TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Posted by Eric on 4 May 2001, 22:06 GMT
Welp, slowly but surely, the long-awaited new TI-83+ Silver Edition calculators are starting to go live. As with most everything else nowadays, your best bet (if you're *that* anxious for one) is to buy online. So far, from what I've heard, the non-profit calc.org is selling them for $127, and Global Products has them for $129.95 (note: we are not affiliated with either of these sites nor are we endorsing them in any way). Lots of other online retailers will probably offer them soon as well, and eventually maybe they'll pop into your local electronics store too. Anyone have one already? Post about it below.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
(Web Page)
Virtual TI anyone?
5 May 2001, 18:57 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
i just got mine yesterday from global. i still havent found out how to make the assembly programs run faster. does anyone know how to?
5 May 2001, 19:36 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Olivier Lecocq
(Web Page)
130$ is a lot of money for a new version of an old calc?
5 May 2001, 20:27 GMT

(Re:)^8 TI-83+ Silver Edition Shipping
Ted Burton
(Web Page)
The average calculator user has NEVER opened their manual, and most either stick them in the back of a closet with their computer documentation or toss it out with the packaging. It's amazing how utterly stupid some questions are. I have literally been asked how to add before (and this was on an 83!). I think I'm headed towards another rant, so I'll stop on that.
Tons of games would seem to fit, but that would mean that Joe Average Jr. would have to *gasp* open his manual to find out how to use more than about 24KB of it (the RAM, not the 1.5MB of Flash ROM). Assuming junior does find out how to archive (and more importantly, unarchive), the number of games is highest for a given amount of memory, becuse, like its 4 predecessors (81-83+), it has a pathetically small 96x64 pixel screen, meaning smaller graphics, and therefore smaller file sizes.
6 May 2001, 07:04 GMT
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