TICT No Longer Active
Posted by Nathan on 21 April 2001, 07:49 GMT
In a shocking and saddening update, Thomas Nussbaumer announced that he will no longer have time to work on projects for the TI-89 and TI-92 Plus, and that TICT is no longer active. Citing as his reason for quitting "an opportunity which will change my life completely (in the positive way!)," he wishes everyone the best. The programmer for such immensely popular and compatible projects such as TI-Chess, the eBook Reader, the TIGCC Tools Suite, tutorials, and many other programs, Tom will be sorely missed, and we here at ticalc.org wish him all the best as he embarks on a new opportunity.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
I would personally like to thank Tom for all his hard work. Thanks for going the extra mile to give us stable, univerally compatible programs. I'll miss you, but luckily your programs are not full of bugs, so they'll continue to serve for a long time to come.
Best wishes!
21 April 2001, 07:53 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
I enjoyed Thomas Nussbaumer's programs so much. This is very sad news. I will miss Thomas Nussbaumer's presence in the TI world very much. He has accomplished so much. I would like to thank Thomas Nussbaumer for all his efforts and developments.
21 April 2001, 07:58 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
(Web Page)
wow...that kinda sucks...i just downloaded the new FAT engine and was so amazed by how good the program was. Tom, you have such a wonderful talent, and it will be missed. Good luck!
21 April 2001, 08:25 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
If I understood well it seems that Thomas is moving from Austria to USA?
21 April 2001, 10:00 GMT
While we are on the topic of China...
(Web Page)
That was THE single most idiotic thing I have ever seen posted on this site. Leave the man alone. If he wants to be in the armed forces, let him, and don't criticize him for it. Without people like him, we wouldn't have any defense. Hell, if I were ever drafted to the Army, I would run like mad for Canada. He has made a choice to defend what he believes in and that's what keeps our world working. And the whole spy plane crap is just one big joke. We got the crew back, so who the hell cares about the damn plane. Most of the high-tech stuff was destroyed any way. Every one is so concerned with defending the honor of the U.S. that no one would ever think about compromising with anyone. We have no respect for anyone other than ourselves. We think that we can solve all the problems of the world. Look at the Aswan Dam. We thought that we could help Egypt by making it. Instead we destroyed the Egyptian economy by wrecking the Nile Delta and making an infestation of parasites. The U.S. thinks it can solve problems that it can't even comprehend. Communism is another example. We thought that communism was the parasite of the Earth. We knew that there was no way a country could survive with it. So we tried to destroy it with war. If we knew it couldn't work, why didn't we just leave it alone and let it die by a sort of natural selection. It would have saved a lot of lives.
The only good thing about our country (well, maybe not the only thing) is that we have a constitution that allows for all people to have equal despite religion, sex, race, and everything else. But I find it a hypocritical form of law because we cannot escape discrimination and that is unfortunate.
Now, back to our real subject, Tom. Without his great work, the calculators would not be where they are now. He has made some great programs and I would like to thank him for all his hard work. His absence from the calculator world is a sad one, but it was inevitable. I mean, at least he didn't die or something!
22 April 2001, 05:05 GMT
Re: While we are on the topic of China...
(Web Page)
When the French were at the end of their rope, I believe it was the Americans that picked up where they left off, and finished construction of the Panama canal.
Combat Engineer is about the best military occupation in my opinion. If it needs to be built, we build it. If it needs to be destroyed, we destroy it. If it needs to be dead, we kill it. If it needs to be alive, well, I don't think we can help ya there.
The constitution amazes me. Although it has been ammended several times, it still remains intact after 200 years. Sure, other governments may have lasted longer, but all they have on us is a head start.
Now, back to the subject at hand. Thomas, you will be greatly missed. I really like the eBook reader, and I was looking forward to MuttRock3D on my TI-89. I hope you will consider releasing the source, and letting other people pick up where you left off. Sure, it won't be the same, but it will get done.
22 April 2001, 05:40 GMT
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