Welcome back - new ISP connected
Posted by Magnus on 23 April 2002, 10:37 GMT
If you're reading this, your DNS has updated, and you are now looking at ticalc.org through our new ISP. SolNet is in the process of switching to KPNQwest as ISP, and ticalc.org has been moved to the new networks. This move have caused a short downtime due to DNS expiry for some users - but if you're reading this, your DNS has now updated. We hope this will give you even better uptime and better performance. Let us know at webmaster@ticalc.org if you have any problems due to the new connection.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
Chris Greenwood
while you were down, i was trying to find info about link cables.
using a phone link looks a good idea but i was wondering if a could build one end of the adapter to act as a graph link???
would this work???
(this is my first ever post!!! it is kinda relevant as i was looking whilst you were down, and this is about why you were down...)
23 April 2002, 15:12 GMT
Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
Wade Randolph
Man this is the best Ive seen ISP
23 April 2002, 16:46 GMT
Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
(Web Page)
Wohoo...on a side note i have another monitor because my second replacement burned out...atleast it went in honor, after a completed succesful roguespear city street large training mission using the ump 45-sd and the hk .45 mark 23-sd...it went out like a slyvania bulb as the label signifies...last sat i went on my first turkey hunt(i was up for 21 hours that day)...we (my dad, I, my dads friend) called in a turkey...another hunter snipped it...i got to kill 3 ticks...a little one i pulled from my dads arm with my leatherman...a fat one on my glove cuff...and one crawling on my neck...i squished the one on my glove...i packaged the one on my neck in an empty soda bottle...hahaha die slowly!!! ;=) AOUOUOUOUouoUOUouououoo
23 April 2002, 18:06 GMT

Re: laser mouse?
(Web Page)
your right,,,usb is crap,,,very slow crap,,,i use the ps2 adapter that came with it...and this mouse is wierd...but once you set the orientation up...its pretty nice...(orientation=adjusting what is up and down left and right by how you move it)...and the dpi rez is great and hardware isn't a factor as far as i see in the movement...i was picking off roguespear multiplayers with my hk 45 at long range...the chance of hitting was measured in pixels...i have no complaints. ;=) sat=turkey hunt day 2!!!!
25 April 2002, 14:39 GMT
Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
(Web Page)
Wow. It's noticably faster.
23 April 2002, 19:31 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Welcome back - new ISP connected
(Web Page)
This is the output from my compiler:
0006 0000 .LIST
0007 9D95 .org 9D95h
0008 9D95
0009 9D95 EF B_CALL(_clrLCDfull)
0009 9D96 40 45
0010 9D98 EF B_CALL(_homeup)
0010 9D99 58 45
0011 9D9B 21 A2 9D ld hl,text
0012 9D9E EF B_CALL(_puts)
0012 9D9F 0A 45
0013 9DA1 C9 ret
0014 9DA2
0015 9DA2 text:
0016 9DA2 646973706C61.db "display this",0
0016 9DA8 79207468697300
0017 9DAF .end
EF 4045 EF 5845 21 A2 9D EF 0A45 C9
64 69 73 70 6C 61 79 20 74 68 69 73 00
the 21A29D is ld hl,text
EF = B_CALL(...)
4045 = _clrLCDFull (defined as 4540 in the include file, so the 45 and 40 are switched)
5845 = _homeup (defined as 4558 in the include file, so the 45 and 58 are switched)
0A45 = _puts (defined as 450A in the include file, so the 45 and 0A are switched)
21 = ld
A2 = location being loaded (label)
9D = hl
64 69 73 70 6C 61 79 20 74 68 69 73 = these are the character #s (64='d' 69='i' 73='s' etc...)
00 = null terminator
note: to get uppercase letters, subtract twenty (sorta) from the lower case.
64 = 'd'
44 = 'D'
6A = 'j'
4A = 'J'
so if you add a ROM call, increase the A2 part by three (A5) and once you go above A9, it goes to AA,AB,AC...B0,etc.
23 April 2002, 23:55 GMT
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