Pretty Print for TI-83+
Posted by Eric on 15 January 2002, 09:41 GMT
Sebastian Theiss sent me word of a nifty little program he wrote that brings the ever-useful pretty print function to the TI-83+. With this function, you can now visualize and edit complex mathematical expressions in the way a TI-89 or TI-92+ does. Go download it. Pretty Print is also integrated into the Symbolic v1.6 by Brandon Sterner.
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Re: Pretty Print for TI-83+
Frank Schoep
(Web Page)
This program, if working like a TI92+, would really be a major step forward in the visualization of math on the TI83 series. When you include the powerful Symbolic functions, it is almost as good as solving symbolic equations on a TI89, or am I wrong here? If there's any way to 'simplify' equations on a TI83, you should add it to this and it will be an unbeatable thing in math class :)
Nice job on creating this program.
15 January 2002, 13:43 GMT
Re: Pretty Print for TI-83+
Cullen Logan
(Web Page)
Great Job! Maybe Michael Vincent will add this feature into OmniCalc.
15 January 2002, 13:51 GMT
Re: Pretty Print for TI-83+
Does this program produce any sort of output? I edit expressions, but I cannot do anything with them. I have tried pushing [Enter], and Quit with everything selected (no clipboard data), nothing selected (no clipboard data), everything selected (with clipboard data), and nothing selected (with clipboard data). I cannot seem to be able to do anything with this program.
15 January 2002, 19:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pretty Print for TI-83+
I suppose I was a bit ambiguous as to what I was trying to do. Really, I was trying to find out if this can be used like EQW on the HP-49G. EQW lets you type an equation into the HP and watch as it is formed in pretty-print. When you hit [Enter], it saves the equation and pastes it wherever the cursor is.
PrettyPt is a nifty tool, and all, but I would like to be able to get the equation so that I can use it in any way. Just pasting the inputed string to the cursor location would be great. It would be _very_ nice if it integrated into the OS so that you could have pretty-print on the home screen, but I do not see TI giving out the necessary information any time soon.
I also think that the Select, Cut, Copy, and Paste would be nice in the OS possibly assigned to [Alpha] shortcuts of [Mode], [Del], [Stat], and [X,T,O,n] (Yes, I know that that is a theta) respectively. In alpha mode, [Del] could behave normaly unless something was selected, and if something is, [Clear] could get rid of it without dammaging the clipboard.
All of this is just dreaming, however. I am not nearly good enough to write that.
16 January 2002, 14:59 GMT
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