Welcome back - new ISP connected
Posted by Magnus on 23 April 2002, 10:37 GMT
If you're reading this, your DNS has updated, and you are now looking at ticalc.org through our new ISP. SolNet is in the process of switching to KPNQwest as ISP, and ticalc.org has been moved to the new networks. This move have caused a short downtime due to DNS expiry for some users - but if you're reading this, your DNS has now updated. We hope this will give you even better uptime and better performance. Let us know at webmaster@ticalc.org if you have any problems due to the new connection.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
(Web Page)
this is a lot quicker. gj guys
23 April 2002, 23:13 GMT

Re: Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
jeff verkoeyen
(Web Page)
yeah this is great, but the archives are kinda down, i had to "hack" into them to get some stuff, hehe, oh, and another thing, anybody out here know how to program assembly for the ti83+ and is willing to teach me? i am in desperate need to learn it, and i've been talking to the guys at detacheds.com and they've given me a compiler, but they haven't exactly given me very good instructions...
if someone could give me detailed instructions on where to find .inc and compilers that WORK, i would be greatful
i'm thinking of putting my latest game (using omnicalc's sprite( abilily) but it keeps erasing my ram (grrrr) so i would like to learn assembly....
thank you all who read and reply
24 April 2002, 02:20 GMT
Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
(Web Page)
ewwww.... Qwest...
According to spamcop their members send me lots of spam.
24 April 2002, 03:05 GMT
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