TI Marches Onward
Posted by Michael on 9 August 2003, 21:14 GMT
TI has redesigned their calculator website, education.ti.com. The layout looks much better than the old version, in my opinion. There also is a new tutorials section, linking to a large number of tutorials on a variety of topics for all popular TI calculators. Unfortuately the 86 isn't covered, nor has TI made it easy to find mention of it anywhere. TI also recently sold their 25 millionth graphing calculator, as noted in this press release.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI Marches Onward
Matthew Marshall
You're right! It does look better.
I noticed that it doesn't mention the 92+ eather. Is that anything new?
9 August 2003, 21:25 GMT
Re: TI Marches Onward
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
one of the webmasters said they would put up a link to CalcGames.org when the site would be pushed august 6th..... it was actually pushed august 5th, and there was no link to CalcGames.org........ i've emailed this guy like a million times, and every time he said he'd put it back up.
can everyone do the world a favor and use their feedback forms (there are 2 kinds, 1 of them they actually read) and tell them to link to calcgames.org and get new "featured games of the month" and get a new cartoon... they're probably tired of seeing my name (well, i use different names, but the email address is always @calcgames.org, and they've probably guessed it's me feedbacking nonstop)
i agree michael, the site is better than the last one.
9 August 2003, 21:27 GMT
Re: TI Marches Onward
(Web Page)
Yes, it might look better, but I wouldn't do any serious browsing without a broadband connection. It took me 30 seconds to load the 100KB of the main page.
9 August 2003, 21:34 GMT
Re: TI Marches Onward
David Phillips
(Web Page)
It really sucks that they ditched the TI-86. It is arguably their best calculator. It is certainly better than the TI-82 line. While it doesn't have all the features of the TI-89, it has it beat in many areas.
9 August 2003, 21:40 GMT
Re: Re: TI Marches Onward
(Web Page)
I still think the TI-89 is the best calculator overall. It's easier to use, it's more powerful, it has flash ROM/archive, it can do a lot more math (calculus stuff is easy to use), there's a lot more memory, there's a lot of programs, games, and software for it, and it's supported by TI, and it looks like it still will be for a very long time.
10 August 2003, 17:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: TI Marches Onward
(Web Page)
The most popular calculator for games is the TI-83+ [SE], for some reason. And the calculator with the most memory is the Voyage 200 (2.7 MB), followed by TI-83+ SE (1.2 MB), only then is it followed by TI-89/92+ (512 KB). As for the fact that it's supported by TI, it's less supported than the Voyage 200 and TI-83+ SE. As for everything else, the V200 is better. ^_^
Have you ever noticed the packaging on a TI-83+? "Before you buy this, consider the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, far superior to the TI-83 Plus with a faster processor, more Flash memory, and preloaded Apps, etc."
24 August 2003, 19:26 GMT
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