Sam Heald Hits One Million
Posted by Michael on 23 January 2003, 14:23 GMT
We are pleased to announce that Sam Heald has accumulated over one million total downloads. With 1,000,193 downloads, he has joined the elite millionaires group of, led by Patrick Davidson. Congratulations to Sam!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Rob van Wijk
(Web Page)
First I'd like to congratulate Sam Heald. He doesn't get those downloads for nothing, his programs are trully great. (If you have a 8x, check the URL above for excellent games.)
Second, I'd like to congratulate the rest of the 'millionair club': congrats Patrick Davidson (a very small 'group' indeed Michael ;) ).
Third, post (Hmm, I must have mixed up the order somewhere ;).)
23 January 2003, 14:45 GMT
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Congrats to Sam Heald, but there's one thing that interests/amuses me, and that is how many TI users have the time to play games on their toys.
23 January 2003, 15:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Pedro Silva
(Web Page)
I had played it all over the place, I don't like to, but is true, phisic'&chemistry is horrible, filosofy sucks, portuguese is a waste of my time, english is easy, and of couse maths, I had played it all over the place, I still do, altough I don't like to :P, I NEED A GIRL (now I'm desperate), luckily almost no girls read this :PPP
25 January 2003, 23:13 GMT
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
(Web Page)
Yeah! congratulation to Sam Heald and you too Michael! Finally Ticalc is alive!
And for you people, I think there are some more construtive post then "first post", "second post", bla bla bla... For you guys I just say: "SHUT UP!".
23 January 2003, 16:47 GMT
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Congratulation Sam. Keep up your good job on your games.
23 January 2003, 18:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Pedro Silva
(Web Page)
I don't :P
I like to read the first post, I had the third post, it has been taken it away from me, I'm so sad :(
Well, I don't mind, very much... :)
This is the first forum I came since michael is in charge, I didn't knew, because I hadn't the time to come over, because of school, I would like to congratulate michael, super mario is my fave game (after Zelda), the TI-83 version kicks ass, so congratulations to sam heald too, maybe you could update it with the new grey scale :PPP
26 January 2003, 17:36 GMT
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