Extra Memory on the Voyage 200
Posted by Michael on 21 September 2003, 22:34 GMT
The Voyage 200 has 2.7 MB of flash memory, but only 1 MB is available for the user as archive space. With Xpand by Olivier Armand, all of it can now be used as archive memory. Xpand patches your operating system to allow full usage of the flash without interfering with the ability to install flash applications.
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Re: Extra Memory on the Voyage 200
heh maybe they could do somthing like this for the Silver Edition...(its sure got me wondering)
22 September 2003, 01:18 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Extra Memory on the Voyage 200
Actually, something in one of my failed z80 projects, when executed, caused my TI-83+'s archive memory to expand to somewhere around 5379K. When I cleared the RAM, it returned to normal though (darn). Anyway, I think I still have it if anyone wants it. I didn't test it, though, so I'm not sure if this is an actual expansion or if the program simply changed the number associated with the size of the archive memroy (I fixed it later; I had attempted to draw a sprite off of the screen using XOR, and that's what caused the error. Also, the program size dropped to 17 bytes after execution).
22 September 2003, 07:18 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Extra Memory on the Voyage 200
What is the waterfall effect?
LOL, crashing your calc in hilarious ways IS entertaining! Actually last week I had to fix this one girl's blue 83+. All she told me was that her friend simply pressed some buttons. I doubted that; that calc's OS was in the worst condition I've ever seen on an 83+ without crashing. I mean, you could actually TYPE on the Zoom screen! Quitting to the home screen created garbage. Removing the batteries caused random pixles to be turned on, with the message "TI-83 Mem Cleared" to appear off-center amidst the garbage and reversed (the text was white on a black background). Removing all of the batteries for about a minute fixed it, though. Personally, I want to know the buttons that were pressed.
BTW, I got a kid in my precalc class to press MODE, ALPHA, and then S without looking at the screen, and then I got him to press Enter. (Un)fortunately, he was able to remove the batteries in time to save his archive memory (mostly).
23 September 2003, 04:09 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Extra Memory on the Voyage 200
(Web Page)
HAHAHAHA! That's great! LOL
The waterfall effect (maybe that's only what I call it), but it gets weird characters to fly down the screen as well as just... groups of pixels, they come down the screen, and it looks as if it's a waterfall, pouring down water. I really know else to describe it. It's really weird. (I've heard other people talking about this a couple times before)
Also, about the weird OS state... I have a program for my TI-82 that somehow allowed me to do that (well, it was similar). I could type on the graph screen, certain keys didn't work, and I could mess up menus and all this stuff, but the OS didn't crash until I started playing with the Y= stuff. It was really cool. I should dig around in my ASM projects and try to find the program. It was something pretty simple, IIRC.
23 September 2003, 19:30 GMT
Re: Extra Memory on the Voyage 200
(Web Page)
Thats really cool. BTW, has anyone else heard of HP's new calc, the 49G+? Check out the link of this post for screenshots and some more info. The good thing about it is that you dont need to worry about any patches or anything if you need more memory since it has an SD slot.
22 September 2003, 02:25 GMT
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