Account verification required
Posted by Magnus on 27 January 2002, 13:46 GMT
We have just launched a new system on used to verify the email addresses that are connected to the user accounts on our site. This is done because we have found there to be a lot of accounts that have old non-functioning email addresses registered, which causes us a lot of problems when communicating with the users. When an account "expires", the user will be asked at login time to verify the email address. This is done by having the page send an email to the registered address, and then using a web based form to input a code that is sent in that email. Assuming that the recipients mail server is online, the whole process should take no more than a minute or two. All current accounts have been given a random time for "last verified". This means that all current accounts will get the verification prompt sometime between today and approximatly two months from now.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Account verification required
Mário Rui Luzeiro
Oks... that's mean is cleaning the house
I can belive! That is my (and the) first Post!?
27 January 2002, 13:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Account verification required
(Web Page)
Allright, I was about to say that this whole thing's not so bad, but just my luck... I first had to verify before putting up this post. So... here are my thoughts on the system:
-Its annoying to have to wait to click the little button, then wait for the email to be delivered, then wait for it to be retrived, then click the little back button and wait for the little form to load so I can input my huge number.
-All of the submission forms are SLOW AS HECK (yeah, its true I use dialup, but thats still no excuse for a two min. wait for a form to submit!!)
Allright, the point of this all; yes it is slow and annoying, but its not really bad or anything, and I must commend ticalc on a fairly ingenious and non-intrusive system to clean up all of the accounts! Good job (but its still annoying. Of course, this system could potentially speed things up by clearing out old and dead accounts...) Anyway, its still annoying.
29 January 2002, 02:13 GMT
(Web Page)
Yeah, 56K really sux, but I can't seem to talk my parents into getting high-bandwidth;
As for you, Joel Smith, where I live cable is only like $45 to $55 a month, but DSL is $50 for a dynamic IP, $60 for 1 static, and $5 extra per IP. So, no, cable really isnt more expensive (though its no better either, since DSL offers dedicated bandwith).
Anyway, I wish I had SONET (Synchronous Optical Network). It goes up to 10 GIGAbits per second [note: thats faster than a T3]. They use it for the Internet backbone. (Like anyone could afford THAT, although I'm sure Bill Gates probably has it.)
30 January 2002, 18:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: 56K
(Web Page)
Wow, I could not imagine going back to the 56k world. For the past few years I have been at college (and in the dorms) so I have had wonderfully fast internet access. For me downloading a DivX from someone that has good speed I can get about 700mb in 1.5 - 2 hours. The max speed I have ever gotten here on campus is 2mb/sec (yes thats 2 megabytes a second), needless to say, the guy whom I got 2mb a sec to gave me perm access to his ftp and I did the same :).
Anyways, back to the discussion of internet connections. This summer I am moving out of the dorms (finally) and getting an appartment. I basically have three choices for broadband, ADSL, Wireless (802.11b) and 1-Way cable (56k upstream, cable downstream). ADSL is what I will likely go with, it is only $40 a month with no installation fees, so it is not that bad. Wireless is $50 a month, but only 1 megabit per second max, and coverage is spotty. The single way cable thing would suck nuts, but it is also $40... from what I hear their downstream kicks ass thou.
At home I finally convinced my parents to go with Road Runner cable (now $45 a month). I've heard some people really bashing RR but for me it has had around a 95% uptime, and great speeds. At home I have downloaded Linux ISOs (around 700 meg) in just a hour or so. I have seen peeks in transfers up to 900k/s (9 megabits) and sustained transfers have (a max sustained transfer rate) at around 750k/s. I think on day to day use though it averages 300k/s.
If you dont have other broadband solutions in your area there is always 2-way satalite. I haven't checked into it much, but I imagine that lag would suck for games, but downloads could be fast. So, if you are in a rural area in the US get your mommy and daddy to get you dual way satalite ;).
BTW, I have a question, what is the average age of the user? If I were to guess I would say middleish highschool... 10-11 graders? I also wonder what the varience is.... Personally I got into the scene back in early highschool and sorta stuck around... getting a little sick of some of the childish crap though.
4 February 2002, 21:36 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Account verification required
My parents are divorced and live in seperate homes not even 20 minutes from each other.
At my dad's home, I regularly connect at 112.2 kBaud over phone lines. I have tested this to be sure that I am not getting erroneous readings, and I found that I can transfer 2 files at about 5 kB/sec, but if I am only doing one, the max is also 5 kB/sec. I timed files of known sizes to get these figures.
Anyway, at my mom's home, I can only connect at 28.8 kBaud. The max file transfer speed I can get there is 3 kB/sec if I am lucky. I am _very_ frustrated by this because my mom has custody (mostly) until I am 18, so I am over there ~95% of the time. Anyway, this baffles me because as far as I know, they use the same phone company through the same routers/switchers, and yet one connection is ~4X the other.
1 February 2002, 14:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: My entry for the subject was too long, so here's one under 128 characters.
(Web Page)
DivX is good enough, in my opinion. It's better to download 50-60 movies than to BUY them, especially if they're the sort that you'd watch once and regret buying (like "Dude, Where's My Car?"). Besides, after you open the package on a DVD, you usually can't return them to the store. Download a DivX movie, watch it, then burn it to keep it or delete it if it sucked. Ta-da; $15-$30 saved.
Officially, KaZaa was shut down months ago, but (just like Napster) it keeps running on servers that aren't owned by the people who wrote the software.
Stop using KaZaa. Use Direct Connect:
2 February 2002, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Account verification required
David Phillips
(Web Page)
No. They don't intentionally screw over customers. See (Qwest backwards) for some very interesting information about them. Microsoft actually has decent customer service and listens to their customers. Qwest has none. Qwest has been fined several times for intentionally billing people incorrectly. They "slam" their own customers, meaning change their long distance provider. This can mean being charged $50 a month just for using that provider, whether or not you make any long distance calls. They intentionally target minorities that will have difficulty fighting it. They sell information about you like what numbers you call and for how long you call them, to anyone who will buy it.
Try calling Qwest because they billed you incorrectly. You will wait at least an hour on the phone, and then you finally talk to an actual person, you get shuffled between departments, and if you are very lucky, will talk to someone who will have the power to help you. Of course, the actaul problem will take months to get resolved.
With most companies, if they have poor service, you can go somewhere else. Where are you going to go when it's THE phone company? That's right, nowhere. You're just screwed.
Microsoft is a monopoly and they use their power to monopolize other industries. Qwest is a monopoly and uses their power to screw people over.
Put Microsoft into perspective with companies like Qwest and Monsanto. Then they won't look so bad.
3 February 2002, 19:47 GMT
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