New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
Posted by Eric on 21 February 2001, 23:11 GMT
TI has recently released a few new FLASH apps for the TI-83+, some a bit older than others. I doubt too many people will be interested in the Chinese Help program or even the Catalog Help program, however their new StudyCards program might raise some eyebrows. Basically, it allows users to create flashcards to be used with any subject, such as when learning vocabulary. Looks like TI is finally expanding and realizing that calculators can be used for other things besides mathematics... There's also the Probability Simulation app which helps users understand probability theory. All these programs are free. Thanks to George Limpert for the news. Note: you'll first have to log in to the TI online store before you can use the links above. Update (Eric): Also, dated February 15th is the US Presidents concept app for the TI-89. This program gives a picture and information of the first 43 presidents of the USA.
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Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
Hmm, did'nt have that out for a while?
I'm glad they are free, because I think all apps should be free.
I think Catalog help is long overdue, 89 has had that since day 1, and I know it is in the handbook, but who carries around thier handbook? HEY! That would be a great poll! Do you carry your handbook? Yes/No/I lost it.
Why Chinese language help? I didnt know that many chinese used/needed 83+help. Maybe this is just one language they will introduce of many. Maybe others are on the way, huh? (French, spanish)
Flashcards is good idea. Maybe we will see it on other calcs soon.
21 February 2001, 23:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
Vasantha Crabb
(Web Page)
Whether a person speaks English or not, it is nice to have a program in their own, preferred language. Although a lot of Chinese people speak English as a second language, they still feel more comfortable with Chinese, and read it faster. Also, you cannot read your second language as fast as your first language.
Possibly most important is the fact that mathematics is fairly technical, and you are not likely to learn the second language equivalents for mathematical term as well as you learn them in your first language.
And even if English is your first language, you may prefer to work in another language. English is my first language, but I feel more comfortable using a Russian text editor (yes, all menus and messages in Russian).
I think it's great that TI is catering for the non-English speaking population of the world. Let's hope this is followed by more non-English flash applications.
Vasantha Crabb
Ashes to ashes, clay to clay
If your enemies don't get you, our own folk may
23 February 2001, 01:17 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
(Web Page)
Yes, in some cases, such as when their first language is Chinese, this is a nice program, but if you were born in America, you already know English, therefore, it being your first language. In this case, this is a worthless application. I am not trying to tear it down, but I'm just trying to get my point accross.
23 February 2001, 01:27 GMT
Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
Some of these files have been out for a long time such as the Catlog help I hve had it for at least a month.
22 February 2001, 00:54 GMT
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