83Dev Program Beta Released
Posted by Eric on 23 March 2001, 01:36 GMT
Rob Mitchelmore sent me word of an interesting new project he's working on: his own PC-side editor for TI-83 BASIC, called 83Dev. Judging by the screenshots, Rob's program looks a lot easier to use than the TI-Graph Link software. It also has many cool features like code highlighting and label management. So...go check out the beta and be sure to give him some suggestions for future versions. Looks promising!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: 83Dev Program Beta Released
Huh? Now don't get me wrong or anything but if its BASIC then you could just use VTI or the calc itself. But I think it is a very good idea, if the size is not to big.
Oh yeah First Comment!
23 March 2001, 01:49 GMT
Re: 83Dev Program Beta Released
Robert Maresh
(Web Page)
Will this cool software support HACKED TI-BASIC commands? If so, that would be really cool! I wouldn't have to send people doing the hacking on their own. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, hacking allows for 255 pics, matrices, strings, etc., in TI-BASIC.
Bob Maresh
23 March 2001, 05:14 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 83Dev Program Beta Released
i used to know someone like that during my sophomore year of highschool(im a junior, EVILDEAD89 Rules!!!), who everyone in Graphic Arts called scquirel, dont ask me why, who could program in unix, VB, C++, C, and best in Java. the company he was working for, some semiconductor company, thought he was so good that they took him out of high and right into college under full scholarship and then to work full time for them.
24 March 2001, 23:51 GMT
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