TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Posted by Eric on 4 May 2001, 22:06 GMT
Welp, slowly but surely, the long-awaited new TI-83+ Silver Edition calculators are starting to go live. As with most everything else nowadays, your best bet (if you're *that* anxious for one) is to buy online. So far, from what I've heard, the non-profit calc.org is selling them for $127, and Global Products has them for $129.95 (note: we are not affiliated with either of these sites nor are we endorsing them in any way). Lots of other online retailers will probably offer them soon as well, and eventually maybe they'll pop into your local electronics store too. Anyone have one already? Post about it below.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Jim Haskell
(Web Page)
So, when do we see the TI-83++ folder? Or will there be a need for one?
5 May 2001, 21:10 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Colin Smith
Also about the price difference, it comes with a link which is worth $15 or more, not that anyone here would need one. Just thought i'd point that out.
Colin Smith
5 May 2001, 21:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Travis Sinclair
I don't totaly agree. If you already have an 83, or 83+ and wanted a new calc with a faster processor, more memory, and preloaded app, but didn't want to re-learn how to use your calc (it takes a while to learn a 89 from an 83+), and download all new software (games, etc...), or if you just want to be the first in your school to have the 83 triage, then the silver edition would seem to be a great choice.
But if you don't fall in any of these categories, why waste your money on an inferior calculator? Just buy an 89.
However, I totally agree about the useless programs part. Just about any one can write a BASIC program, but PLEASE!!! do not release the one that you learned how to program with and does absolutely nothing. This just wastes space in ticalcs archives, and nobody really needs them. Leave these kind of programs to the C and ASM programmers, since you can't just look in the ti manual to learn how to do that.
cout>>"sorry for the long post">>endl;
6 May 2001, 09:11 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Edward Shore
I went from a TI-85 to a TI-89 (back in 1999), and I did not have hard time in the transition. About 80% of the commands are basically the same, just the format is a little different.
As far as the basic programs go: this web site has a million of simultaneous solvers and quadratic equation programs. Hopefully, these programmers, myself included, are trying to expand our knowledge beyond that. Programming should be encouraged.
For the record, I'm reading all comments to see if it's worth adding the 83+SE (which costs about the same as the 86 + TI-Graph Link) to the collection (81,83+,85,86,89,92+).
6 May 2001, 15:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Travis Sinclair
Yeah, you're right. It had been a long night of programming and it was about 1 A.M. when I made that post, so I was pretty tired.
What I was really talking about in learning the diffrences are the editors, like the data and matrix editor. I personally think they help to make the 89 be one of the best calc's out there, but the point of all this shouldn't be to talk about the 89. Also, just to clarify my idea of a long time, it took me about a month or so to be able to use the 89 as good as the 83+ (with an occasionall glance at the manual). But I thought the 83+ was an excellent calc with a ton of usefull extras, it even did all of the statistics work for you, then again I was stepping up from an 81. The silver edition has a lot of potential, especially with the speed increase it looks like it graphs as fast if not faster than the 89, but the price could be a problem.
Umm, and to fix my error, man I feel stupid
cout<<"This is better"<<endl;
7 May 2001, 00:32 GMT
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