TI-83+ OS v1.13 Released
Posted by Eric on 12 April 2001, 04:14 GMT
A whole slew of people have emailed me about a new TI-83+ OS version, so all you 83+ users might want to go check it out. I'm not too sure what's new in this version (the webpage says it "contains advances over OS version 1.12...functionality as well as some fixes"), but hey, it's a bigger version number, so that means it's gotta be better, eh? Or something like that. Anyway, here's the link to the download page. Enjoy!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-83+ OS v1.13 Released
(Web Page)
it is my guess that this OS upgrade is actually just a security upgrade that will just make it harder to hack your calculator or harder to do asm stuff like messing with there apps, but i am dumb, so who knows
12 April 2001, 04:47 GMT
Re: TI-83+ OS v1.13 Released
Roland Vassallo
(Web Page)
Heh, 83+ OS update... New software can't help that wretched thing!
I will have to see if actually does anything though...
"advanced functionality and fixes," sure...
Maybe I will start using my bro's 83+ with OS 1.13 instead of my 89. Wait, nevermind, my 89 OS is 2.05, thats obviously better than 1.13, in fact, its 181% better!
Maybe I will get first post for once, seems like the only other post (being a "first post" comment) is going to be deleted. Nah, with my luck, someone else just posted something while i was typing all this junk. :)
12 April 2001, 04:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ OS v1.13 Released
(Web Page)
No, KDE can't do that, actually. Granted, they've got antialiased fonts now, but last I knew, there was no dock (just a Windows-esque taskbar), no window morphing animations, no pulsating buttons, etc., etc. And let's not forget about the apps and the underlying layer: Quartz is nice. Many people need IE. A blanket statement like "there's no point in using OS X" is wrong.
13 April 2001, 19:25 GMT

First, please don't respond to this about what OS is better.
Second, You are right. Any mention of which OS is better will spark an argument. It is even fiercly contested in my school. Last year, one student put an atomic Mac sticker on her lab book and another put a macintrash sticker on his lab book. AGAIN, PLEASE DON'T RESPOND WITH PERSONAL PREFERENCES OR WHY ONE IS BETTER.
Third, this topic has been beaten into the ground enough times.
Forth, for an example, would you choose a 92, no plus module, and no upgrade possible, over an 89? I would choose an 89, because it has Flash Rom, is allowed on the SAT, and isn't discontinued.
15 April 2001, 21:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ OS v1.13 Released
Roland Vassallo
(Web Page)
Well, of course!
This whole flame war bit is funny. I guess some people just can't detect sarcasm, even when its a applied with a brick...
I was acting like your average induhvidual. The mindset I am MAKING FUN OF :
Bigger always means better.
I'm glad someone out there is bright enough to realize that I was merely joking...
Consumers know that version 1.0 of anything is garbage, so soon enough programmers will begin using randomy generated version numbers.
(I neverthough the <blink> tag would be useful, but right about now I wish I could use it. All caps will have to do though)
Everyone here _should_ be smart enough to know that a version number is meaningless, other than to know what version of a particular program is newest.
Anyways, I got a good laugh from all the posts on this thread, but lets stop the off-topic babbling and ranting, link calculators and sing ... (Aw crap, I can't spell that! Phonetics time! Read it aloud if you need to ;o)) Coom-buy-ya.
13 April 2001, 08:39 GMT
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