Sam Heald Hits One Million
Posted by Michael on 23 January 2003, 14:23 GMT
We are pleased to announce that Sam Heald has accumulated over one million total downloads. With 1,000,193 downloads, he has joined the elite millionaires group of, led by Patrick Davidson. Congratulations to Sam!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
(Web Page)
The trick is to just for every prog you make, make a version for every calc. That way you cater to all.
23 January 2003, 22:33 GMT
it's just sarcasm...
it feels great to know that i almost have 1/1000ths the downloads that mr.heald has!
23 January 2003, 23:34 GMT
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
(Web Page)
Congratulations, Sam! (Where are you?)
I will be next to 1,000,000!... or maybe not ;-) (check my author profile and see, lol)
24 January 2003, 19:29 GMT
Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
(Web Page)
Um, MichaelV? Could you make a general discussion board? It could be a board that automatically clears itself at the beginning of each week, and it could be uncensored... that way we could all discuss a range of topics to each other. I think that some people visit this site more than they check their e-mail (In a day, the ratio of times I visit to the times I check my mail is averaged around 5:1) Besides, it's more of a community when more than two people can talk to each other at once... and I'm not allowed to chat anymore (@#$@#), so this is my only connection with multiple people I can get... and probably not just me.
If it were to be censored, the only thing that I think that should be cut out is strong profanity or really bad flames.
It seems that discussion isn't as lively when it's strictly on-topic, so that's why I thought we could have our on-topic discussion (the news), and then, our general discussion: all topics, anything.
I don't know where else to ask this question, because I assume that the staff views the news more commonly then their e-mail. (I do)
This could make both sides happy, and we wouldn't need to worry as much about off-topic posts cluttering up the news.
Could something like this be set up? That would really be great. Thanks for reading this,
25 January 2003, 01:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Nathan Crank
(Web Page)
Ok, now hes taking it too far. I am glad there is more news and what not, but he is deleting way to many post. I don't mind deleting stuff that contains vulgar language, or stuff that is dumb (pyramids, stuff that only says lol or w00t!, etc..), but he is deleting it even if it is almost on topic, Micheal, I thought when they hired you that it would be better, but now, I am fed up. I don't mind responsible moderation, like deleting dumb stuff, but resonable post are being deleted. This post will probably even be deleted. If an off-topic board was created, I wouldn't mind deleting logical questions from this board. But there isn't one. So please, stop deleting our post, especially, the ones that are perfectly valid, even if slightly off-topic.
Thank You for your time,
Nathan Crank
P.S. you stifling our first admendment rights...
26 January 2003, 18:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sam Heald Hits One Million
Michael Vincent
(Web Page)
It's not extreme now, it's back to the way it used to be. I know that you want to have offtopic dicussions, and an offtopic discussion board. But just because one doesn't exist, that's not an excuse to justify your posts. If you notice, I'm leaving up more posts than I did in my first day. This isn't the place to discuss general questions though.
You and a vocal other minority keep complaining for an offtopic board, and then you wouldn't supposedly mind me deleting the posts. However, you seem to continually ignore the point that there are other sites for offtopic discussion, namely or, or you can even start your own site. You aren't limited by chains to, so if you want a place to talk offtopic, then go somewhere else. If ever had an "other" area, then you could come back and post there.
26 January 2003, 19:29 GMT
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