Flash Savior
Posted by Eric on 26 April 2001, 18:25 GMT
From the depths of France comes yet another interesting idea for the TI-89 and TI-92+: an aptly-named Flash Savior! If you're an astute one, you might guess that this program saves deleted files from your FLASH ROM. Yup. By running this program you can now recover programs that were lost due to erasure or calculator crashes. Perhaps this will help encourage use of the FLASH memory...in any case, a nice achievement by Julien Monville and Thibaut Barthélemy. Thanks to tinews.net for the heads-up.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Flash Savior
(Web Page)
Just wanted to say first post!!, well this is a cool prog too.
26 April 2001, 18:56 GMT
Re: Flash Savior
Tim Buckingham
(Web Page)
This isn't a new idea. Archive Utility 3.0 had this feature (although it was very buggy). On that note, if anyone still has Archive Utility 2.0 I'd be VERY happy. If you have it, email it to me. I'd love to go back to AMS 1.0 where the teachers can't erase all my memory :)
26 April 2001, 22:40 GMT
Re: Flash Savior
This program (not surprisingly) doesn't work with AMS 2.05. Unfortunately, I somehow lost ALL my memory yesterday when I used TiLP 4.17 to transfer the Euchre game to my calculator. 17 days worth of programming was lost, and that's a LOT of work for me (about 20-30 programs). Needless to say I was displeased that my AMS version was incompatible... but life goes on, I suppose.
27 April 2001, 00:43 GMT
Re: Re: Flash Savior
Hi !
Sorry for that :(
Normaly, FlashSavior is supposed to work on all AMS...(I have currently AMS 2.05, and it works fine...)
But FlashSavior is an assembly program, and it's the first public version, so it's surely not bugfree :(
I'm not sure to understand what hapened to you. Could you be more precise ?
In fact, I don't undersand what TiLP can have done in this problem...
In any case, if you haven't performed a garbage collection since the crash (and if your files were in Archive Memory),
DUMP YOUR ROM WITH THE WIZARD OF VTI, and send it to me by e-mail (asm_dev@voonoo.net).
I will try to recover your files anyway, but don't hope to much ;)
(just lord_nightrose, not the others if there are any, I won't have the time for fifty persons)
Thibaut and I will do an update soon, with litle bug correction, and we will make an English readme in tis version :)
have a nice day :)
don't forget that you must launch FlashSavior a first time to make a backup named FlashBak!
27 April 2001, 09:24 GMT
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