Ice Hockey 68k Released
Posted by Michael on 5 December 2003, 13:39 GMT
Travis Fischer has released an incredible game for the 89/92+/Voyage 200, Ice Hockey 68k. This full-featured game has exhibition, tournament, shoot-out, and practice play among 31 NHL teams. It is player versus calculator, calculator versus calculator, or player versus player in linked multiplayer mode. There are slew of other details to this game that enhance the realism, such as different player types. Face-off!
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Re: Ice Hockey 68k Released
(Web Page)
Wow! Weird, I was just looking at this file, and then I come back to the main page and there's a news article on it! This looks A LOT like that NES version of the game. I have a lot of NES games (on a REAL NES too!) :-D
I will definitely have to try this out, since I like the NES version.
And speaking of ice/cold things... it snowed a lot today. School was canceled. That's why I'm here this early.
5 December 2003, 13:48 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ice Hockey 68k Released
(Web Page)
I was on 2.08 with my HW1 TI-89. I heard it was pulled by TI and that they later replaced it with AMS 2.09. After lots of procrastination, I finally upgraded to 2.09 because it got to be nearly impossible to send stuff between my computer and calc, even with a USB link.
At first, I couldn't even start the upgrade. Finally, I got it working, and was up to about 5%, but it stopped suddenly, and wasn't able to connect again.
You know what happens when you upgrade to a new OS? It deletes the old one before completely receiving the new one. So, my calculator was stuck in receive OS mode, and was unable to receive an OS.
I gave up and sent it to TI. They couldn't fix it either, but they replaced my calc with a new HW2 TI-89. I went ahead and upgraded to 2.09, and I like it just fine.
TI support people are some of the best folks in the world; I don't think anyone can do much better than them.
8 December 2003, 01:52 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ice Hockey 68k Released
(Web Page)
yeah, i know about the boot screen.
>You can still put an OS onto the calc if that happens btw.
yes, that is sometimes right. on a *normal* calculator, if a break in communication occurs, you can still send a new (or old) OS to the calculator (i think u just press 'I' or '|' or something). Anyway, like I said, I tried continuing the communication, I used that key, I tried both my black serial port cable and my USB link, but the calculator was unable to receive data. I even tried using new batteries, since old ones sometimes prevent an OS upgrade. btw, the only way to turn off the calc from boot mode is to remove the batteries. I sent my calc to TI (w/ batteries, jic), and they couldn't transfer data either.
Thanks, though, i'm glad it's over, too.
11 December 2003, 01:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ice Hockey 68k Released
(Web Page)
Well, if you really want to know (as embarrassing as it is), we didn't know that school was canceled until it was too late. I trudged down to the bus stop through the snow and waited and waited until this old guy came outside and told us that he heard on the radio that it was canceled. Oh well. And it's really not even snowing that much. Just a few inches, probably 4-6. I didn't even get to sleep in. Oh well.
YAY! I finally beat the computer! I think it is weird how the goalies can come completely out of the box, like that. That makes the game a little harder (for you) because if you bring your goalie out my accident (which isn't hard to do), then it can end up really bad for you. Also, how does the timer work on the HW1 calcs? They don't have a timer, right? Anyway, my timer is messed up. Probably the 2.08 AMS. It's always like this- the cursor blinks really fast and the APD also turns the calc off a lot sooner then it should. After a reset, it's fine, but it always goes back to that fast blinking state after a while. Maybe I should put AMS 2.05 back on.
5 December 2003, 21:12 GMT
Actually, I have found it helpful to be able to move the goalie out and about. After many terrible defeats, I have improved and can now send the goalie across the rink and score sometimes. In shootouts, the ability of the goalie to come out is the key to victory. If he charges the opposing player, he can swipe the puck, take it away, and actually score! In fact, it is possible to win a shootout in 2 rounds with four back-to-back scores, two from the wingman, two from the goalie. I've done it!
5 December 2003, 21:28 GMT
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