Pretty Print for TI-83+
Posted by Eric on 15 January 2002, 09:41 GMT
Sebastian Theiss sent me word of a nifty little program he wrote that brings the ever-useful pretty print function to the TI-83+. With this function, you can now visualize and edit complex mathematical expressions in the way a TI-89 or TI-92+ does. Go download it. Pretty Print is also integrated into the Symbolic v1.6 by Brandon Sterner.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Stop H
I have Rom 1.14, and It wont let me delete the finance App. Is there anyway to get rid of it?
21 January 2002, 03:59 GMT
Re: Pretty Print for TI-83+
(Web Page)
What happened here? Weren't there almost 150 posts? Why are there less than 60 now? Is TIcalc filtering out stuff without the usual "this has been removed" message? Why?
22 January 2002, 07:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pretty Print for TI-83+
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
The peculiar thing about beginning an agressive enforcement of anything is that you must, in the end, pick an arbitrary point in time to begin. I thought January 1st would be a good time. What's been up with last week? First week of my classes.
Sometimes, yes, relevant comments do get deleted. But one must weigh the positives and negatives of comment content. If you don't want your comment deleted, follow the terms of use, and don't reply to other comments which are in violation. If you do one of these things, then do it with the knowledge that your comment may be moderated.
Did I get everything? No. I never will, because it's impossible to completely moderate a comment board while still maintaining a good sense of free speech (which does not exist on this site, which is a privately operated entity based in the Kingdom of Sweden and where US laws do not apply at all, whatsoever, thank you). Why don't I delete everything in the world that's off-topic? Because honestly if something is interesting or looks like it might be, I usually leave it up, since I know these comment boards serve as more than just that.
What it comes down to is simply this--I'm the news editor, that's me. I make the decisions and the answer for "why was this done" is always because "I did it." Do you have to like it? No. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. But I'm the one moderating. I know that's harsh, but it's life. If you ever see a comment you think should go or have another concern, email me (preferably at and I'll have a look or I'll answer your question.
New feature? The ability to delete a post's content so that all of its child posts are not lost. This is useful, for instance, when we don't get to a post in time and it spawns interesting or useful or relevant content. Once again, as decided by me.
25 January 2002, 02:01 GMT
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