesn't work.
Try using ld de,$0000 instead of PROGRAM_ADDR. Also change the VIDEO_MEM
to GRAPH_MEM. Make sure you have the user make a call to a V_GRBUFCPY-like
routine to move the GRAPH_MEM -> display controller. That should fix things.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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