New Years Status Update
Posted by Magnus on 1 January 2003, 12:33 GMT
As the new year should start on the last parts of the globe in about 30 minutes, it's about time for a quick status update. - Hiring of news editor
We're working on it :-) Down to a few candidates now, but we're currently waiting for a couple of our staff members to return from holidays before we make the final choice. Expect the result in the beginning of january. - Filearchive updates
Yes, both our filearchivers are unavailable at the moment - out of town or very busy with studies. We expect this to be solved mid-january. Hopefully we can get some sporadic updates through before that. - accounts/webmaster mail
Yes, we've neglected those. Basically, there have been issues as far back as end of september that has gone unanswered. We'll try to fix this now. But in order to avoid double-work, if you have an open issue, please resend it if you haven't received a response. And make sure you send to the correct address - see Contact Us for a list. - mail
We currently do not have the resources to answer mail to this address. Please use our mailinglists instead. Or TI support if it is an issue with builtin functions in the calculator. - Site hosting
We still don't accept new site hostings.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: New Years Status Update
Merlijn den Boer
(Web Page)
Happy newyear! I wish everybody a great new year with lot of ti-calc fun.
1 January 2003, 15:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Years Status Update
Nathan Crank
(Web Page)
Hey, I just got this from Leaving the Web
Guest writes "I asked Magnus of a few questions, in private, and was told that ticalc was going to be leaving the internet.
"It costs too much" was given as the main reason. Then he would not talk anymore, but said the closing would happen "within a month."
Is it true? We will wait and see..."
So, Magnus, is it true? I mean, it sounds fake, but is it? I assume so, but rumors have been flying, please, set everything straight for the record.
12 January 2003, 23:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Years Status Update
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
Here's a summary of the past two and a half years of my life. Studied, got girlfriend, went nuts and spent an unbroken 96 hour period in Northwestern's library, dumped girlfriend, studied, started DJing, studied less, got girlfriend, didn't study as much, got bad grades, got cheated on by girlfriend, got dumped by girlfriend, found out about the cheating, went nuts, switched majors to Applied Math (minor's still English), studied, got a show on WNUR-FM (and you should listen, confound it!), got another girlfriend, got promoted to producer of the electronica program on said WNUR-FM, began writing a story. Now I'm going back on Sunday to study some more; preferably more than how much I studied when i had the previous girlfriend.
Things are weird here. We have a nice math department because the building is cool looking and old. I use this as a shaky justification for the $36,000 per year I spend to come here.
On the first day of school I told my dorm (science and engineering themed) that I worked at, and there was this hush of awe. That was kind of weird. It hasn't come up much since. This is good because it doesn't really matter, and I don't think my frequently posting news with Kaufmann-style charisma is any valid reason to idolize me either.
How are you doing, Joe? :)
3 January 2003, 23:38 GMT

Nathan Crank
(Web Page)
we are talking about GPA's. 4.0 is an A, 3.5 is a B+, 3 is a B, 2.5 is c+, 2 is c, 1.5 is D+, 1 is d, 0 is f.
You don't use GPA's over there? hmm, just use the normal percent stuff only? Oh yea, this is only used on the end of the nine weeks stuff, not on day to day grades. You can get a 5.0 in a class too though, if you are in an honors class, you get an extra point on that classes GPA, unless you fail...
13 January 2003, 21:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Years Status Update
(Web Page)
LOL there was a teacher there and when I was looking bored, she asked me if I'd rather be in 12th period doingn work. Since 12th period is a study hall, and I'd get to play on my calc (no homework) then, that obviously would be my choice, so I said, "Sure, I'd much rather do that" and she goes "Okay, I'll see you after school on Monday [for a detention]" I thought that was kind of dumb, but she forgot, so... I guess I'm free ;)
11 January 2003, 23:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Years Status Update
a PALM?!?!?!??! PALMS SUCK!!!!! especialy their remote control software, he prolly has like 8-12 megs of ram... and horrible games... i have a pocketpc, but i put linux on it! i can now play doom, quake, and a whole buncha other stuff over my schools wireless network! MWAHAHAHA, and i got 64 megs of ram, and 32 megs of Flash Rom, for app storage. i can also make a ramdisk that is persistant, hah! and the remote software, if i hit a button and i can learn any infraraed signal, even the one for the shutdown command on someones laptop! mwahahaha, i learned my classrooms tv by holding my pda up and catching somea the teaches siganl! you can play network doom on wince too! i have 1832 apps, not to mention stuff like gunzip and tar and a terminal emu, and its EASYER to use then palm after the intial setup i think, and its a cool geeky thing that you dont have to be a geek to use! but for geeks, its cheaper then the zaurus. IPAQ 3600-3800 for maximum usage/compatability! and i can acccess internet for internet quake play! or doom, doom 2, and ultimante and final doom!
12 January 2003, 03:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Colour!
I don't really know US dollar to UK Pound conversions, but in America a Casio ColorGraph calculator can cost about $80.00. The only reason they are cheaper than a TI-83+ ($100.00) is because their memory and function catalog is significantly smaller (and more elementary), and their OS is very strange and does not resemble any computer program. TI-83+'s seem to resemble DOS prompts to me, but the ColorGraph OS consists of a homescreen consisting of nine icons which control different aspects of the calc. There is one for math functions, statistics, memory, programming, contrast, misc options, graphing, and a few other menus. The TI-83+ outmatches it in ability because it has much more of everything except display.
16 January 2003, 06:20 GMT
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