Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher for TI-83+
Posted by Andy on 12 August 2002, 04:44 GMT
Kirk Meyer of Detached Solutions released a flash application Graph³. It is faster than the TI-89's built-in grapher. It features rotation, zooming, tracing, and more. It also draws either wireframe or hidden surface plots (and rotation is fast with either). Update (Andy): Version 1.0 is now available, which fixes some bugs as well as compatibility with OS version 1.13.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher TI-83+
(Web Page)
Cool! a fast grapher! FIRST POST! w00t! PARADE! PYRAMID! SKREEEEEEEEEE!! Sorry. It's my first first post!
12 August 2002, 04:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: I feel old.
(Web Page)
Doors XP is a **MULTITASKING!!** GUI interface that autodetects ASM, SOS, Ash, and BASIC programs. It includes an incredibly fast mouse program and drivers for connecting a real (!!) mouse through the linkport. It is very similar to Windows XP, with a start menu, My Documents and My Pictures folders, Word XP and Excel XP, and many other incredibly cool programs such as Media Player XP that can play music! This program will be a major breakthrough in TI shells, and can be used as an alternative to the TI-OS. Once run for the first time, it can shutdown, restart, and includes the option of a secure, integrated, uncrackable password protection program. It allows multiple usernames with separate preferences for each user. Respond or email me at if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions. It can multitask up to 4 programs at once! It can even make temporary interrupt programs so that a number crunching program can run while you are playing a game!
I need beta testers to test it out. I especially need skilled porters to convert it to TI-83+ ASM and Flash.
Please email me at if you can help.
14 August 2002, 19:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: h00ters!
(Web Page)
Well, that's pretty weird.
Here are some good sentences to start with before asking a girl out on a date.
"So... how many graphing calculators do you own?"
"Oh my gosh! I can't belive AMS 2.08 is out already!"
"Hey, want to make z80 ASM program together?"
"And, so anyway, the TI-82 doesn't have strings, and so you can't use some of those cool functions that the TI-83 has, but it's okay sometimes, because you can work around it, but it's hard, you know, because it's just so annyoing to have to do all that stuff to convert numbers to characters, but anyway, so I did it, I actually found a pretty fast way to do that and it runs okay and you know, it doesn't have any memory leaks, and so it works really great..."
I should shut up now. I've actually said things similar to girls. They usually just roll their eyes and walk away.
24 August 2002, 20:19 GMT
Re: Re: Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher TI-83+
Michael Vincent
(Web Page)
Yes, and now you've exemplified how not to act on message boards.
"Please be constructive and keep comment topics relevant to the article you are replying to." - Violated.
"Messages containing "first comment" boasts, requests for game ports, or criticisms of "newsworthiness" will generally be deleted." - Violated.
"Don't use language you wouldn't hear on U.S. network television." - Violated (no one would scream "first post" on national television).
Don't insult or flame other people in your comments. Keep such sentiments to private email, or better yet, avoid them completely." - Violated (you are insulting all the mature people who came here for serious calculator discussion).
Now that you've been so kind as to demonstrate barbaric and childish behavior, we can move on to the real purpose of my post. This program is very impressive, and since it runs faster than the TI-89, I think that this should show TI how much they are capable of optimizing. I'd like to see the 89/92+/Voyage 200's OS overhauled to be more efficient, like the HP calcs were. It'd really nice for the operating systems to take full advantage of the hardware for once.
12 August 2002, 05:02 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher TI-83+
(Web Page)
Hey, let's be a little nicer, shall we? If really believes it's worthless, they'll delete it. You took the "Don't use language you wouldn't hear on national television." out of context, you know what they meant by that. He was replying to something relevant, and said it was cool, which means he likes it. And I don't believe he was intentionally trying to insult you. Now that you've made this post, I'm forced to respond with something that has nothing to do with the article as well. But to keep it on topic, I haven't downloaded the program yet, but it's nice and on that note, I agree with you.
12 August 2002, 05:19 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher TI-83+
Now that you've been so kind as to demonstrate barbaric and childish behavior, we can move on to the real purpose of my post. "
Jeesh, chill out. You didn't have to insult the person; you're part of the reason that drives people away from boards like this, and then you don't get the input you need. Think about it; a post that says "Woot awesome! (insert garbage here)" and a tactfully worded, "this is a good idea... (insert high vocabulary level garbage here)" essentially say the same thing: you like the program, which is why most people make these programs. Unlike yourself, who does all that Detached work that sometimes earns money, most people make the programs solely for the satisfaction of helping others. Your pompous attitude towards newbies is going to drive them away, and thus eventually cause the decline and end of sites like this.
So, Michael, GROW UP and stick to the guidelines of the board by commenting on the article, and not bashing others. And, learning a little bit of tact might be wise too; "Welcome to the board; just as a warning, they usually delete stuff like that, so watch out in the future" would be at least more civil than "Yes, and now you've exemplified how not to act on message boards." Next time, just don't post; you'll make all of us that much happier to not have to listen to your incessant ramblings.
And so this post is somewhat relevant (and so I don't get posts yelling at me the same way that he yelled at the first poster), this program looks awesome. I may occasionally have had issues with Kirk in the past, since his programs always seemed to make front page while he worked on staff, but he is a very good programmer, and this program demonstrates that well. Kudos to Kurt!
12 August 2002, 05:30 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher TI-83+
(Web Page)
Then you do agree. Be gentle. Your criticism of him is called for, if not in that manner.
Michael, try to remember what its like to be a loser (everyone starts as one), failing at everything you try, being mocked by the greators. Then, remember what it is like to be a so-so (for lack of a better word), anxious for approval.
Think of yourself 5 years ago, or 10, or whenever you were not-so-hot (and you were at some point, we all were.)
Finally, I have to disagree with that guy's remarks about DS/TCPA. Granted, they may put on airs sometimes, but that doesn't mean that they only program for money.
Please excuse the akward phrasing of this post, I'm just trying to make a point without being eloquent.
12 August 2002, 06:13 GMT
Re: Re: Kirk Meyer Releases Fast 3D Grapher TI-83+
(Web Page)
Hey Guys, I got a question for all of you about C for the TI-89 and TI-92+
Alright, PLEASE answer me if you know...
Because I'm VERY confused here...
Okay, in a program, when sending variables from 1 calculator to another,
there are two functions SendCalc and GetCalc, how should I use these to send back and forth bytes, in a program? On one, do I need to use SendCalc and on the other GetCalc? Or do I just need to use one? I'm REALLY confused, because the documentation doesn't really give any help. PLEASE, PLEASE! Help me!
13 August 2002, 17:13 GMT
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