New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
Posted by Eric on 21 February 2001, 23:11 GMT
TI has recently released a few new FLASH apps for the TI-83+, some a bit older than others. I doubt too many people will be interested in the Chinese Help program or even the Catalog Help program, however their new StudyCards program might raise some eyebrows. Basically, it allows users to create flashcards to be used with any subject, such as when learning vocabulary. Looks like TI is finally expanding and realizing that calculators can be used for other things besides mathematics... There's also the Probability Simulation app which helps users understand probability theory. All these programs are free. Thanks to George Limpert for the news. Note: you'll first have to log in to the TI online store before you can use the links above. Update (Eric): Also, dated February 15th is the US Presidents concept app for the TI-89. This program gives a picture and information of the first 43 presidents of the USA.
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Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
(Web Page)
All these APPS are all nice and good, but there's no room for them, when you got other stuff. I mean, I got 4 APPS (not counting Finance, which TI just put in that menu becuase they replaced the key with it on there). Those would be MirageOS, the organizer, the periodic table (yeah, I payed like $5 for those two), and the start-up customisation thing. Then I have 22 Progs. Because the calc crashes about once a week, I keep them archieved. Now the archieve is pretty full, and I got 23K RAM left.
That's why I'm looking forward to the Silver edition. Damn, I'll be able to have the APPS I have now, plus 220 programs, if what they say is true.
I must also say, the catalog help is helpful, but it's too big.
22 February 2001, 13:36 GMT
Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
(Web Page)
I was going to submit these as news items a couple weeks ago, but I figured they would have posted the information by now :P. I figured it wasn't that important any longer, so I just ignored it. Doesn't search for their own news? I guess I'll be checking out tinews more often. Last time I went there, TI was trying to close their site down (jealousy, of coarse:) ) and I've never really checked their site again since then. I'll be doing that soon.
--Nathan Buda
22 February 2001, 15:43 GMT
Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
(Web Page)
I'd like to point out that I made a vocabulary program for the TI-83 many years ago, but somehow nobody seemed interested enough to pursuade me to continue development. Perhaps it was removed from the database...
24 February 2001, 04:05 GMT
Re: New TI-83+ FLASH Apps
Well, we all probably know the problem that there is not enough Archive-Memory for ALL usefull applications.
Isn't it possible to use a new flash-rom memory with more capacity instead of the old one?
This would save loads of money (or at least lots).
23 May 2001, 22:41 GMT
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