Alternative Uses of eBooks?
Posted by Eric on 8 February 2001, 00:56 GMT
Here's an interesting thought: eBooks of news on your TI-89 and TI-92+? Kurt Hoffmann has come up with a pretty nifty idea: he's written a Linux program that packages news for and Slashdot into an eBook and uploads the files to his web site every hour. So, theoretically, you could use your TI-89 or TI-92+ like a Palm or Handspring and take your news with you. Obviously this isn't that viable as of now (I don't think AvantGo is worried about their sales yet, anyway :)), but hey, it's a start. Update (Eric): In case you're wondering, Kurt has sent word that he'll be releasing his generating program after making a few modifications. Update (Eric): The script has been released. Kurt has also added to the list of hourly-generated eBooks on his website.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Alternative Uses of eBooks?
(Web Page)
Uhhh... the site doesn't work :)
19 March 2005, 12:25 GMT
Re: Alternative Uses of eBooks?
Jason Ho
(Web Page)
Yes! this is a cool idea. I hope yall can make it work.
8 February 2001, 01:06 GMT
Re: Alternative Uses of eBooks?
This sounds like it might work out if someone developed a wireless modem for the calc. HTML and Java would be nice too...
8 February 2001, 01:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Alternative Uses of eBooks?
I think that my Palm and AvantGo are much better than this script thing. Sure, it is a good idea, but it is much more limited. The Palm, Handspring, PocketPC all have much larger screens than the 89, or in some cases the 92 (the palm only has about 1000 more pixels than the 92) It is hard to read text on my 89, espically because eBook reader displays it at the smallest font. In order to make this work, I think the TI-Chess Team should allow eBook reader to view formatted text, and let the user have their choice to view it in small, medium, or large fonts. I also think that more than just Slashdot or Ticalc should be used. ZDnet and Yahoo news are also good.
BTW, it is also harder to load this news onto the calc. The Palm gets AvantGo news with a single press of a button, while the calc gets the eBook news by downloading, unzipping, opening the linkcable, and transfering, which takes much longer.
9 February 2001, 21:25 GMT
Re: Alternative Uses of eBooks?
Eric Tollefson
(Web Page)
I think its downright chauvanist that you only see fit to mention Palm devices. As a dedicated Handspring Visor user, I feel slighted. I mean, Handspring IS the superior Palm OS device, after all. (
8 February 2001, 01:49 GMT

Re: Re: Alternative Uses of eBooks?
I know that my Palm isn't as good as a visor prism, but it's better than a visor standard. Everywhere in my school they call the handspring the "cheap palm ripoff", and in some cases it is true. The only reason it is better than origonal palm devices is because it's got that springboard slot, and just because it has that, they can charge a LOT more. The IIIe costs only $129 and the visor standard costs $179. They both have 2 megs of memory, they both have a 16 MHz Motorola 68ez328 processor (very close relative to the 89 and 92's processor).
Speaking of which, I blame TI for way overpricing their calcs. The 89 only has 2 megs of Flash ROM and 256k of RAM, and the processor isn't so modern either(although it is VERY powerful if used correctly, which TI isn't doing). It has a relatively small screen compared with PDA's and they charge a retail price of $149! After comparing it to the PDA's, the calc is only worth about $100 because it's hardware is relatively cheap.
9 February 2001, 21:44 GMT
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